Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
REEDY (21 NO 36) 90% strike with additional COLLIE BURN (6 NO 28), HOFFMAN MILL (6 JY 37), GREENOUGH (20 DE 34) & JINGY MAI (8 FE 37) all 80-90% st…
Sold $85
SAVINGS BANK COLLIE (13 MY 01) 85% strike on 2d swan. Type Sbii
SAVINGS BANK GREENOUGH (14 AP 04) 80% strike on pair of 2d yellow swans. Type ii
Sold $10
T.P.O.EGF (12 DE 00) bullseye strike on pair 1d carmine swans. Type 10
Sold $20
T.P.O.EGF Index 1 (8 JU 02) 1 full & 4 part strikes on strip of 4 1d carmine swans. strike on pair 1d carmine swans. Type TP09
Sold $25
WAGERUP to WYNDHAM, all the W's on Swans, pre-decimals & decimals, even a Revenue! Good variety. 280+
Sold $90



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