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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
French Southern & Antarctic Territories MUH on Hagners & with MUH stock in glassines. Starts with Adelie Land ovpt on 100f Madagascar, 1955 15f bir… $600 Sold $760 | |||
French Polynesia 1965-1988 range on Hagner. 1965 School Canteen Art 20f block 4 & 80f MUH, 1969 100f Napoleon SG 101 (used), 1970 Art 40, 60, 100f.… $90 Archived | |||
French Colonies collection of very useful items. Noted Cameroun incl 1937 Paris Expo, MLH, 1953/62 High vals to 500f MUH; French Equatorial Africa … $150 Sold $150 | |||
French Antarctic Territory A few early defins MLH & used, then range of late 1970's & early 1980's MUH with FU to 30fr & many in pairs. Also a few … $80 Sold $80 | |||
France Selection of better material on Hagners noting 1877 Peace & Commerce 25¢ yellow/saffron, SG 264 Cat. £275 MVLH & 25¢ Ochre/pale yellow, S… $350 Archived | |||
France 1926 5f + 1f War Orphans SG 453. Nat. Relief Fund sets 1951/53 SG 1113-8, 1151/56, 1172/77. 1964 Philatec SG 1640/43 & 1651 all MUH. Cat. £… $70 Sold $70 | |||
France 1870's-1990's used range in black paged stockbook. Useful starter lot in clean cond. (few 100) $20 Sold $27 | |||
France 1870's Peace & Commerce range on Hagner good to F/U to 75c, plus damaged 5f, all "flagged" with cat. prices totally £100+ (30) $10 Sold $13 | |||
France & Cols Napoleons 1c SG 42, 40c SG 65. 4c SG 109. Ceres 1870 imperfs 4c, 5c, 1871 perfs 2c, 4c (2) used. Free French Forces SG 1/7 MLH. Leban… $120 Archived | |||
Foreign incl Switzerland 1914 10f green Jungfrau MLH (mild crease), 1923 Pilst 35c, 40c used. China 1965 ChingKiang Mountains set used. Greece 1933… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Foreign Battered old "Strand" album with nothing past 1940 & lots of stamps. Quick flick through indicated clearly a "winter warmer" requiring furt… $40 Sold $55 | |||
Fiume Duplicated largely MUH & MLH in stockbook. Noted ovpts on Hungary with few blocks incl 6f PD with ovpt inverted on all 4 plus a pair MUH, oth… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Finland 1935-1983 Red Cross & Anti TB sets & odds used with odd MUH or MLH. Majority fine.Cat £235 (170) $50 Archived | |||
Finland 1927-1984 MLH & a few MUH. Clean lot with numerous thematics. Cat. £270+ (237) $70 Archived | |||
Finland 1875-1991 used collection. Clean. (650) $70 Sold $70 | |||
Finland 1860-1866 Hagner of Roulettes in usual variable cond incl 10k (3), 5p (2), 8p, 10p, 20p (2), 40p (7). Cond varies from poor to good. Simpli… $80 Archived | |||
Fiji MUH & used in stockbook. Main value in MUH commems of 1980's to 1990's. Some soiled but cheap at estimate. (100s) $80 Sold $80 | |||
Fiji 1971-1995 MUH accumulation on 48 Hagners in binder. Noted M/S's, gutters, sheetlets etc. Excellent cond with high retail & useful thematics. $150 Sold $180 | |||
Fiji 1954-1985 collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Majority MUH with odd used. Sparse pre-1970 but noted 1958 defins to £1, 1971 Birds & flo… $60 Withdrawn | |||
Falkland Is 1975-1983 covers with mixed frankings addressed to UK, 3 with 1983 airmail Seaview (Isle of Wight) via Ascension to Port Stanley (GB ad… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Falkland Is 1960's-1980's assembly of covers to various countries. Most with interesting special cachets & some signed incl 1976 & 1977 with Buenos… $80 Sold $110 | |||
Europe Useful sets incl Italy 1936 Horace SG 477/84 MLH; Vatican 1947 set to 250l SG 130/37 MLH, Liechtenstein 1951 Occupations set SG 287/98 MUH (… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Europe covers in box. Noted good range of Europa FDC's incl Ireland 1963 & others incl 1973, Portugal, Andorra, Romania 1980 composers M/S (2) & ot… $50 Sold $80 | |||
Eastern Europe Post-war to 1980's. A colourful lot of mainly CTO oddments & short sets of thematic appeal, but nothing significant sighted. In red … $25 Sold $25 | |||
