Auction Lots
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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Australia: Pre-decimal | |||
1930 £2 black & rose kangaroo F/U with two partial light cds's. Nice colour. SG 114 Cat. £650 $580 Sold $500 | |||
1929 1½d WA Cent. with re-entry variety. Fine used with Armadale cds. Horiz crease does not detract. SG 116a Cat. £65 $20 Archived | |||
1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith with OS overprints. Both Forgeries. MUH with 3d slight gum toning but frontally fresh. Useful space fillers SG O123/12… $50 Sold $50 | |||
1931 6d Kingsford Smith 'AIR MAIL SERVICE' John Ash imprint strip of 3. MUH/MLH, one with light gum bend. Fresh & well centred. SG 123 var $60 Sold $60 | |||
1931 6d Kingsford Smith with OS overprint. MLH SG 139a $10 Sold $35 | |||
1931 Kingsford Smith set of 4 with AIRMAIL SERVICE also. MUH/MLH SG 121/23 & 139 $10 Sold $30 | |||
1932 1/4d turquoise KGV fine used with cracking upright Darwin cds. Stunning. SG 131 $10 Sold $35 | |||
1932 1/4d turquoise KGV. Well centred & MLH. SG 131 $80 Sold $120 | |||
1932 6d chestnut kangaroo John Ash imprint pair. Fine & fresh MLH SG 132 var $80 Sold $80 | |||
1932 5/- grey & yellow kangaroo MLH verging on MUH SG 135 Cat. £130+ $150 Sold $150 | |||
1932 5/- grey & yellow kangaroo block of 4, centred to right with crisp Canberra cds (4 strikes). Attractive multiple. SG 135 $40 Sold $160 | |||
1932 10/- grey & pink kangaroo used with good colour. SG 136 Cat. £130 $120 Archived | |||
1932 10/- grey & pink kangaroo with light cds. Shortish perf but well centred. SG 136 Cat. £130 $60 Sold $90 | |||
1932 10/- grey & pink kangaroo overprinted SPECIMEN. MLH with some gum disturbance. Centred low left. SG 136s $150 Archived | |||
1935 £1 grey kangaroo Die IIB fine used. Well centred SG 137 Cat. £225 $150 Sold $150 | |||
1935 £1 grey kangaroo used with three partial cds's. Vertical crease & remains of crayon. SG 137 Cat. £225 $60 Sold $60 | |||
1934 £2 black & rose kangaroo Die II fine used with part GPO cds. Fresh colour SG 138 Cat. £450 $300 Sold $300 | |||
1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fine used/CTO, fresh & well centred. SG 143 $150 Sold $210 | |||
1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge on pages incl two covers posted on opening day (3d is front only & toned), 'OS' overprints MUH & used & 5/- CTO/fine use… $200 Sold $260 | |||
1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 2 overprinted 'OS' MLH SG O134/35 $15 Sold $15 | |||
1932 3d Sydney Harbour Bridge overprinted OS. Fresh MUH SG O135 $10 Sold $16 | |||
1932 1d KGV pair on beautiful 'PEERLESS ROLLER FLOUR MILLS Ltd, East Guildford company envelope. Pmkd with Perth slogan 'Post early each day'. Attr… $5 Sold $25 | |||
1932 6d Kookaburra John Ash imprint pair in fine MUH cond. PO fresh. SG 146var. $65 Sold $95 | |||
1934 Macarthur set of 3. MLH SG 150/152 $30 Sold $25 | |||
1935 ANZAC set of 2 MUH & well centred. SG 154/55 Cat. £50 $60 Sold $60 | |||
1936 NSW Govt Railways postcard bearing KGV 1d green perf G/NSW tied by Lindfield cds addressed by station-master to a local resident notifying her… $50 Archived | |||
1937 (10th May) 1d green QE & 2d red KGVI First Day Cover pmkd Perth, WA. Minor staining. SG 165 &167 $10 Archived | |||
