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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Postmarks on commem covers incl numerous WA (34). Better noted 1980 Wanneroo Gemboree, 1980 Willetton PO, 1998 Duyfken & 1974 Fusion Festival, Woll…
Sold $10
Postal Stationery cut outs & full items incl Kangaroos & KGV. Mixed cond but viewing recommended with retail prices exceeding $1000. Good re-sale s…
Postage Paid Envelopes incl. 1992 Architecture (without postcode squares) (3 sets FDI & 3 sets mint), 1993 Capital Cities (1 set FDI), 1994 Aviator…
Sold $30
Postage Dues Used selection on stockcards with values to 5/- (SG 59) & 5 x 2/-. Mixed cond but stated to retail at $350+
Sold $80
Postage Dues MLH & good to fine used on cards & Hagners. Noted 1902/4 1/- (MLH) ovptd SPECIMEN, various other monocolours (28) used to 5/-; bicolou…
Sold $190
Postage Dues Large accumulation in bags, Hagners & envelopes. Noted 5/- SG D8 pair with neat Townsville pmk, D78 pair, D93/94 & D97 MUH. 2/- D130 b…
Sold $520
Postage Dues bicolour assorted to 5/- wmkd & to 2/- no wmk, mostly good to fine used with summary of dealer prices stated to total $688 in 2008. In…
Sold $45
Postage Dues 1902/57 MLH on stockcards comprising 1902 'blank base' ½d, 2d, 4d, MLH (Cat. £87); 1902/4 1d, 2d (some toning), 3d (odd pulled perf)…
Sold $190
Postage Dues 1902 onwards used on SS pages & Hagners. Some very fine used with neat cds's incl Menzies JU 4 1903 & P.R. Perth WA. Close inspection …
Sold $55
KGVI accumulation in bag on & off paper. (2000+)
Sold $40
KGV selection on SS pages to 1/4d (4) Good to fine used pickings.
Sold $70
KGV selection of MUH & MLH (25) & good to fine used (63) on 3 Hagners with a summary of dealer prices totalling $349 for the MUH/MLH & $296 for the…
Sold $170
KGV on stockcard to 1/4d. All good to fine used. Mixed perfs & wmks. (42)
Sold $30
KGV 1/4d blue Sm Mult p13 (3), C ofA (2) used, plus various perf 'OS' values to 4d (17) on Hagners. Good to fine used. (22)
Sold $80
KGV 5d brown Cr/A (5), Sm Mult p13 (10), C ofA (154) & 5d surcharge on 4½d (1). Many good cancels & usual wide range of shades (170)
Sold $60
KGV 4d violet (10, odd perf fault) & blue (13) used on 2 Hagners (23)
Sold $55
KGV 4d orange shades (no lemon) used on Hagner. All with wmk upright, average to fine. (23)
Sold $35
KGV 4d olive Cr/A (26), Sm Mult (8 of p14, 81 of p13) & C ofA (28) used on Hagners. Majority good to fine used with nice range of shades.
Sold $70
KGV 4½d violet Cr/A (66), Sm Mult (6 of p14, 3 p13) used on Hagner (75)
Sold $75
KGV 3d Die I Cr/A (82), Sm Mult p14 type A (12), type B (3), p13 type A (9) & B (1); Die II Sm Mult (55) & CofA (53). Not annotated for varieties b…
Sold $85
KGV 2d red Cr/A (42), Sm Mult Die I p13 (2), surcharge on 1½d (46), Die II (31 inc 2 inv wmk), C ofA (224 incl 24 inverted wmks); 2d brown Cr/A (3…
Sold $50
KGV 2d orange shade range good to fine used on Hagner. (60)
Sold $25
KGV 1d violet shades used on Hagner. No varieties apparent but mostly good to F/U (53)
Sold $18
KGV 1d reds with Die II (29), Die III (9), Large Mult wmk (4) & rough paper (27) used on Hagners. Generally above average & well worth inspection. …
Sold $120
KGV 1d reds Selection of used on Hagners in AP binder. Good range of shades, odd better South Aust pmk e.g. CORNEY POINT, HERCOTT SPRING, WHITE'S F…
Sold $100
KGV 1d reds off paper in small box. Hours of potential study! 1000's
Sold $290
KGV 1d red perf. 14 Cr/A wmk Die I range of shades on Hagners. No rough papers & only a couple of perfins. May repay careful inspection for minor v…
