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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1907/10 ½d to 1/- Lakatoi wmk sideways, perf 11 set incl ½d shade. Mostly MUH with odd low value MLH. Overall toning/tan strips on reverse but fr…
Sold $40
1907/10 1d x 3, 2d x 4, 2½d x 5, 6d x 3 & 1/- plus 1d & 4d blocks of 4 all with wmk upright & perf. 11. MLH or MUH with toning & tan lines taken i…
Sold $100
1907/10 2d, 2½d (both SG 56 & 56a), 4d & 1/- wmk upright perf. 12½ MLH with usual light overall gum toning plus set of 4 fine used, the latter se…
1908 (5th June) "Cannibals with Captive, Brit New Guinea" titled b&w postcard addressed to England. "Papua." small ovpt on 1d BNG tied by "Samarai …
1910/11 large "Papua" bicolours to 2/6d with both "B" & "C" types. Fine used with crisp "socked on the nose" cds pmks. SG 75/83, Cat. £215 (9)
Sold $95
1910/11 large "Papua" bicolours to 2/6d with both "B" & "C" types. MUH/MLH, the latter incl marginal 2½d, 4d, 6d, 1/- & type C 2/6d. SG 75/83, Cat…
Sold $85
1911/15 1d rose-pink, perf. 14 MUH plus 1d pale scarlet MLH. SG 92/a, Cat. £77+ 9@0
Sold $30
1911/15 Lakatoi monocolours to 2/6d incl shade varieties of ½d & 2½d, plus 1d perf. 12½ & both perf.14 shades. All fine used. SG 84/92 + "a" num…
Sold $40
1916/31 1½d cobalt & light brown with "Postace" flaw at right. Fine used. SG 95d, Cat. £50+
1916/31 bicolour Lakatois to 4d incl shades of ½d (2), 1d & 1½d with 3 of each, 2d (3), 2½d, 3d & 4d. Fine used group annotated with SG cat. num…
Sold $15
1916/31 Lakatoi bicolours to 2/6d incl shades of ½d (2), 1d & 1½d (3 each), 2d & 3d (3 each) plus 4d & 6d (2 each). Fresh MLH with a few MUH. SG …
Sold $60
1917 "ONE PENNY" surcharges set of 6 fine used, the 2d with a "socked on the nose" Oct 1917 cds. Others ranging from 1918 to 1923. SG 106/11, Cat. …
Sold $30
1931/32 Lakatoi bicolours ovptd "OS" set of 12. MLH. SG O55/O66, Cat. £130 (12)
Sold $60
1931/32 Lakatoi "OS" set as above. Also MLH. SG O55/O66, Cat. £130 (12)
Sold $40
1932 2d red Bird of Paradise in upper marginal blocks of 4 with a subtle shade difference. MUH. Cat. £120+
Sold $24
1932 Pictorials to 2/6d MLH plus marginal MVLH 5/-. SG 130/43, Cat. £130 (14)
Sold $35
1932 Pictorial defins to £1 with majority MUH incl ½d buff, 1/-, 2/-, 10/- & £1 plus all 1934/41 issues MLH. Total Cat. £700 (52)
Sold $340
1938 50th Anniv set MUH & 1941 1/6d Air MUH plus 1939 set MLH. Cat. £95 (11)
Sold $20



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