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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain KEVII range of MLH incl 1902 ½d (2), 1d, 3d, 4d (3) & 6d; 1911 perf 14 ½d, 1d (2 each), 1½d, 2d, 5d, 6d (2) & 7d. Generally MLH & …
Great Britain KGV range MLH on Hagner incl 1924 B.E.E. (2 sets), various 1912, 1924 & 1934 defins to 1/- incl 9d x 4 & 10d x 2 plus 3 control singl…
Sold $40
Great Britain KGV typo & photo designs duplicated MLH to 1/- (ex 8d) noting wmk inverted on ½d, 1d, 1½d (2 each) & sideways on 2d photo (faults b…
Great Britain KGVI & QEII mint accumulation with some Guernsey MUH blocks noted. All on stocksheets. Cat £100+
Sold $30
Great Britain KGV-QEII pre-dec. dealers stock in chronological order in large Lighthouse stockbook. Majority MUH (some MLH) & fresh. Noted 1935, 19…
Sold $100
Great Britain MUH on Vario leaves in 4 ring binder. Starts with 2 pages QEII pre-decimal, then decimals with Machins (c150 different) in face value…
Sold $820
Great Britain Postal Reform 1840-1841 valuable assembly with pre-stamp entire of 9.1.40 cancelled Dundalk, addressed to Dublin; photocopy of 7 Janu…
Great Britain Pre-dec. First Day & commercial covers in box. Worth a look as sighted 1960 Europe on airmail/express delivery cover addressed to Vic…
Great Britain Pre-decimals used range incl KGVI 2½d lettercard with 1947 National Stamp Exhibition block of labels attached & tied by large Exhib …
Sold $50
Great Britain Pre-stamped entires with PAID cancels in red & black. Mixed destinations with a range of cachets, including one London mourning entir…
Sold $50
Great Britain QEII Forces Mail with FPO cancels etc plus couple of aerogrammes & 3d PSE with "House of Commons" cds. Originally PTSA $120. (66)
Great Britain & POs Abroad QV to KEVII ovpts on Hagner incl "I.R. OFFICIAL" ½d (2) & 1d (6) KEVII, plus "ARMY OFFICIAL" ½d (2) & 1d, "ADMIRALTY O…
Great Britain - Alderney & Jersey 1990-2003 MUH on Vario sheets in Lighthouse binder. High degree of completeness incl. M/Ss. Alderney comprises 20…
Sold $300
Great Britain - Channel Islands & I.O.M. Retired dealers priced remnants on Hagners. Noted 1990 Jersey defins to 75p, but nearly all others are 198…
Great Britain - Guernsey 1991-2003 MUH in quality album with 1991-2002 sheetlets of 10 or 20 (44, mainly Europa) & M/S's to 2003 (45), then commem …
Sold $300
Great Britain - Isle of Man Modern MUH on Vario leaves in binder, starting with 2002 Golden Jubilee pane of 20 with royal portraits in gutter betwe…
Greece (484, mainly used), Netherlands (c430 used) & India (500+, all used) on Vario leaves in 4 ring binder. Pretty humdrum but nearly all differe…
Sold $45
Grenada 1883-1944 A mint range KEVII 1/-, 2/- (2), 1908 Badge vals to 5/-, KGV to 1/- (3) & 10/- (SG 163d) MUH. (29)
Sold $60
Hong Kong QV to KGVI mainly used range on 4 Hagners. Noted QV values to 48¢ & ovpts to $1, KGV to $1, 1937 set on piece, 1941 set to $1, 1949 UPU …
Sold $100
Hong Kong & Singapore Off paper accumulation on Hagner, in boxes & tin. Values to $20 (H.K.) & $5 (Singapore 1954). Duplication heavy in places & m…
Sold $30
Hungary Large thematic range to 1990's MLH & used on stocksheets in 4 ring Swedish binder. A few sets only. (1000 diff.)
Iceland 1990's-2004 in quality album & pages with commem sets, booklets & defins. Some earlier noted. (390 MUH, 79 used, 28 M/S's, 4 booklets & 10 …
Sold $210
India QV to KGV MLH & used on printed leaves & stockcard. QV earlies faulty with main value in post 1890 used incl QV 2R, KGV single wmk 1, 2, 10 &…
Sold $60
Indonesia 1960's era MUH/MLH in sets & blocks (some toning). Much thematic appeal butterflies, fish, flora etc. Approx. 350 stamps in album plus 37…
Sold $40
Indonesia & Iran mainly post 1980 MUH & used on Vario leaves in quality binder, the former to 2001 without any expensive items but a good range of…
Sold $60
Iran 1902-1926 Small collection with better vals incl. 1902 Provisoire ovpts, 1911 Ahmed Mirza vals to 20k MLH. Cat. £760 but some may be reprints…
Iraq, Italy & Japan MUH & used. Iraq worth checking, mostly from 1955 mixed MUH & used oddments, then MUH sets from 1966 to 1985 incl 4 M/S's, good…
Sold $50
Ireland 1922 issues onwards. Mint & used accumulation. Approx. 200 stamps with vals to £1 in stockbook. Noted SG 82 cat. £6 x 8.