1937 3d blue 'White Wattles' from 1st printing. Fresh MLH verging on MUH SG 168a Cat. £120 $100 Sold $130 | |||
1937 2d NSW with 'Tail' flaw. Fine used example. SG 193a Cat. £100 $50 Sold $65 | |||
1937/49 1/- Lyrebird perf 13½x14 marginal block of 4. MUH but very light diagonal bend affecting 3 units. SG 174 Cat. £190 $50 Sold $50 | |||
1938 (3rd Oct) ½d orange Kangaroo pair on FDC. Hand addressed plain cover pmkd Perth 'Post Early Each Day' slogan. Attractive SG 164 $20 Sold $20 | |||
1939 10/- Robes overprinted SPECIMEN. Fine & fresh MUH SG 177s Cat. £30 $20 Sold $40 | |||
1939 Birthday Greeting Telegram (TG 42H) complete with matching envelope. Office or Origin was York with 16 words going to Albany. Some toning patc… $30 Sold $30 | |||
1940 AIF set of 4 to 6d in W.C.G. McCraken imprint blocks of 4. Minor faults incl tone spots (2d) & short perfs but frontally fresh & attractive. M… $40 Sold $90 | |||
1940 (15th July) AIF set of 4 on Registered First Day Cover pmkd Melbourne with 'STAMPS SECTION GPO' Reg label. Neat typed address & excellent cond… $20 Sold $45 | |||
1943 WWII Censor hand illustrated cover showing baby in nappies writing Daddy on letter. Oval Censor 44 mark in purple & addressed to Norwood, Sout… $20 Sold $90 | |||
1944 (4th Dec) 2d bright purple KGVI FDC on plain cover with typed address. Pmkd Perth slogan. A rare cover in excellent cond. SG 205 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1945 Censor Airmail Letter Card addressed to South Australia. Military Forces Passed Censor cachet in mauve & pmkd ARMY PO. Saucy message going int… $15 Sold $15 | |||
1946 BCOF set to 5/- (latter used with major faults) mixed MLH & used (2/- o/c & soiled) The 'consolation prize' a NWPI 3d kangaroo with nice CANCE… $10 Sold $45 | |||
1946/48 BCOF overprints to 2/- in imprint blocks of 4. Mount mounts in selvedge (1/- selvedge thinned) with a couple of stamps MLH otherwise fresh … $170 Sold $240 | |||
1949 UPU Anniversary. Complete sheet of 100. Fresh MUH SG 232 $10 Sold $20 | |||
1949/50 £2 Arms block of 4 with roller flaw on two. Mint with water damage evident but not obtrusive. SG 224d & 224da Cat. £400 $75 Sold $250 | |||
1949/50 10/-, £1 & £2 Arms ovptd SPECIMEN, the 10/- MUH with others fresh MLH. SG 224bs/ds Cat. £140 $50 Sold $90 | |||
1949/50 10/-, £1 & £2 Arms ovptd SPECIMEN. Fresh MUH & well centred. SG 224bs/224ds $70 Sold $130 | |||
1950 (9th Oct) ANPEX Exhibition Registered illustrated cover with matching pmks & Reg Label addressed to England. $10 Sold $10 | |||
1950 £2 Arms fine used selection of 10 stamps incl horiz. Pair. SG 224d x 10 Cat. £140 $150 Archived | |||
1950 8½d aborigine full sheet of 160. MUH with only minor stains on 4 stamps & folded down gutter. Rarely seen now. SG 238 $25 Sold $40 | |||
1950 stampless cover Australia House London to Umtali, Southern Rhodesia. Machine cancel in red & Commonwealth frank in violet. Backstamped Umtali … $30 Sold $20 | |||
1951 Bank of New South Wales advertising cover with Melbourne slogan cancel & neat typed address. Envelope features an artists impression of first … $10 Sold $10 | |||
1952 1/0½d blue KGVI on Registered FDC pmkd Perth GPO. Neat typed address & backstamped Mt Lawley. Fresh & clean SG 252 $20 Sold $40 | |||
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