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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Malawi 1970 surcharges to 1974 UPU in Prangnell album. Complete commems incl M/S's, FDC's & sets in blocks MUH & in used singles noting 1971 Antelo…
Sold $70
Malawi 1974-1979 in Prangnell album with commem sets in MUH blocks of 4 & used sets with FDC's & M/S's complete while the defins with 1975 birds in…
Sold $80
Malay States 1953-1960 complete used excl Malacca 1960 $2 on leaves in binder plus Hagner with Penang & Federation MUH Airs & blocks. A clean lot w…
Sold $130
Malay States & Straits Used QV to KGV on leaves in springback binder. A clean lot with majority fine used & vals to $5. STC $1500+ (300+)
Sold $120
Malayan States & Malaysia An accumulation in large quality stockbook with cat. vals shown in pencil next to many items. Modest pickings incl Kedah …
Sold $130
Malaysia & States Large accumulation all neatly arrange from Straits followed by States in alpha order & Malaysia. Many useful & all flagged with S…
Sold $140
Malaysia & States Used range noting 5 different RSW top vals & UPU sets x 11 all fine used. Other better items incl Kedah 1937 $1, Straits KGVI $5 …
Malaysia Starting with Straits common lightly dupl used to $1, FMS tigers to 20¢, BMA to $5 & States with MLH/used ranges. Noted Trengganu 1957 10…
Sold $50
Maldives 1970's-1980's MUH sets & M/S's in 3 display books with a high degree of completeness. SG STC £1000+ (Approx 750 stamps & 150 M/S's)
Sold $250
Malta 1860-1956 Schaubek hingeless album with a solid MLH & used collection from 1862 ½d Cr/CA orange-yellow (Cat. £40) noting 1886 5/- MLH (Cat.…
Sold $420
Malta Lighthouse A useful range in 2 slim Lighthouse stockbooks noting ½d orange CA wmk, 1d, 2d & 4d MLH plus used, "One Pnney" surcharge error ML…
Mauritius 1858-1985 collection in 2 vols. Mixed cond with some toning but still many QV to KGV pickings notably 1900/05 2r50 & 5r MLH (Cat. £160) …
Sold $190
Mauritius 1970-1981 Official illust FDC's in fine unaddressed cond. High degree of completeness. Noted light duplication with 2 or 3 of some incl 1…
Sold $120
Mauritius Hagner binder with computer generated leaves containing MLH & used noting 1858/62 (6d) vermilion MH (Cat. £70), 1859/61 6d dull purple-s…
Sold $320
Mauritius MLH & used in slim Lighthouse stockbook. A modest lot with majority used from the Arms types to 2011 with duplication. Noted KGVI 10r sin…
Sold $100
Monaco MLH range to 1938 noting various 1891/1921 Prince Albert vals incl 15¢ rose (Cat. £250, thinned) & 1938 National Fete M/S MLH (Cat. £100)…
Sold $60
Netherlands & Colonies Davo album with 1870-1948 Netherlands Indies incl 1934/37 defins to 1g mint, Netherlands New Guinea, Curacao/Netherlands Ant…
Sold $160
Netherlands & Colonies Largely used 1870's-1960's accum in 2 stockbooks. Strongest in 1940's & 1950's incl 1950 Relief Fund (excl 10¢ + 5¢) & Bom…
Sold $50
Netherlands Colonies Array of Netherlands Indies & Suriname from early issues in stockbook to some Netherlands New Guinea at back. Mixed MUH, MLH &…
Sold $75
Netherlands Colonies Printed leaves with MLH & used. Has been picked over but useful remnants incl Neth Antilles 1949 500th Anniv 6¢ & 12½¢ MLH …
Sold $85
New Caledonia 1962-2005 MUH collection on Hagners in binder. All "flagged" with SG cat. numbers (SG 367 & 1325) plus a few later 2005 issues. A col…
New Hebrides (French) 1953-1980 selection on Hagners incl 1953 Postage Dues & Concorde 5f plus set of 4 before 1977 surcharges to 500FNH on 10f & 1…
Sold $75
New Zealand - Ross Dependency 1957-2016 Fine used/CTO complete comprising 144 stamps, 2 blocks of 6, 10 M/S's & 2 FDC's. STC Cat. $800+
Sold $210
New Zealand 1903 Special Delivery 6d perf. 11 MLH/MVLH x 3, 1926/38 6d perf. 14x14½ x 2 used), perf. 14x15 x 2 MLH) & 1937/39 perf. 14x14½ MUH/ML…
Sold $170
New Zealand 1940-1958 Postal Fiscal Arms on multiple wmk range incl 1/3d orange, 1/3d orange & black x 2, both wmk inverted, error of colour 1/3d y…
