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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
States and Territories: Tasmania | |||
1853 1d pale blue QV fine used with margin line on 3½ sides. Tight at top left, but 3 huge margins on the others. Barred cancel. SG 1 Cat. £1000 $400 Archived | |||
1853 4d orange-red QV, second state with neat 8 bar- 64 cancel. 4 superb large margins. A stunning stamp. SG 7 Cat. £450 $340 Sold $340 | |||
1855/69 1d shades (4) & 4d (2) imperf Chalons good to fine used. Mixed margins with faults hence low est. (6) $60 Sold $60 | |||
1863/71 Chalons perforated range on stockcard. 1d (5), 2d (2), 6d (4) & 1/- (2). All used incl 4 with pen cancels. Average cond. (13) $90 Sold $90 | |||
1864 5/- brown fiscal imperf pair F/U & 1880 5/- sage-green with pen cancel. SG F4 & F24 $100 Sold $110 | |||
1878/99 QV range incl ½d to 1/- (SG 216/221), 1899 views (bar 2d) & 6d REPRINT. (SG 142) 2/6d SPECIMEN (SG 222) & 3d platypus. Some odd tone spots… $70 Archived | |||
1888 cover (on attractive Venetian style paper) with 2 singles 1880 6d mauve platypus stamp duty, perf 14. Both with superb 8 bar-20 & Stanley JA 1… $100 Archived | |||
1899 cover addressed to Sheffield with Launceston NO. 20 1899 cds backstamp & oval, barred grid on 2½ d tablet SG 217. $25 Archived | |||
1899/1900 Pictorials set of 8 to 6d. MLH SG 229/36 Cat. £120 $50 Sold $55 | |||
1906 Picture postcard of ''Cascades” with ½d & 1d pictorials. Pmkd Ouse MY 22 06. Some staining & wear on corners but nice usage. $10 Sold $10 | |||
1907 Picture postcard of ''Silver Falls, Hobart” with 1d pictorial & Hobart 19 NO 07 cds. Addressed to England. $20 Sold $20 | |||
1918 Tatlow's Royal Mail Coaches illustrated cheque for £ 6.0.0 drawn on the National Bank of Tasmania with duty stamp & violet 3-ring ORS ''Paid … $50 Sold $55 | |||
Frank Stamp impressions on piece incl. ''Inspector of Sheep'', ''Secretary of General Post Office'' & ''Premiers Office''. (15 different) $150 Archived | |||
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