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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: Germany
1954/55 Stamp Day, Liberation Day & Schiller Day M/S's. Some corner wear & crease on Stamp Day but neat cds's resulting in F/U. SG MS E200b, E208a …
Sold $55
1875-1923 collection written up in 3 binders. MLH & good to fine used with shades, wmks & some cancellation interest. Missing major items but overa…
Sold $170
1923-1933 continuation of previous lot in one volume. Similar write up, shades etc (100's)
Sold $120
1928 Graff Zeppelin set of 3 good to fine used. SG 443/45 Cat. £135
Sold $60
1939-1944 Feldpost covers & postcards. Various postmarks & Third Reich cachets incl Registered & numbered Offices. Mixed cond. (22)
1963-65 West Germany Int. Telecommunications Conf presentation book with stamps neatly arranged on thick wmkd paper. Most attractive & unusual
Sold $35
West Berlin 1954 70pf Grunewald Hunting Lodge. MLH SG B119 Cat. £130



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There are 7 record(s) matching your criteria.