Sold $30
Ireland 1922 Ovpts to 9d, 1938 Father Mathew blocks of 4 MUH/MLH, Emmet, High vals to £5, etc. STC £300 (83)
Israel 1948-1970 range on Hagners MUH, MLH & used from 1948 New Year with tabs, 1949 MLH & 1950 without tabs, 1951 set & most later with tabs. Vari…
Sold $30
Italy Unused Postcards (4) b&w showing King Umberto with senior officers 1900 as troops left for & returned from China, 1908 Reggio di Calabria sce…
Italy - Papal States 1852-1866 group of letters. Comprises (1) 1862 letter to Forli, franked 1852 1 Baj blue/green SG 9, to a provincial official; …
Japan 1871-1987 collection in 3 Schaubek albums with mounts added as required. Pre-1900 range has high proportion of forgeries. 1871 500m green app…
Sold $620
Japan 1944-2004 MUH & MLH but majority MUH all different in KA-BE stockbook. Missing major items & some earlier not in complete sets, but clean lot…
Sold $230
Japan 1960-1983 mixed MUH, MLH & used in 2 hingeless Schaubek albums in good cond. Later 1970 onwards with higher degree of completeness with major…
Sold $120
Japan Mainly modern used defins & commems on 19 stockpages in "Simplex" binder. Light dupl. of commems with most being good to F/U. (c1000)
Sold $50
Jordan Range of MUH, MLH & used to 1990's on Vario leaves. Might fill a few gaps, incls thematic appeal. (230)
Sold $40
Kenya 1984-1998 Range of large Registered Kenya Posts & Telecommunications envs all will new issues attached & cancelled as F/U with neat Stamp Bur…
Sold $20
Kenya MUH sets (many in pairs) & M/S's on Vario leaves in Lighthouse 4 ring binder. Enormous thematic appeal with WWF, Olympics, Wildlife, Culture …
Sold $120
Kenya, Uganda &Tanganyika KEVII to 1953 range on Hagners. MLH & used with few MUH/MLH blocks & perf varieties in KGVI. Also 1937 Coronation set in …
Sold $110
Kuwait 1939-2011 MUH, MLH & used collection on Vario leaves in binder with 1939 3p, 1a, plus 2a to 12a pictorials (Cat. £126), 1942 to 14a MLH, fe…
Sold $150
Laos 1980's-2003 MUH & CTO on Vario leaves with some MUH sheetlets to 2002 (Goldfish etc), Beetles block, Women's Costumes etc, all MUH. Some CTO 1…
Sold $50
Lebanon, Libya, Malta & Mauritius MUH & used ranges on Vario sheets in 4 ring padded binder. Mainly post-war with MUH sets & good (Lebanon) range o…
Sold $100
Liechtenstein 1912-1987 in German illust album with over 90% used to 1960 (171 stamps & 2 M/S's) then virtually complete used (c 540). Fine lot wit…
Liechtenstein 1930 45r & 1f airs (Cat. £155), few 1933 & 1937 defins, 1951 40r blue (Cat. £11), 1955 Red Cross & odd sports in complete sets to 1…
Luxembourg 1880's-1980's mainly used accumulation in part stockbook. Some toning here & there & nothing of great value, but worth a look. (500+)
Sold $45
Macao 1980's-2002 MUH & used on Vario leaves with main value in 1990's & 2000 sets MUH (c20 sets) & Zodiac M/S's. Finishes with 37 used in mixed co…
Sold $60
Malaya (BMA) Ovpts on Straits Settlements MLH & used range incl both $5, but the green & red on emerald has fiscal cancel & is not included in tota…
Sold $30
Malaya (FMS) 1900-1922 Tigers CA & MCA wmk range on Hagner & stockcard. Mainly used low values with shades, but noted 1904/22 50¢ (2). Cond. varie…
Malaya (FMS) 1922-1934 Used range. Incls fiscally used examples of $5 Tiger & $1, $2 & $5 elephants. Some faults. (32)
Sold $30

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