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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1940 6d Spitfire War Savings Stamp horiz pair in the rarely seen perf. 11. Fresh MUH.
Sold $42
1940 6d Spitfire War Savings Stamp on original "Commonwealth of Australia War Savings Stamps" PO folder. "Don't be an Onlooker - Be in the fight...…
Sold $40
1941 2d bright purple KGVI with "medal flaw" in MUH top marginal block of 9 (MLH in selvedge only). SG 185b, Cat. £85, ACSC 189e
Sold $40
1941 2d bright purple KGVI with "medal flaw" in MUH (MLH in selvedge only) marginal blocks of 9 & 24. SG 185b, Cat. £180+
Sold $50
1941 3½d deep blue KGVI surcharge in complete sheet of 160 with central gutter & 2 x John Ash imprints. Clear type I perf pips at top with 2 line …
Sold $120
1942 5½d emu in top right corner selvedge block of 6 showing misplace of "WA" perfins due to slippage plus numerous blind holes. MUH/MLH & somethi…
Sold $120
1946 5/10d Food Parcel label. Fine & fresh MUH.
Sold $30
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper. Fresh MLH with mixed centring. 5/- with small paper inclusion on gum side. SG J1/7, Cat. £250 (7)
Sold $65
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper. Fresh MLH with good centring on album page annotated with purchase price of $150 in 2009 auction. S…
Sold $90
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper. Fine MUH with 5/- well centred. SG J1/7, Cat. £220 (7)
Sold $90
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thin paper. MVLH with reasonable centring. SG J1/7a, Cat. £200 as MUH (7)
Sold $65
1946 BCOF ovptd set of 7 to 5/- on thin paper. MUH, 5/- with light, even toning. SG J1/7a (7)
Sold $60
1949 2d purple KGVI coil pair. Fine used. SG 205b, Cat. £120
Sold $30
1949 1/6d Hermes left marginal block of 12 (6x2) with pre-printing paper crease horizontally showing partial double perf discontinuity & breaks in …
Sold $100
1949 2½d Lawson in marginal block of 6 with upper left & bottom centre items showing white stripe from pre-printing paper crease. Upper right with…
Sold $110
1949 3½d UPU sheet of 84, 1951 3d scarlet KGVI Booklet Pane sheet with 24 panes of 6 so sheet of 144 with horiz gutters & 1956 3½d Responsible Go…
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2. Fine MLH, £2 with pulled perf but MUH. SG 224a/d (4)
1949/50 Arms set in "By Authority…" imprint corner blocks of 4. The £2 has black album page adhesion affecting 1 stamp and part selvedge otherwi…
Sold $240
1949/50 Arms set in "By Authority..." imprint blocks of 4. 5/- (without left selvedge) & 10/- MUH while £1 MVLH on 2 units & £2 MLH in selvedge &…
Sold $400
1949/50 10/-, £1 & £2 Arms ovptd "SPECIMEN" MVLH plus normal 5/- & a marginal £2 both fresh MUH. ACSC cat. $390 (5)
Sold $110
1950 2½d scarlet KGVI in complete sheet of 160 with perf pip on top selvedge & "Printed By Authority…" imprints at bottom. Light fold down gutte…
1952/65 2/6d aboriginal with wmk sideways inverted (top of crown facing to the left as seen from behind). Fine used. Similar sold in Ace Auctions S…
Sold $300
1961/64 5/- Cattle on cream & intermediate papers in marginal blocks of 4 MUH & a white paper marginal single also MUH plus a cream paper block of …
Sold $170
1959/64 5/- Cattleman on white paper in MUH marginal block of 4. SG 327a, retails $500+
Sold $160
1963 2/3d Cable block of 4 MUH with "broken cable" variety. Fresh MUH. ACSC 411d, Cat. $50
1964 £1 Bass Navigator on cream paper in bottom left corner marginal block of 24 (6x4) tied by multiple Sydney cds's. A seldom seen large postally…
