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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos on leaves incl 1st wmk 4d (2), 6d, 1/-; 2nd wmk 2d (4), 2½d (2), 6d (2), 9d & 2/-; 3rd wmk to 5/- lower values with extras. Small mult …
Sold $75
Kangaroos, KGV & other issues to 1935 2d Anzac on Hagners. Very mixed cond but appears unchecked for varieties so may repay close viewing. Values t…
Sold $150
Kangaroos on paper in old tin. Appears unchecked with vals to 1/- with pmk potential & odd multiple. (100+)
Sold $150
Kangaroos Inverted wmks comprising ½d, pair 2d 1st wmk, 2d 3rd wmk (3 incl one perf "OS") SG lbw, 3w (pair), 35bw (2) & O43bw. All F/U. Cat £150 (5)
Sold $85
Kangaroos Used selection incl 4d with purple oval (COOK)ERNUP strike of 1913, 1915 9d violet, 1923/4 £1 grey with blunt cnr & others to both 2/- c…
Sold $95
Kangaroos Mainly used in quality Lighthouse stockbook. Many (incl both 10/- 3rd & CofA wmks) have faults but incls plenty of respectable examples &…
Sold $460
KGV used group on Hagner comprising, 1914 KGV 1d red single wmk used with pronounced vertical scratches at printing stage. One of the spectacular n…
Sold $45
KGV used with values to 1/4d incl 2d CofA inv wmk x 90. Some perfins. Not checked for varieties. Mixed cond. (c400 in 2 small boxes)
Sold $70
KGV used off paper in small box. Approx 270 incl 50 perf "OS". Noted values to 4½d incl 4d blue x 2. Pmk potential.
Sold $75
KGV OS Perfins & F/U. Also a Christmas Is PNC cover, Cocos 2004 Singapore ovpt M/S with Exhib pmk, PNG 45t Bird of Paradise with imprint & selvedge…
Sold $65
KGV Penny Reds in stocksheets & on leaves. Some sorted by date to illustrate shade groupings though mostly unsorted incl range of perf "OS". Genera…
Sold $110
KGV Range on 41 small display cards with annotations about flaws (insignificant, non-constant). Incls 1d engraved both shades VFU, 1d typo MUH, lin…
Sold $95
1913-1936 Sherwood Folder of used Kangaroos to 5/- (CofA A) with Parcel cancel & KGV to 1/4d with odd commem. Needless to say vendor has suffered t…
Sold $140
1913-1953 MLH & used range on leaves. 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d "OS" MLH thinned, 1913 4d kangaroo with Cookernup WA cancel in violet. Other kangaroo…
Sold $35
1913-1965 incl States & Revenues on Hagners. Noted 5/- kangaroos 2nd wmk with cds (minor fault at top), 4d orange perf large & small "OS" FU, few W…
Sold $290
1913-1965 MLH & used collection in 2 "Exeter" albums with MLH 1st wmk kangaroos ½d, 6d, 9d, used; 2nd wmk 5/- (pulled perf), 3rd wmk to 5/- plus M…
1913-1972 in mixed cond in 2 stockbooks. Noted 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge commercially used (torn at top), 4d kangaroo large "OS" used, Robes to £1…
Sold $140
1913-1973 Used collection in KA-BE hingeless album with kangaroos to £1, 3rd wmk (blunt corner & telegraph puncture), KGV to 1/4d (3), all 1930's …
1913-2000 MUH, MLH & used collection in very mixed cond but noted kangaroo & KGV pickings, 1931 6d Kingsford Smith MLH, etc. No high value Robes or…
Sold $50
1913-2010 MLH & used collection beautifully arranged in two albums. Simplified kangaroos to 2/- & KGV to 1/4d, pre-decimal commem sets in full sets…
1927-1963 attractively written up commemorative collection in quality SG Exeter album. Noted Vic & SA Cent MLH, various to 2/- in multiples & impri…
Sold $120
1927-1980 used collection plus some basic States in 2 quality peg albums. Noted 2/3d commems & decimal Navigators VFU but no key items. Beautifully…
Sold $40
1930's MUH & MLH in Lighthouse Block stockbook. Noted Macarthur set of 3 in imprint blocks (hinged gutter only), 1934 Victoria Cent. 1/- Perf. 10½…
Sold $200
1935-1965 heavily duplicated commercially used range in catalogue order on thick pile of Hagners in binder. Noted a couple of 1935 SJ 2/- & AIF 6d …
Sold $100
1936-1951 good to F/U collection on old time album pages. Incls. Robes to £1 on both papers & Arms to £2. Mixed cond.