Denmark Remainder collection used in standard Schaubek printed album. Patchy to 1930's then comprehensive to 1983. Approx 680 stamps remaining whic… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Denmark range in 2 Chinese stockbooks. Nearly all used in mainly good/fine cond, but nothing major. (1000s) $30 Archived | |||
China, Japan, Germany, Italy & few others in peg album. Noted China 1960 Engels, 1961 Commune & 1962 Chrysanthemum part set of 12 to 52f all MLH, J… $60 Sold $85 | |||
Ceylon 1857-1972 accumulation on leaves & Hagners nearly all used plus a cut to shape 4d (not counted in cat. val.). Hard to find any fine copies i… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Canada - Nova Scotia Group of 10 stamps & 6 covers & cards with write up. Incl 1851 3d deep blue SG 2 (Cat. £180), 1863 range to 12½c mixed MLH &… $600 Archived | |||
Canada - Nova Scotia 1861-1881 group of letters. The 1881 item has 3c Canada tied by Halifax duplex. All items accompanied by useful notes. STC $1000 $500 Archived | |||
Canada - Newfoundland 1857-1864 3d thick paper stain at left mint, no gum (SG 3) with another 3d MLH on medium paper SG 11. 4d, 6d, 6½d & 1/- fres… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Canada Range of 1970-1992 MUH commem full sheets & large blocks with total FV C$140. Also a few PD's incl 8¢ & 12¢. $50 Archived | |||
Canada QV to 2001 of common used in quality "as new" 16page black page stockbook. Occasional MUH incl 1970 EXPO block. (1000+) $30 Sold $35 | |||
Canada in 2 Chinese stockbooks. "Packet quality" accumulation of used (1000s). $25 Sold $25 | |||
Canada Covers & stamps with main value in covers & cards from QV through to KGVI. Noted 1935 Silver Jubilee 1c, 2c & 3c on FDC & 3c illust FDC, dit… $500 Sold $500 | |||
Canada bundleware in carton. Loose, off paper massive accumulation which appears all common. (10,000+) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Canada 1980-1991 complete yearbooks with 1982 onwards unopened. Retail in Canada at $700+ (12) $180 Sold $180 | |||
Canada 1859-1980 with used earlier, MUH & MLH incl blocks for 1950's to 1960's with a few later. A page of Newfoundland. (100s) $35 Sold $35 | |||
Canada 1859-1955 range with 1c QV SG29 mint, 5c Beaver x2 (used), KG7 1c, 7c, 10c (MLH), KGV vals to 50c (MLH), 1951 $1 Fisherman MUH. Most mint ar… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Burma 1941-1944 Japanese Occupation range of "peacock" overprints (16 & 2 blocks of 4), 1943 Ricefield 1c & 2c imperf pairs (MLH), Independence Day… $600 Sold $600 | |||
Burma 1940-1955 cover group with Stamp Centenary (Cat. £10 on cover), India to Burma letter with censor mark, 1946 Reg'd (Kyonpyaw) to India beari… $150 Sold $120 | |||
Bulgaria Largely used & CTO range with duplication from 1870's to 1970. Cond mainly good to fine. Also a few E. Roumelia & Thrace. (100s) $20 Sold $20 | |||
Brunei Stockbook of MLH & MUH to 1980's with few later used to 1996. "River views" lightly duplicated range (usual heavy toning on many) to $1 MCA … $120 Sold $180 | |||
Brunei MUH & MLH collection in stockbook with 1895 set badly stained, 1922 M.B.E. set (usual toning), 1975 defins to $10 MUH with couple of extras,… $120 Sold $170 | |||
Brunei MLH & used stock to 1978 on old stockleaves plus 1949-1952 range MLH & MUH. 1996/97 single sets. Cond of stock varies but values to $5 noted… $80 Sold $70 | |||
British West Indies 1970's range of MUH M/S's from 4 different countries. Various themes. (29) $15 Sold $25 | |||
British South East Asia India 1895-1913 High values used QV to 5R, KEVII to 15R, KGV 15R, 5R MLH (crease). 1854 ½A, 1A, 2A cut close. A few states… $120 Sold $180 | |||
British South Atlantic with BAT 1971 Treaty set MUH SG 38/41. Ascension 1938 2d black & scarlet "mountaineer flaw" SG41ca MLH Cat. £170 (toned per… $75 Sold $75 | |||
British Pacific QV to KGVI (a few NZ to 1960). Cook Is KGV Raratonga vals to 1/-; Samoa Palms vals to 1/-, various surcharges; NZ range QV scenes, … $150 Archived | |||
British Middle East Transjordan 1930 Locust set to 200m MUH SG183-193. Morocco Agencies 2/6- Seahorse (MLH) Fr Currency MUH. Palestine MLH/used. Al… $60 Sold $85 | |||
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