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Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2638_sml.jpg) 1834 pre-stamp letter to East India Company in Leadenhall, London with background info on free franks & the introduction of Penny Postage followed … $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2639_sml.jpg) 1840 2d blue Mulready envelope. Fine & fresh mint unused cond. Superb! SG ME4, Cat. £450 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2640_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black on large piece tied by red Maltese Cross. This 4 margined example is lettered "BF" with neighbouring "B 20 AUG 1840" strike in red & … $120 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2641_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black, plate 2 with 4 clear margins & lettered QB on piece tied by red Maltese Cross with neighbouring SEP 8 1840 cds. Incls illust notes s… $120 Sold $95 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2642_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black, plate 6 on env tied by neat part red Maltese Cross with neighbouring "Addlestone Penny Post h/s & a fine Chertsey JA 6 1841 cds on r… $180 Sold $140 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2643_sml.jpg) 1840 1d black, plate 11 on New Road, West London addressed cover tied by black Maltese Cross central cancel. Clear even margins, huge on right hand… $4500 Sold $4500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2644_sml.jpg) 1840 2d deep full blue in horizontal strip of 3. Close but clear at lower right otherwise generous margins. Fine used by 3 clear strikes of the Mal… $1200 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2645_sml.jpg) 1840 2d pale blue pair with clear even margins. Good to fine used with 2 strikes of the black Maltese Cross. Lettered BB/BC. SG 6, Cat. £2200+ $500 Sold $500 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2646_sml.jpg) 1841 1d imperfs written up on album page showing a range of cancel types & shades. SG 8/12 range, Cat. £165 to £1200 depending upon the accuracy … $90 Sold $90 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2647_sml.jpg) 1841 1d red selection with numbered Maltese Cross 1-12 cancels complete. Fine clear strikes noting "guide line in lower right corner" on No.8. A pr… $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2648_sml.jpg) 1841 1d red-brown with large margins top & right, clear to touching at left & cut into at base. Lettered "KI". Large part o.g. SG 8, Cat. £600 $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2649_sml.jpg) 1841 2d blue block of 4 fine used with black "693" struck 3 times. Margins close at right otherwise clear. Lettered IJ/IK over JJ/JK. Sold at Linke… $300 Sold $240 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2650_sml.jpg) 1841 2d blue with 3½ margins & lettered "HL". MNG with rich original colour. SG 14, Cat. £5,000 for MLH $400 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2651_sml.jpg) 1862 3d bright carmine-rose QV with inverted emblems wmk. Used with London barred numeral "12". Better than average centring. Karl-Albert Louis Cer… $360 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2652_sml.jpg) 1862/64 9d bistre. Fine used with neat part "221" cancel. Fine rich colour. SG 86, Cat. £575 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2653_sml.jpg) 1867/80 10d deep red-brown, plate 1 on piece tied by "Liverpool 466 24 FE 70" duplex. SG 114, Cat. £600 $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2654_sml.jpg) 1867/83 5/- pale rose, plate 2 good to fine used by neat diamond barred obliterator at left. Lettered BA. Fine colour. SG 127, Cat. £1,500 $220 Sold $220 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2655_sml.jpg) 1867/83 £1 brown-lilac, Plate 1, Maltese Cross wmk, perf. 15½x15. Fine used with central complete "Newcastle-on-Tyne Quayside AP 27 82" cds. Diag… $750 Sold $800 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2656_sml.jpg) 1867/83 10/- greenish-grey, Plate 1, Anchor wmk, perf.14. Sound used with bold BN "96". A conservative reserve. SG 135, Cat. £4,000 $700 Sold $800 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2657_sml.jpg) 1873/80 4d vermilion, plate 15 with large coloured corner letters. MH with a couple of toned perfs but strong colour & a sound example of a rare st… $300 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2658_sml.jpg) 1878 (17th May) Mourning env with 8d orange QV boldly tied in London & addressed to Ootacamund, India. Fine "T" h/s with a superb neighbouring stri… $75 Sold $130 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2659_sml.jpg) 1883/84 2/6d lilac. Fine used with complete "St Martins Le Grand E.C. MY 11 98" central cds. Diagonal blue crayon line from Registration with a sli… $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2660_sml.jpg) 1883/84 5/- rose with "Spilsby" undated double ring cancel. Well centred & fine. SG 180, Cat. £250 $50 Sold $40 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2661_sml.jpg) 1883/84 10/- ultramarine. Fine used with bold "F.B." barred obliterator