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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Zealand
1980 Zeapex Awards Banquet philatelic menu with Health M/S pmkd FDI on front & inside. Special commem env with pmkd Stamp Anniv. M/S. Attractive
Sold $8
1996 & 1997 Best of…. M/S's in original folders. Fine MUH FV NZ$32+
Sold $20
2003 Lord of the Rings Stamp Pack with set of 6 Miniature Sheets, the self adhesive strip & FDC. Excellent cond. SG 2652/57var. & 2658a
Sold $50
1886 7/- ultramarine Stamp Duty fiscal. Perf 12½ , fine used Christchurch 4 JE 87. Attractive. SG F28 Cat. £60
Sold $5
1906 QV Postal Fiscals, perf 14 wmk sideways. 10/- maroon & £1 rose pink with nice postal cds. SG F87 & 89 Cat. £82
Sold $55
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua New Guinea
1964/65 Birds set of 11 to 10/- & 1966 Butterflies to $2. Fresh MUH SG 71/71 & 82/92 Cat. £37
Sold $12
1970 50c green on cream without serifs booklet. Excellent cond. SG SB2 Cat. £18
Sold $10
1973 70c Booklets each with different advertisers; Olivetti Typewriters, TAA Airline (Dunlop Tyres on reverse) & Burney Arts & Crafts. All in mint …
Sold $15
1998 Orchids, Commonwealth Games, Sea Kayaking & Australia '99 set of 4 & M/S. All MUH
Sold $15
Commonwealth & Foreign: Pitcairn Island
1998 Year of the Ocean set of 4 & M/S. MUH SG 539/42
Sold $16
1999 Education, Australia '99 M/S, Millennium Commem. & Royal Wedding. MUH SG 544/47, 549/552 & 553/54 Cat. £26
Sold $25
2000 Protection of 'Mr Turpen', the Galapagos Tortoise. MUH SG 560a
Sold $11
Commonwealth & Foreign: Rhodesia
1896-97 Arms set of 9 to 10/- Die II, plates 3 & 4. Good to F/U. SG 41/50 Cat. £130
Sold $50
1909 2½d pale dull blue with RHODESIA overprint with 'no stop' variety. F/U SG 103a Cat. £26
Sold $35
Commonwealth & Foreign: Samoa
1998 Christmas, 1999 Maritime Heritage & Queen Mother & M/S, 2000 Sesame Street Sheetlet of 9 & 2001 self adhesive butterflies. All MUH High retail…
Sold $20
Commonwealth & Foreign: South Africa
1954 Wildlife Defins set of 14 to 10/-, some with imprint selvedges. MLH SG 151/164
1976 (14th April) Official Opening of Electric Traction Rail Letter Post covers. One carried on the Bloemfontein - Welkom train & the other, Kroons…
Sold $30
Commonwealth & Foreign: Saint Helena
1864 6d milky blue QV fine used with clear profile. SG 29 Cat. £50
Sold $60
1912 1/- black/green KEVII. Fresh MLH SG 79
Sold $13
Commonwealth & Foreign: Straits Settlements
1906 50c & $1 KEVII on chalk surfaced paper. MLH SG 135a/36a Cat. £85
Sold $30
1926 $5 green &red/green KGV. Fine MLH SG 240a Cat. £90
Sold $75
Commonwealth & Foreign: Switzerland
1919 30c green & brown Airmail overprinted in red with wings & propeller. Mint. A scarce stamp. SG 302 Cat. £100
Sold $65
Commonwealth & Foreign: Tonga
1937 (6th Sept) Tin Can - Canoe Mail ex Steamer 'Maunganui' Niuafoou Is - Tonga. Various cachets & pmks incl. the red shield Despatch mark. NSW Par…
Sold $40
1938 (11th Aug) Tin Can Mail ex Steamer 'Maunganui' Niuafoou Is - Tonga. Addressed to Mosman Park, WA. Variety of cachets. Excellent cond. With cle…
Sold $30
Commonwealth & Foreign: Tristan da Cunha
1937 Coronation set of 3 Leeward Island stamps cancelled by two strikes of the TRISTAN DA CUNHA cachet VII. SG C9
Sold $19
1952 Tristan Da Cunha overprints on St Helena set of 12 to 10/-. Fine MLH verging on MUH. SG 1/12 Cat. £100
1965 6d HMS Cilicia overprinted 'NATIONAL SAVINGS' in red with 2½p surcharge in mauve. MUH & CTO. SG F1 var.
1999 WWF Wandering Albatross se-tenant Sheetlet of 16 with the additional misplaced WWF Panda logo on R2/4. MUH SG 651/54
Sold $20
2005 Birds set of 12 on 3 First Day Covers. Excellent cond. SG 833/44 Cat. £26
Sold $16
Commonwealth & Foreign: United Arab Emirates
1994 Greater Flamingo's M/S & pairs of 1996 Birds set of 5. Fine MUH Cat. £13 (10 & M/S)
Sold $10
Commonwealth & Foreign: United States
1976 American Revolution Bi-centennial set of 4 M/S's; Surrender of Cornwallis, Declaration of Independence, Washington crossing the Delaware & Was…
Sold $20

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