Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Outerlying Territories: Australian Antartic Territory
1953 (3rd Feb) Macquarie Island International Telegram via Overseas Telecommunications Commission in Melbourne with telex strips stuck to Telegram …
Sold $75
1954 (28th Dec) 3½d ANARE block of 4 on Macquarie Registered cover with mauve cachet. Neat typed address & backstamped Footscray West 24th March.
Sold $40
1957/61 Pre-decimals in MUH corner blocks of 4. Fresh SG 1/7
Sold $30
1968 Definitives to $1 in Presentation Pack. Unopened in excellent cond. SG 8/18 Retails at $75
Sold $45
1978 (20th Feb) Melbourne over Antarctica flight cover. Silk illustrated cachet cover showing Qantas 747. Pmkd Melbourne Airport & signed by courie…
Sold $10
1979 (11th Feb) First Scout Antarctic Expedition souvenir cover pmkd Sydney Int. Airport.
Sold $10
1985 (10th Nov) Project Blizzard Expedition cover pmkd Sydney Int. Airport on $2 unofficial 'Home of the Blizzard' PSE with ship cachet. Unusual.
Sold $10
1985 (1st Nov) ANARE Heard Island seal pictorial pmk on Antarctic Ship 'Thala Dan' ppc.
Sold $5
1986 36c Treaty gutter strip of 10 with STAMP & COIN SHOW SYDNEY 1987 overprint. Shows Base names and penguin, seal & whales. A scarce item selling…
Sold $95
1989 Nolan Landscapes set of 4 on covers pmkd ANARE Heard Island, Macquarie Is & Law Base. Seals, penguins & helicopter are in the pictorial cancel…
Sold $25
1995 Whales & Dolphins Miniature Sheet postmarked Stamp Show 95 Claremont 6010 with fish over coral pictorial cancel for 28th October. Fine
Sold $12
1995 Whales & Dolphins Miniature Sheets overprinted Singapore Exhibition & Capex ‘96. Both MUH Retail at $100+
Sold $70
1996-2005 se-tenant gutter blocks of 10 for Paintings, Transport, Mawsons Hut, Penguins, Bases, Ships & Aviation. MUH & increasingly scarce. Retail…
Sold $120
2001 Exploration Sheetlet of 20 in presentation pack SG 132a
Sold $10
2001 Exploration Sheetlet of 20 x 3 MUH SG 132a Linke Retails at $75
Sold $45
2001 Exploration Sheetlet overprinted APTA Melbourne Stamp & Coin Show in gold. No. 438. Only 500 overprinted. MUH & scarce.
Sold $50
2007 Royal Penguins FDC's with base postmarks. Set of 4. Fine unaddressed cond. SG176/79
2008 Int Polar Year FDC's with ANARE base cancels. Excellent cond. SG 180/83 (4)
2008 Int Polar Year Miniature Sheet overprinted APTA Melbourne 8th - 9th November with logo in gold. No. 104 of limited overprint. MUH SG MS184 var.
Sold $65
2009 South Magnetic Pole M/S overprinted '56th ANNUAL CONGRESS VICTORIAN PHILATELIC COUNCIL SATURDAY 16 MAY 2009' in gold. MUH
Sold $45
2009 Poles & Glaciers M/S overprinted 'ACE STAMP AUCTIONS PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA' in black with 2009 Auction dates at base. MUH. Recently sold on …
Sold $35



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There are 21 record(s) matching your criteria.