centrally applied. SG 183, Cat. £525 $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2662_sml.jpg) 1884 £1 brown-lilac, 2 Imperial Crowns wmk with "Hastings AP 18 84" cds overstruck with boxed Railway Parcel cancel. Hardly noticeable light irone… $500 Sold $420 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2663_sml.jpg) 1883 6d dull green fine used on piece tied by neat hooded London EC cancel. Strong original colour. SG 194, Cat. £240+ $60 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2664_sml.jpg) 1887/92 £1 green QV. F/U with central Glasgow thimble cds. Ironed out vertical crease through pound sign at right reflected in low "spacefiller" r… $100 Sold $100 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2665_sml.jpg) 1887/92 £1 green QV. Fine used with London NOV 8 01 cds's struck twice as per regulations on "long" stamps. Excellent perfs & colour. SG 212, Cat.… $300 Sold $300 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2666_sml.jpg) 1900 British Foreign Office Travel Document with 6d Duty imprint dated 25/5/00 with consular markings indicating travel to Russia, Netherlands, Egy… $80 Sold $80 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2667_sml.jpg) 1902/10 1d scarlet KEVII booklet pane of 6 with upright wmk. MUH, trace of rust on staple holes in selvedge. SG 218c, Cat. £375 $90 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2668_sml.jpg) 1912 £1 green Seahorse. Fine used with light oval Registered cancel. Very minor short corner perf. A fine example of a highly sought after stamp. … $400 Sold $550 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2669_sml.jpg) 1919 (23rd Aug) 1½d red-brown KGV on "R.M.S. Melita" liner postcard tied by Quebec cds & obliterator with neighbouring "MAILED ON THE HIGH SEAS EX… $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2670_sml.jpg) 1929 £1 PUC. Superb used. SG 438, Cat. £600 $240 Sold $380 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2671_sml.jpg) 1935 (7th May) KGV Silver Jubilee set of 4 on Westminster Stamp Co. illust FDC. Fresh & stunning. SG Cat. £650 $150 Sold $150 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2672_sml.jpg) 1936 (4th Apr) £50 KGV "CONSULAR SERVICE" fine used block of 6, block of 4 & pair with neat "British Consulate General Alexandria" central cds's. … $100 Sold $180 |
1950's "United Nations Appeal for Children" propaganda gummed labels with7 vals to £1 printed in brown, black & grey & roughly rouletted. Each wit… $30 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2674_sml.jpg) 1960 3d violet QEII in lower right marginal block of 9 showing the "Phantom R" variety at right end of Jubilee line plus another similar block show… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2675_sml.jpg) 1993 24p brown Machin block of 10 forgeries with massive 35mm top selvedge. Fine MUH. This forgery was briefly available through London corner shop… $180 Sold $120 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2676_sml.jpg) 1998 2nd class bright blue Machin block of 10 forgery with elliptical perfs. Amateurish in terms of the gum (small black paper adhesion on one) & r… $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2677_sml.jpg) 1999 Rugby World Cup set of 4 Benham covers incl one with £2 coin. Each with GB 1st class booklet pane with illust tab tied by the pmks of the dif… $30 Sold $28 |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2678_sml.jpg) Abu Dhabi 1964 Defins to 10r & 1965 Falconry set of 3. Former MVLH with latter MUH. SG 1/14, Cat. £175 (14) $50 Sold $45 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2679_sml.jpg) Aden 1937 Dhow set of 13 with 5r in bright aniline-purple shade (SG11a). 2a is MH, others all MLH. SG 1/12, Cat. £1400 as MUH (13) $400 Sold $360 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2680_sml.jpg) Aden 1937 10r olive-green Dhow. Fine MLH. SG 12, Cat. £750 $200 Sold $200 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2681_sml.jpg) Aitutaki 2008 WWF Butterflies set of 4 in sheetlets of 4 x 10 sets. Fine MUH & a popular thematic. SG 723/26, Cat. £480 (40 sets) $80 Sold $60 |
Aitutaki 2020 Butterflies of the World set of 8 to $34.70. MUH corner marginal blocks of 4. SG 926/33, Cat. £400 with a FV equivalent of $400! $120 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2683_sml.jpg) Austria 1908/13 10k Francis Joseph I. MVLH & well centred. SG 206, Cat. £300 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2684_sml.jpg) Austria 1922 7½k Musicians' Fund, perf.11½. Fine MLH. SG 521b, Cat. £180 $50 Archived |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2685_sml.jpg) Austria 1932 View defins set excl 40g blue. Fine MLH. SG 678/685 & 687/691, Cat. £240 (14) $60 Archived |
Bahamas 1919 (28th Aug) Registered cover to Canada bearing "WAR TAX" ovpts on ½d, 1d, 3d & 1/- KGV tied by Nassau cds's with neighbouring "R" h/s.… $50 Sold $50 |
![](https://acestampauction.com.au/auctions/34/lots/2687_sml.jpg) Bechuanaland 1895 (2nd May) Registered cover to Beaufort West, Cape Colony with 2d x 3, 1d x 4 & ½d x ovptd QV mixed franking. "Registered 731" in… $40 Sold $55 |