Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Christmas Is. 1958-2000 MUH collection on Hagners. Complete incl the SJ uncut sheet, Exhib M/S ovpts & the modern se-tentant strips & sheetlets. E…
Sold $270
Christmas Is. 1958-2000FDC collection in VST album with slipcase. Complete incl 1963 Defins on Reg illustrated cover with additional set of singles…
Sold $270
Christmas Island Covers. 1968-2007 range with 1970 15c & 30c Fish on unaddressed cover & balance of set on 3 1968 covers & 1972/3 Ships on 4 covers…
Cocos Is. 1955-2000 FDC's, flight & commem covers & postal stationary in VST album & slipcase (excellent cond). Noted 1963 (10th June) Reg last day…
Sold $390
Cocos Is. 1963-1982 complete collection on Hagners & SS pages. Complete & MLH incl some annotated varieties.
Sold $45
Cocos Is. 1963-2000 complete collection on Hagners. 1963 Defins (faults) & no 1990 surcharges otherwise fine MUH throughout.
Sold $150
Cocos Is. 1963-2000 MUH collection on Hagners. Appears complete incl the 1990 PP ovpts, Christmas booklets & 43c on 90c CTO Official. Also Exhib M/…
Sold $450
Framas ''Barred Edge'', Kangaroo & Platypus types MUH & on unaddressed FDCs with a few Seven Seas Frama leaves. Approx 70 covers & 3 postcode sets.
Sold $35
Framas on Hagner incl 45c postcode sets of 9 for Emu & Festival papers, A25 Button Set for Emu & Waratah & set of 5 for ''Farewell'' with additiona…
Sold $25
Gutter Blocks, Sheetlets & M/S's in $75 brand new Black Lighthouse stockbook with slipcase. Incls Imperf red-back pack, numerous overprinted 1990's…
Sold $330
Kangaroos on Hagner with vals to 2/-. Mixed wmks & cond buy pmk potential eg 3 x Wellington Mills & ''MARINE PO'' South Aust. (32)
Sold $25
Kangaroos on Hagner with vals to 5/- (2). Cond is very mixed. Some minor varieties annotated but need checking. Multiples to 1/- noted. (43)
Sold $65
Kangaroos & KGV good to fine used ranges in 2 small stockbooks. Sorted by wmks. Vals to 2/- & 1/4d. Mixed cond but some useful F/U. (Roos = 94, KGV…
Sold $80
Kangaroos ½d to 10/- (ex 2d, 3d) all perf small ''OS'', 3rd wmk for 2½d & all values from 6d ex 6d chestnut, 1/- & 5/- which are Sm Mult. 10/- lo…
Sold $75
Kangaroos 1913 1st wmk duplicated used range on 4 Hagners comprising ½d (12), 1d (111 incl blocks), 2d (8 incl an inv wmk), 2½d (3), 3d, 4d (9), …
Sold $140
Kangaroos 1913 4d orange range plus one yellow-orange for comparison. Centering varies. One part LATE FEE & two with machine cancels. Others CDS, f…
Sold $130
Kangaroos 1915/28 5/- 3rd wmk duplicated used range in mixed condition on page with VFU perf ''OS'' at base & one showing white flaw parallel to NS…
Sold $85
Kangaroos 1929/30 5/- Sm Mult wmk (4 used incl one fine) & CofA (9 incl one CTO, one F/U & rest fair) with shade range. (13)
Sold $75
Kangaroos ½d green study on leaves noting 3 shades in MLH pairs, MLH/MUH block with ''NY'' flaw, MLH/MUH with thickened frame right side, vert pai…
Sold $140
Kangaroos 1d red study on leaves with dies, shades, varieties incl ''hairline in Bight'', ''extra island off Tasmania'', inverted wmk, perf large &…
Sold $110
Kangaroos 2d grey study on leaves with 1st wmk (14 incl 3 inverted wmk, perf large (3) & small (2) ''OS'', ''cut throat'' & minor varieties, 2nd wm…
Sold $95
Kangaroos 2½d blue/indigo study incl 1st wmk (2), 3rd wmk (17 + 5 ''OS'') all used with shades from pale blue to indigo & varieties incl ''islands…
Sold $85
Kangaroos 3d olive study on leaves with 1st wmk (7used incl one ''killer'' obliterator, 3 large & 4 small perf ''OS'', 3rd wmk Die I (12 shades, re…
Sold $65
Kangaroos 4d orange (shades) study on page with 4 & strip of 3 all used, plus one MLH (blunt cnr), perf large (3) & small ''OS'', plus yellow ''cha…
Sold $80
Kangaroos 5d chestnuts on page comprising MLH (off-centre) & 6 used incl one fine & pair good used. Two large & one small perf ''OS''. Average to f…