Sold $120
New Zealand 1957-1966 Health Miniature Sheet retired dealers MUH stock arranged on Hagners. Comprises 1957 wmk upright 2d + 1d M/S x 7, 3d + 1d x 3…
New Zealand 1957-1993 Health M/S's with light duplication. MUH & MLH examples but majority MUH. Fine & fresh. Useful for re-sale etc. (50+)
New Zealand 1957-1971 range of Health M/S's in MUH/MLH cond (22) noting 1964 MUH plus other 1959-1966 birds issues. Conservative reserve. (22)
New Zealand 1974-1998 appearing complete with majority F/U or CTO plus some MUH M/S's. Noted various Exhib M/S's & 1987 & 1993 FDC packs plus 1957 …
Sold $90
New Zealand 2000-2005 selection on Hagners noting 2003 vehicles strip MUH & 4 vals to $1.50 used, Scenes CTO, 2007 skies CTO & 2005 150th Anniv str…
Sold $90
New Zealand QV-2015 duplicated MLH & used in quality Lighthouse stockbook with slipcase. Average 1870-1910 before better KGV noting 1920 Victory se…
Sold $360
New Zealand Group with main value in QV long fiscals x 25 to £5 good used. Also QV 1d blue stamp duty x 2 postally used on cover (damaged), 1939/4…
Sold $140
New Zealand Officials MUH, MLH & used dealers stock in Schaubek binder from 1907 with SG cat. numbers shown on central page dividers. Noted 2/- (SG…
Sold $600
New Zealand Special Delivery duplicated range comprising 1903 perf. 11 MLH & used (2), 1926/35 vermilion & bright violet perf. 14x14½ block of 4 &…
Sold $200
New Zealand "Balance of Consignment" on stockcards with various MUH & MLH incl 1960 Defins set to £1, Westland Centennial x 5 MUH, 1961 2½d surch…
Sold $60
New Zealand Group of stockcards with MUH/MLH/MH range from 1895 8d perf. 11 with useful later incl KEVII 2d mauve block MUH/MLH, 1935 Silver Jubile…
Sold $150
New Zealand MUH/MLH stock arranged in cat order with odd QV but better from 1906 with Christchurch set incl 3d x 2, 1920 Victory MUH & MLH sets, 19…
Sold $700
New Zealand Oddments from balance of consignment noting KGV 6d Official vertical pair with mixed perfs (SG O102ab, Cat. £75) one unit stained, "Hy…
New Zealand Retired Dealers counter book with priced range of MUH booklet panes, coil strips & counter coil pairs, latter incls KGVI 1/- "12" & 1/6…
Sold $75
New Zealand Retired Dealers stock all in catalogue order in large Lighthouse stockbook noting g a few Chalons in simplified number order incl 6d bl…
Sold $420
Newfoundland Range on Hagners starting with Nova Scotia (4 MLH) & New Brunswick (5) with remainder all Newfoundland in cat. order flagged by vendor…
Sold $110
Northern Rhodesia KGV postal stationery ovptd "SPECIMEN" incl 1d & 1½d postcards, 1d & 2d PSE's with latter in 2 sizes. Pencilled "£35 1981" on r…
Northern Rhodesia 1935-1963 comprehensive range on leaves noting Silver Jubilee MUH & F/U plus 1d x 4 on Airmail cover to Johannesburg, 1937 MUH & …
Nyasaland & Rhodesia 1871-1978 MLH & used, often with both, written up in Senator album starting with BCA ovpts on BSAC ½d MLH, 2d to 1/- & used i…
Sold $2300
Nyasaland/Rhodesia, Rhodesia & Nyasaland & North & South Rhodesia Arranged on 28 Hagners in quality binder with slipcase. Some duplication & odd fa…
Sold $420
Pakistan, Palestine & PNG Range on Hagners in quality binder with main value in PNG noting NWPI ovptd 2½d MLH, KGV ½d MLH, 1d, 2d in 2 shades use…
Sold $80
Palestine Duplicated range of common used but noted type 6 ovpt on 1m (SG 45, Cat. £35) & type 5 ovpt on 5m (SG 41, Cat. £9) plus 3m greenish-blu…
Peru 1866-2001 used collection neatly arranged in 2 SG "Senator" binders. Nothing of high Cat. val sighted but over 700 stamps counted from 1974 to…
Sold $110
Poland 1918-1963 with main value in album containing MUH/MLH with 1944 Monte Cassino ovpts MUH (Cat. £60), 1960 Birds MUH, 1963 Conquest of Space …
Sold $80
Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954-1963 comprehensive collection on Prangnell leaves in binder with slipcase noting 1954/56 to £1 MUH & used plus ½d & 1d …
Sold $180

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