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Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Auction Lots

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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: Aden
1939/48 KGVI set to 10r. MVLH & F/U sets. SG 16/27 Cat. £110
Sold $50
1948 Silver Wedding pair MLH pair with block of 4 1½a. SG 30/31 Cat. £30+
Sold $20
1948 Silver Wedding plus the Protectorates pairs for Kathiri & Qu'aiti. All fresh MUH SG 30/31, 14/15 & 14/15. Cat. £60+
Sold $60
1951 KGVI new values surcharges MLH with top 3 vals MUH. SG 36/46 Cat. £65
1953/63 QEII range of shades & perfs from 5c to 20/-. No 1/-, 5/- or 10/-. MLH Cat. £35 (17)
Sold $13



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