Sold $80
Kangaroos 6d blue study on leaves with 1913 1st wmk (5 used plus 2 large & one small perf ''OS'', also ''F&G'' private perfin) Range of shades, 3rd…
Sold $85
Kangaroos 6d chestnut study comprising 3rd wmk MLH (blunt cnr), 12 used, plus 4 perf ''OS'' (incl used pair), Sm Mult wmk ''hairline in Bight'' (3 …
Sold $210
Kangaroos 9d violet study on leaves with 3rd wmk (13 used incl flaw in first ''N'' & pair MLH perf ''OS'', Sm Mult (8 used plus one perf ''OS''), C…
Sold $95
Kangaroos 1/- green study on leaves incl. 1st wmk (5 used with large & small (4) ''OS''), 2nd wmk (6), 3rd wmk (20 used, MLH, perf ''OS'' x 2, ''B&…
Sold $180
Kangaroos 2/- brown 1st wmk (3) & 3rd wmk (26 incl block of 10 with Perth cds of 1924) plus 2 perf ''OS''. A couple of varieties incl hairline from…
Sold $290
Kangaroos 2/- maroon study MLH & used on leaves with 3rd wmk (24 incl one ''OS''), Sm Mult (13), Co A (38 used, 3 MLH pairs incl right pane imprint…
Sold $90
Kangaroos 2nd wmk used selection incl. 2d & 2½d (4 each), 9d (2), 1/- & 2/- Plus pages of 9d 3rd wmk (11), Sm Mult (5 incl one ''OS'') & CofA (5).…
Sold $70
Kangaroos 3rd wmk duplicated used to 5/- on 3 Hagners. Unchecked for varieties except 2d inv wmk (2). Good range of shades with most fair to fine.…
Sold $70
Kangaroos A used assortment to 2/- with mixed wmks & shades. Some OS perfins. Cond. varies. (92)
Sold $45
Kangaroos on 2 Hagners sorted by wmk. Incls. 10/- CofA wmk (faded) with all other values to 5/- in mixed cond. A few MLH incl 5d (regummed?) Very…
Sold $110
Kangaroos selection with 1st wmk 9d perf large ''OS'' with military cancel, 2nd wmk 9d (2 - one fine); 2/- brown 1st wmk perf large ''OS'' (parcel …
Sold $80
Kangaroos Used selection all perfined ''OS'' incl 1d (5) & 2d large ''OS'', rest small ''OS'' with various wmks to 1/- (no 3d, 4d ,5d or 9d) Incls …
Sold $60
KGV ½d to 1/4d range on Hagners with various shades, wmks, ovpt & perf ''OS'' etc. Good to fine used with useful pickings. (170)
Sold $55
KGV assortment in container. Majority appear to be 1d, 1½d & 2d's. Pmks noted. (700+)
Sold $55
KGV range of used listed varieties annotated on stockcard. Mixed cond in places. STC $250 (26)
Sold $40
Nauru 1935-1982 complete MUH collection on Hagners. Incls. Defins to 5/- & $5. Sheetlets, multiples & M/S's. SG 40/278 Retails $260+
Sold $120
Norfolk Is 1947-1982 complete MUH on Hagners incl. Ball Bay set of 14 to 2/-, 1953 Defins to 5/-, 1960 & 1966 defins to 10/- & $1 (both tablets), 1…
Sold $190
Norfolk Is 1947-1983 MLH/MUH on SS pages & Hagners incl. Ball Bay set of 14 to 2/- (MLH & F/U sets), but no 1953 defins. 1960 defins to 10/- (tone …
Sold $75
Overprinted Miniature Sheet collection on Hagners from 1970 Cook ANPEX through to 2006 Paris Exhib in green on Soccer M/S. Vals to $10 Wetlands ovp…
Sold $160
Postage Dues 1902-1960 used in various wmks & perfs to 1/- (34), 1902 1d MLH (SG D23), CofA wmks with vals to 5/- MUH/MLH. Cat. £300 (50)
Sold $75
Postmarks collection with majority on 1d or 2d State issues. Barred numerals, cds's, TPO's etc. NSW - 200, Qld - 275, SA - 18, Tas - 135, Victoria …
Sold $80
Pre-decimal & Decimal used range on Hagners in binder. Basic issues with some later CTO otherwise sparse. Value in Hagners. (60)
Sold $30
Pre-decimal accumulation of good to fine used duplicates in quality KA BE stockbook. Incls kangaroos to 2/- (14), 80 odd KGV & commems to 3/-. Very…
Sold $50
Pre-decimal Coils. SG 179b, 181a, 185a, 222c, 228c, 230a,235a, 237a, 309a & 354ca. All MUH Retails at $100+
Sold $30
Pre-decimal FDC's incl Royal Geographical Society for 1947 Kennedy (3 with 2 diff cover designs) & QEII 21st B'day(2). Also noted 1937 1d QE, 1937 …
Sold $50

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