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Western Australia: Collections |
 Array of selected items incl 1854 1d black with three margins & F/U (SG 1) before a mainly MLH group (incl several MUH) noting 1885/93 2½d blocks … $300 Sold $300 |
 Collector's duplicates in 3 slim stockbooks with majority good to fine used incl shades & perf "OS" but without scarce cancellations. Noted surface… $80 Sold $290 |
 Early oddments starting with 1860 2d orange imperf x 11 used with shades & mostly 3 or 4 margin examples, 1861 4d intermediate perf. 14-16 x 6, per… $90 Sold $170 |
 Neatly arranged early group on 2 printed pages incl 1854 1d black & 4d blue, 1860/64 6d average used but SG Cat. .£950. Later mainly used with rec… $200 Sold $340 |
 Commissariat Punctures group with 1860/64 sage-green imperf, 1861/64 6d purple-brown intermediate perf. 14-16, 4d vermilion perf. 14, 1864/79 4d ca… $150 Sold $290 |
 Commissariat Punctures on 1d bistre (2), 1d lake, 2d blue, 4d carmine, 6d violet & 1/- green with 2 shades & "WA" perfins on 1d & 2d swans (2) plus… $60 Sold $140 |
Forgeries A useful range with 50 examples on card noting both imperf & perf types with vals to 6d plus "ONE PENNY" & "½" forged surcharges (3 of e… $120 Sold $200 |
 Postal Stationery Group consisting of Postcards PC1 fine unused, PC3 unused (surface damage), PC4 unused (tape at left), PC5 fine unused, PC6 fine … $80 Sold $80 |
 Postcards 1910's -1920's Postcards of Albany with various scenes incl "Middleton Beach" used with crisp DE 23 1904 Albany duplicates with Wagin rec… $75 Sold $150 |
 Postcards 1917 "The Trans-Australian Railway" Rose Series nos. W.1 to W6 with featuring b&w photos of the train & wildlife/scenes enroute titled "L… $120 Sold $120 |
 Postcards 1917 "The Trans-Australian Railway" Rose Series nos. W.7 to W12 with Indigenous Aust titled "Wild Harry", "Charlie", "King Moonlight", "W… $180 Sold $180 |
Postmarks in Rapkin springback album picked over but 300+ remaining arranged in alphabetical order & all on swans plus large Chinese stockbook cont… $100 Sold $200 |
 Postmarks Small collection 44 postmarks on sheets & cards. Postmarks Range on sheets & cards noting full strikes for "GROUP 116" in mauve date 1 JY… $50 Sold $150 |
 Postmarks A-C on Swans noting Albany 2b, Baandee, Balbarrup, Balingup, Bonnievale, Boyanup, Brisbane St, Bullfinch, Burnakurra, Carabin & Cuballing… $30 Sold $85 |
 Postmarks D-K on Swans incl Dardanup, Day Dawn, Davyhurst, Daylerking, Esperance Bay, Gilgerring, Gabanintha, Gindalbie, Greenhills, Gwalia, Higgin… $30 Sold $42 |
 Postmarks L-M on Swans with Lawlers, Lennonville, Lion Mill, Leederville, Lowden, Maninga Marley, Malcolm, Marble Bar, Mandurah, Morgans, Mogumber,… $30 Sold $85 |
 Postmarks N-R on Swans all different incl Nangeenan, Nannup, New Norcia, Northampton, Noggerup, Nungarin, Niagara, Onslow, Paddington, Railways Per… $30 Sold $80 |
 Postmarks S-Y on Swans incl Sandstone, South Perth, Strawberry, Sharks Bay, Tenterden, Timbermills Greenbushes, Three Springs (incl Violet), Trafal… $30 Sold $70 |
 Postmarks A-B on KGV incl Arrino, Balingup, Baandee, Balkulling, Beria, Blackboy Hill, Bindi Bindi, Bolgart, Broad Arrow, Bowgarda, Buckland Hill, … $30 Sold $55 |
 Postmarks C-D on KGV noting Caron, Chidlow, Coolup, Coorow, Comet Vale, Cuballing, Cue, Dandaragan on 1½ KGV with 4 dot control tag, Dangin, Dinin… $30 Sold $55 |
 Postmarks F-K on KGV with Fimiston, Fitzroy Xing, Gabbin, Gingin MR, Greenhills, Timbermills, Greenbushes, Hoffmans Mill, Hamel, Jarnadup, Jarrahwo… $30 Sold $42 |
 Postmarks L-M on KGV incls Linden, Lomos, Lowden, Ludlow, Lyon Camp, Mandurah, Marradong, Margaret River, Mardella, Marrinup, Marvel Loch, Morawa, … $40 Sold $65 |
 Postmarks N-Q on KGV with Nanga Brook, Nangeenan, Nannup, Noongar, Nedlands, Noggerup, Northcliffe, North Fremantle, Nukarni, Nungarin, Nyabing, Or… $30 Sold $42 |
 Postmarks R-V on KGV noting Rawlinna, Ravensthorpe, Red Lake, Reedy, Roelands, Rottnest, Ruabon, Sanatorium Woorooloo, Sawyers Valley, Serpentine, … $30 Sold $65 |
 Postmarks W-Z on KGV incl Waleabing, Walkaway, Waterloo, Watheroo, Wellington Mills, West Leederville, Westonia, Whim Creek, Winchester, Witchcliff… $30 Sold $42 |
 Postmarks Post & Telegraph and Post Office ORS selection incl Bulong, Harvey P&TO, Kookynie P&TO, Menzies & Niagara plus 4 various Coolgardie impre… $120 Sold $180 |
 Registered Covers 1950's range plus a 1971 "ring in"! All originating at WA Post Offices noting 1/0/½d KGVI x 4, three Registered Letter POP (Manj… $60 Sold $100 |
 Registration Labels Blue R6 labels in complete intact blocks of 25 (5 rows x 5 columns) for the following towns; Bolgart, Boulder, Busselton, Eneab… $75 Sold $160 |
 Revenues 1906/09 Inscribed "Stamp Duty", Perf 11. 1d to £10 balance of consignment group noting 1d x 9, 3d, 6d x 6, 1/- x 12, 2/- x 3, 2/6d x 11, … $220 Sold $220 |
 Revenues 1922/30 1d to 10/- selection noting 1d x 36, 2d x 4, 3d x 10, 6d x 7, 1/- x 11, 2/- x 3, 2/6d x 2, 5/- x 19, 10/- x 9 & 30/-. Good to fine… $150 Sold $150 |
Swans Mainly 2d yellow used off paper in small env box plus env of 1d reds & another with vals to 1/- (dozens). Ex Brian Pope thus probably checked… $30 Sold $100 |