Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarkers/Handstamps
9 bar dumb obliterator. Long 8cm wooden handle in good cond.
Sold $190
Balingup Lower W.A C30 7cm wooden handle with the date set at 8 MY 24. Original PNG tag attached. Date slug pin missing but workings seem clean. Id…
Sold $260
Dead Letter Office Perth WA Short 7cm wooden handle with date slug pin present. Clear face but "workings" appear rusted shut? Set at "39 JA 39"! A …
Sold $150
Maxicar Western Australia A30 Short 7cm wooden handle also with original PNG tag attached. Set at "1 AP ?2" Date slug pin missing & rusted workings…
Sold $240
Maylands Post Office W.A. Oval shaped with wording on 3 lines with central crown. Medium 9.5cm wooden handle. Worn face suggesting heavy use!
Sold $180
R Oval shaped with outer ring & a bold "R". Regularly seen on Registered postal history etc. Long 10.5cm handle & well used as to be expected. Iconic!
Sold $150
R.A.A.F. 8504 Australia Set at 23 DE 44. No date slug pin & rusted shut but a lovely example of a WWII cds. Also with the PMG tag & string still at…
Sold $150
T.O.K. Porphyry West Aust (Telephone Office Keeper) E30 Archival postmarker set at the date in the PMI cat of 4 JY ?. 7cm wooden handle with the da…
Sold $250
TELEGRAPHIC ADVICE & T 319 The former is a S/L with a more ornate wooden handle versus the tax h/s. The latter is the 2-line hexagonal type. Two ic…
Sold $230
Wattlegrove W.A. Long 11cm handle. Small neat crown with face in very good cond.
Sold $210



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There are 10 record(s) matching your criteria.