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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth Omnibus ranges in mixed MLH/used sets plus odd vals with 1937 Coronation (130), 1935 Silver Jubilee (24), 1946 Victory (66), R…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth Selection comprising Nigeria 1961 to £1 MLH (Cat. £30), Bechuanaland 1961 to 2r MLH (Cat. £90), Jamaica 1964 to £1 MLH (Ca…
Sold $24
British Commonwealth Attractive early postcard selection noting Burma with KEVII stamps of India to Australia & the USA (1910), Cape of Good Hope P…
British Commonwealth Whitfield King standard printed album for issues to 1920 sparsely filled with MLH low val odds noting odd better incl Cayman I…
Sold $220
British Commonwealth Booklets range containing all different QEII types. Mainly African countries & Atlantic Islands but noted Solomon Is (Cat. £2…
Sold $100
British East Africa 1887-1965 substantial MLH & used collection in "Viscount" binder. SG Cat. numbers are pencilled below each starting with 1890/9…
Sold $1000
British Levant 1901-1905 Postcard selection with various b&w or colour scenes & all with GB stamps tied by Smyrna postmarks noting QV x 2, KEVII x …
Sold $80
British Southern Africa Quality large Lighthouse stockbook with Orange Free State MLH & used, South Africa from KGV with heavily duplicated low val…
Sold $50
British West Indies Jamaica, Leeward Is & Montserrat in quality Lindner stockbook with Jamaica incl QV (38) MLH/used to both 2/- arranged without a…
Sold $280
East Asia Large Prinz stockbook with Japan heavily duplicated early 1900's through to 1960's defins used plus a few China mistakenly included befor…
Sold $130
Europe A-C countries with MLH & used incl some better 1940's noting Austria 1948 Creative Artists MLH (Cat. £55), 1949 UNICEF (Cat. £16) & UPU (C…
Sold $60
Europe Assorted group noting WWII "AMS" ovpts on Italy 9 defins (incl 25l express) to 1l25 MUH, Naples 1858 5gr rose MLH with 3 margins, Poland 194…
Foreign 1914-1930 MLH & used collection in SG "Ideal" contemporary album. Some items have been removed but well worth viewing the remaining noting …
Sold $200
Latin America Early to 1960's MLH & used with all Central & South American countries (excl Chile) represented on a bundle of printed leaves. Condi …
Sold $60
Middle East & Arabian Peninsula Lighthouse stockbook starting with Sudan noting 1913/22 10pi perfin "SG" used, Jordan incl some 1960's MUH in glass…
Sold $80
Middle East Qatar MUH & MLH range with British Post Offices in Eastern Arabia, Southern Yemen, Trucial States, Bahrain, Morocco Agencies (Br) & Sha…
Middle East Range of Great Britain ovptd issues with majority in MVLH cond in SG "Exeter" album noting Bahrain 1948/49 to 2r, RSW (15r MUH), 1950/5…
Sold $130
Middle East Two stockbooks with many better items noting Dubai 1966 Summit Conference F/U, Jordan 1967 Animals MLH, Kuwait 1978 4d defin F/U, Oman …
Middle East Used range in "Errimar" springback with Iraq (422) incl 1923 Pictorials to 5R with both 2R, 1934 to 1 Dinar, 1941 ditto, 1948 likewise,…
Sold $200
Middle East/ Arabian Peninsula Used accumulation in Lighthouse stockbook with Bahrain, Israel, Iran (some are MLH reprints) & Iraq plus a few Kuwai…
Sold $65
Pacific Islands Large Lighthouse stockbook with a good coverage of Niue, Cook Is, Penrhyn, Tuvalu, Wallis & Futuna, French Polynesia (common), Toke…
Sold $75
World 1856-1949 covers & postcards individually priced & PTSA $450+. Incls Nigeria (2), Zieher card No.48 (South Aust) posted to WA from Czechoslov…
World 1930's MLH/used in SG "Ideal" contemporary album. Clearly picked over but many useful remain incl Belgium 1f75 "BIT" ovpts, Charities to 1f75…
