Auction Lots
Auction No. 5 - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All
Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign: South Africa | |||
1927 10/- Table Bay bi-lingual pair fine used. Centred right. Cat. £130 $60 Sold $60 | |||
1931 3d blue Groot Schuur specialist group incl inverted wmk block of 4 with window flaw. (MUH) Mixed mint & used. Cat. £130+ (11 items) $50 Sold $110 | |||
1939/44 10/- Groot Constantia bi-lingual pairs in blue & sepia (MUH) and blue & charcoal shades (MLH but small thin). SG 64c & 64ca Cat. £100 $40 Sold $70 | |||
1947/54 Screened Roto issue set in plate blocks of 4 or 6. Various quantities; ½d - 6 blocks, 1d - 2 blocks of 6, 3d - 3 blocks, 6d & 1/- - 2 bloc… $200 Archived | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: South Georgia | |||
1963/69 QEII Pictorials ½d - £1 (excl. 10/- & £1 Whale) MLH SG 1/16 (excl 14/15) Cat. £100 (14) $20 Sold $20 | |||
1971 Decimals set of 14 to 50p on 10/- MUH SG 18a/66 Cat. £18 $10 Sold $10 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Southern Rhodesia | |||
1924 KGV to 2/6d fine used. Light toning on 10d & 1/- but does not detract. SG 1/13 Cat. £225 $30 Archived | |||
1931 2/6d blue & drab KGV Perf 12 Fine used. SG 26 Cat. £35 $10 Sold $10 | |||
1935 1/- black & greenish-blue KGV Perf 11½ Fine used. SG 23a Cat. 60 $20 Sold $20 | |||
1933 1/6d black & orange-yellow KGV. Fine used. SG 24 Cat. £19 $10 Sold $10 | |||
1933 2/6d blue & drab KGV Perf 11½ Fine used. SG 26a Cat. £38 $10 Sold $10 | |||
1937 KGVI to 5/- through to 1953 2/6d QEII Coronation complete fine used. SG 40/77 Cat. £36 $10 Sold $10 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Swaiziland | |||
1956 QEII Pictorials set of 12 to £1. Fine MLH SG 57/69 Cat. £80 $20 Sold $30 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Switzerland | |||
1850 10r Rayon II on piece with additional PD oval cancel & red 1850 indistinct receiver mark. SG 10 $75 Sold $75 | |||
1945 Peace set of 13 to 10f. Very fine used. SG447/59 Cat. £650 $250 Sold $310 | |||
1988 Yearbook complete with MUH issues. Cat. £25 $10 Archived | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Tanzania | |||
1965 Pictorials, 1967 Fish & 1973 Butterflies (2) FDC's all complete sets to 20/-. Covers either typed address or unaddressed. SSG 128/41, 142/157a… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Tonga | |||
1938 (11th Aug) Tin Can Mail ex Steamer ''Maunganui'' Niuafoou Is - Tonga. Various cachets & pmks. Worn edges but understandable for genuine tin ca… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Transvaal | |||
1902/09 KEVII set to 10/- (Ex 2/-) in Crown CA wmk. & to £1 in Mult. CA. All good to fine used. SG 244/51, 253/57 & 260/76 Cat. £140 $70 Sold $70 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Turks and Cocas | |||
1900/04 Badge set of 9 to 3/- ovptd SPECIMEN. MLH SG 101s/09s Cat. £250 $150 Archived | |||
1913/21 KEVII ½d to 3/- (excl 5d but with additional 2/- Cat. £55 ) ovptd SPECIMEN. Fresh MUH SG 129s/39s (excl. 135s, extra 138s) $150 Sold $140 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Uganda | |||
1965 (9th Oct) Birds set of 14 to 20/- on two FDC's pmkd Kampala. Small mark on one cover. Neat typed addresses. SG 113/26 Cat. £55 (F/U) $20 Sold $20 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: United States | |||
2002 Greetings from America self adhesive sheetlets of 50 x 2. State info printed on the backing of each stamp design. SG 4195/244 Cat. £55 $20 Sold $30 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Vatican | |||
1933 Holy Year set of 4 fine used. SG 15/18 Cat. £75 $75 Sold $75 | |||
1935 Juridical Congress set of 6 to 1.25l. Fine used with slogan cancel on 75c. SG 41/46 Cat. £130 $70 Sold $70 | |||
1936 Catholic Press set of 8 to 5l. Fine used SG 47/54 Cat. £110 $60 Sold $60 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Virgin Islands (British) | |||
1904 KEVII ½d to 5/- set of 9 ovptd SPECIMEN. MLH SG 54s/62s Cat. £150 $100 Sold $90 | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Zanzibar | |||
1896 4a to 5r Sultan Seyyid ovptd SPECIMEN. MLH with usual gum cracking but frontally fresh with strong colours. SG 164/s/74s $100 Sold $100 | |||
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