Sold $1600
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 plus 1940 AIF set of 4. All fresh MUH. SG 355/60 & 196/99, retail $200+ (10)
Sold $80
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 to £2 King. £1 MLH with black paper adherence, others MUH SG 355/60 retail $180 (6)
Sold $40
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 to £2 King. Fine MUH SG 355/60, retail $180
Sold $65
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 to £2. All well centred with 10/- MLH but others fine & fresh MUH. (6)
Sold $60
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 to £2 King all in bottom left marginal blocks of 4. Stamps fresh MUH, MLH in selvedges only. Well centred noting 10/- …
Sold $260
1963/64 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" set of 4 with the 7/6d, £1 & £2 MUH, while the 10/- is MLH with a tone spot. The ovpt on £2 is at lower righ…
Sold $210
Australia: Decimal
1966 7c purple QEII horiz row of 10 with blank "stamp" due to the design moving one row right thus 10th impression appearing in right hand selvedge…
Sold $85
1966 7c purple QEII sheet of 100 with intense dr blade flaw running vertically affecting 5 units, 2 with the Queens face defaced by the effect. Att…
Sold $200
1966 $1 Flinders perf. 14¾ with 2 x MUH (1 with very slightly toned gum) & one F/U plus a good used example. Reasonable centring. SG 401c, Cat. £…
Sold $40
1966 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" sets of 4 x 2. Accompanying notes indicate the $2 & $4 vals have a 13½mm ovpt while the second has a 13mm ovpt. N…
Sold $65
1969 (10th Mar) 1c brown QEII with "5" surcharge in thick black print over the "1c" & used in combination with 1968 5c Christmas & tied by Perth 60…
1970 (April-June) "Capt. Cook Centenary Celebrations" set of 12 "long" covers with the strip of 5c & 30c postmarked at each of his landing points d…
Sold $30
1971 7¢ Desert Pea with "buff & green omitted". Fine MUH with normal for comparison. ACSC 535cg, Cat. $125
Sold $30
1971 20c Aboriginal Art with blue omitted resulting missing shading in background. Incls normal for comparison. Fresh MUH. Sold for $945 incl BP at…
Sold $420
1971 Christmas set of 7 good to fine postally used sets x 300. SG 498/504, Cat. £350 (700)
Sold $40
1971 Christmas half sheet of 50 on cream paper with sheet no on selvedge. Fresh MUH. SG 498ab x 2, retail $160
Sold $40
1973 1¢ Banded Coral Shrimp with yellow omitted. Fine CTO. ACSC 635cb, Cat. $2000 as MUH, unpriced CTO.
Sold $220
1973 7c Agate with black omitted resulting in "7c" value missing. MUH. ACSC 642c, SG 550a, Cat. £95
1974 9c on 8c Opal with "surcharge misplaced to right" variety in marginal MUH block of 4. ACSC 646c, Cat. $300
Sold $80
1974 $4 Shearing Rams complete sheet of 50. Incls 2 sheet numbers & "red dot on shearer's back" variety. Fresh MUH. ACSC 666d & za/zd, Cat. $300+ F…
Sold $120
1974 (25th Nov) London to Perth Airmail env addressed to Narrogin (Misspelt "Narrogen" on env) with "DELAYED EN ROUTE AIRCRAFT HIJACKED" 2 line cac…
Sold $420
1975 18c Wildflower with perforations misplaced in horiz MUH pair plus 18c with black dramatically misplace downwards outside of design. SG 608var.…
Sold $70
1979 (13th Nov) 20c 50th Anniv Blood Donor PSE with red pictorial "Australian Red Cross "I Feel Fine, I'm a Blood Donor" Hobart Tas 7000" pmk. Fine…
1988 (19th-24th April) QEII Royal Tour of Western Australia set of 6 commem covers each ovptd with date & journey details & a different pmk on each…
Sold $30

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