Sold $75
1937-1985 MUH part sheets loose between leaves of peg album. Incls 1971 Christmas block of 50, WWW & Intelset x 10 each, 4/- Tasman x 20, 5/- Dampi…
Sold $250
1939-1945 range of civilian & military covers for Army, Navy & RAAF with a range of Censor markings. YMCA, ACF, Salvation Army, OHMS, envs, various…
Sold $85
1948-1964 FDC range of defins and commems with values to 2/3d on mixed plain, "Royal", "Wide World", "WCS" & generic GPO types. Noted 1948 von Muel…
Sold $50
1950-1967 group of covers & cards comprising 1950 ANPEX hexagonal cachet (2, 1 with additional Victorian "butterfly" type as duplex), 1956 3½d Res…
Sold $25
1953-1965 collection beautifully mounted on black album pages incl. 1963 Navigators set of 6 to £2, commems to 2/3d . Fresh MLH throughout.
1954-2009 range of FDC's, packs & maxicards in display sleeves & some MLH mounted on home made pages incl 1928 3d kookaburra block of 6. Not in any…
Sold $260
1966-1980 MUH collection in quality peg album. Attractively laid out in black mounts but no 1971 Xmas block or booklet panes. Incl Soil/Med Gutter,…
Sold $90
1966-1980 Sherwood Folders complete with all MUH issues. Introduced to complete the gap in yearbooks from the same period. Come in matching packagi…
Sold $230
1966-1990's albums of packs, covers, stamps (noted Soil/Medical gutter pairs in strip of 10 folded), "New Look Pictor Marks" vols 1 & 2, FDC album…
Sold $100
1966-1997 collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums with slipcases. Some early used & patchy until 1975 onwards when MUH with a high degree of co…
Sold $500
1966-2000 in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless Albums with slipcases (retail alone at $500+) Complete MUH throughout incl. 1971 pane of 25, M/S's, booklet sta…
Sold $1000
1966-2006 Good to F/U collection in ring 22 album. Later issues on FDC piece incl. M/S's & Int Post. Ovpt M/S's, Framas & High Vals noted. High deg…
Sold $160
1970 Capt Cook set of 12 Covers, each Cancelled at Cook's Landing Points down the East coast of Australia on 30c small covers & a set of 12 M/S's. …
Sold $220
1970-1975 Wesley FDC's all different with separate covers for each different stamp (e.g. 1971 Christmas on 7 covers). All with neat typed addresses…
Sold $60
1971-1986 Presentation Packs in 2 PW FDC albums. (High retail in themselves) FV $172 (95)
Sold $150
1975-1978 selection of 1978 Philas House ovpt M/S's from diff plate positions, 1974 UPU unofficial booklets & SPECIMEN ovpts on pres cards (3 incl …
Sold $50
1980's decimals MUH & MLH in Lighthouse stockbook. Usual issues. Face value $600+
Sold $350
1982 VFL Grand Final illustrated cover collection, each pmkd East Melbourne with pictorial cancels. (14)
Sold $25
1988 Expo Pavilion Postmark Cover collection in presentation binder. Excellent cond. (63 covers)
Sold $30
1988-1996 Presentation Packs in box. High degree of completeness incl CPS stamps & joint issues. complete. Excellent cond. FV $230+ (91)
Sold $200
1990-1992 Maxicards. High degree of completeness all in excellent cond. With vals to $20 (Glover Painting). High original cost. (114)
Sold $55
1990-2000's MUH & CTO issues in stockbook, unadopted design reproductions, Beer Excise facsimiles, Maxicards, Wetlands Conservation fee stamps, Fal…
Sold $75
1990-2005 range of issues on Hagners with later up to 5 of each. Noted commem gutters plus others with 2 x 1994 PM's, self adhesive sheetlets incl …
Sold $1300
1995-2010 MUH & Used collection in 2 albums. Appears complete MUH singles & M/S's with additional odd sheetlets, booklets & S/A's. Used not as plen…
Sold $1100
1999-2007 issues incl AAT & Territories arranged in 3 quality Prinz stockbooks (Retail $90) Incls M/S's, commem gutters, M/S's, Int Post, Sheetlets…
Sold $800

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