Sold $60
KGV 1d green used range with Cr/A (22), no wmk (2), Large Mult (75), Sm Mult (38 are p14, 87 p13) & C of A (116). Good lot of shades, but no Die II…
Sold $40
KGV 1½d green (22), red Cr/A (135) no wmk (9), Sm Mult (16 of p14, 65 p13), brown (4 Sm Mult p13) on Hagners. Mostly g/good to fine used with wide…
Sold $55
KGV 1½d black brown Cr/A (38) & large Mult (13); red brown & chocolate shades Cr/A BW85 (97) & 87 (10); Large Mult (34). No apparent varieties but…
Sold $40
KGV ½d orange used selection on Hagners with Cr/A (28), Sm Mult (10 are p14, 45 p13), C of A (23). Fair to fine with a good range of shades. (106)
Sold $80
KGV ½d green used on Hagners with Cr/A (78) & Large Mult wmk (38) with dramatic shade range & largely F/U. No apparent varieties of significance &…
Sold $45
Kangaroos to 10/- accumulation incl small OS perfs to 5/- with 5d brown 3rd wmk, 6d OS ovpt well centred & F/U. 5/- with various wmks (18) & 10/- (…
Sold $620
Kangaroos Duplicated used to 5/- on cards, Hagners & in glassines. 3rd wmk 5/- (7) with parcel cancels; 1st wmk to 1/- (ex 2½d & 5d) with duplicat…
Sold $340
Kangaroos MUH, MLH & good to fine used selection on Hagners with values to 5/-, stated to total $1381 in dealer's list prices. Noted ½d and 1d MUH…
Sold $140
Kangaroos on stockcard to 5/-. All good to fine used. Mixed perfs & wmks. Attractive, rich coloured 9d's (22)
Sold $50
Framas 1986-2003 range of covers & FDC's. Incls. Cloverdale Platypus, 50c Cup-pex, Fremantle Lizard, Morley Koala & Emu Button Sets, WAPEX cliché …
Sold $16
Exhibition Overprints on Miniature Sheets, booklets & stamps incl; 1992 Chicago Expo, Kuala Lumpur '92, PhilaKorea, Polska '93, Canberra Stampshow …
Sold $80
Decimal Varieties listed as per BW Specialised Catalogue incl. 1966 $1 Flinders with recut between sail & eye BW 463h MUH. A rarely seen group for …
Sold $150
Decimal booklets accumulation, post 2000. Incls. self adhesives & Prestige booklets. Noted 2002 Weddings, 2003 Murray Shipping, 2004 Royal Tour & E…
Sold $210
Decimal booklets accumulation in small box. Incls. Living Together by CPE & Leigh Mardon, Aboriginal Crafts (2 each), Stampshow '89 Tram booklet, $…
Sold $75
Decimals in Mint Sheet File with various items incl half sheet of 1985 Aust Day tete-beche, pre-decimal oddments, 2 sets of CPS labels & even 5 x I…
Sold $55
Covers Australia 1937/82 (150) & New Zealand 1937/90 (c250). Many useful incl Ross Dependency pre-dec set, 1954 ANARE (3 diff base cancels), 1951 C…
Sold $310
Counter Printed Stamps FDC collection with Threatened Species for ACT93, PhilaKorea, CPH1 & Royal Exchange. Also the Kangaroo & Koala sets of 6 for…
Sold $30
Coils accumulation on stockcards. Pairs & singles. All used in very mixed cond. STC $500+
Sold $30
Cocos Keeling Is 1994-2006 complete collection in MUH & fine used or CTO neatly written up on album pages. Face value $85 with high value in CTO sh…
Sold $100
Cocos Keeling Islands 1963-1986 on Seven Seas pages. 1963 Defins fine used with remainder MLH & complete. Face Value $70
Sold $40
Cocos Keeling Is 1963 Defins MLH onwards. Majority MUH incl Fish to $2, a selection of presentation packs incl 1969 Decimal x 5. Face Val. $55+
Sold $40
Christmas Is Selection of sets on Hagners incl. 1958 QEII to $1, 1963, Pictorials set 10, 1972 Ships to $1 & 1982 Birds to $4. MUH, MLH & CTO. Reta…
Sold $30
Christmas Is 1993-2006 complete collection in MUH & fine used or CTO neatly written up on album pages. Includes Chinese New Year issues & difficult…
Sold $250


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