Sold $75
World Range on c50 Hagners with the first 9 pages showing a range of postmark types on USA, Canada, Rhodesia, France, Central America, Aust. states…
Sold $230
World An interesting selection of Island nations with a random accumulation in Lindner stockbook comprising Mauritius to 10R fish MLH amongst other…
Sold $200
World Duplicated mixed MUH, MLH & used in quality large Prinz stockbook from Grenada low vals plus 2 MUH "Dinosaurs" M/S's, a few Grenadines, Ross …
Sold $60
World Early issues on Hagners in binder with slipcase. Starts with imperfs of Great Britain, Bavaria, France, Brazil, Hannover, Prussia, Austria, S…
Sold $290
World Range of issues from Austria, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Indonesia & Laos filling large quality stockbook. Occasional better noting Austria S…
Sold $70
World Foreign issues to 1936 in two SG "New Ideal" albums in good cond. Majority used & appearing to be of "packet material" status. The purchaser …
Sold $250
World Retired dealer lots comprising UNO New York & Geneva issues to 1976 MUH (Cat. £50+), USA 1976 Declaration of Independence M/S set of 4 MUH, …
World in old time album with majority used to 1940's noting a few 1950/60's of UNO & Italy MLH. Other countries incl USA which incls 19th Century w…
Sold $320
World Ranges of less common countries incl Afghanistan (not all are 1960's agency issues!), Portuguese Colonies, Bhutan, Curacao, Ethiopia, Ryuhus,…
Sold $90
World Lighthouse quality stockbook with duplicated North Borneo, Labuan, Ceylon/Sri Lanka, Finland, Indo-China & Vietnam. Value in page of early Ce…
Sold $160
World Mixed lot in old Triumph & Treasure Trove albums with 100's in very mixed cond & all pre-1960. Noted Jap Occ of Netherlands Indies shipping d…
Sold $40
World Officials MLH & used on 6 Hagners with majority common oddments in mixed cond but did note GB QV 2½d Army Official MLH (Cat. £50) with usef…
Sold $55
World Postage Dues on 15 single & double-sided Hagners. Mostly part sets & oddments flagged with cat. numbers & vals. Noted KUT SG D7/D12 MLH (Cat.…
Sold $85
World QV to QEII range of covers with potential noting Canada 1865 cover franked with 1859 5¢ beaver & 4 other pre-1930 plus items from Burma, Br.…
Sold $240
World Lighthouse stockbook containing amongst the 1000's, Bavaria 1k yellow imperf before later heavily dupl used to 1920, Turkey from 1860's (unch…
Sold $90
World MLH & used on Hagners & Vario sheets in binder with slipcase. Noted Morocco Agencies/Tangier QEII to 16/- MLH, Belgian Congo used, India QV r…
Sold $190
World Range of covers & stamps noting modest Ireland with 1922-1960 lightly dupl incl 1937 5/- St Patrick "Se" wmk (Cat. £120) & 1960 Europa 1/3d …
Sold $200
Zeppelin Covers Group of 4 incl 1931 Switzerland (front only) with 40¢ & 1f Airs tied by Romanshorn cds 11.VII.31 to Vienna where pictorial cachet…
Sold $100
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Kangaroos A substantial array in quality Linder album with slipcase noting vals to 10/- incl shades, varieties & inverted wmks plus a few useful po…
Sold $5750
Kangaroos & KGV Accum in Lighthouse stockbook with majority fine used in very good cond. Excellent pickings inserted in random order amongst common…
Sold $300
Kangaroos & KGV Starts with page of 1d kangaroos on/off paper noting inverted wmk used, next with large & small "OS" perfins on 1d & 2d vals before…
Sold $700
Kangaroos & KGV Album pages with various multiples incl 5d single wmk pair with "White flaw on emu's breast....." variety (ACSC 123u, Cat. $75) plu…
Sold $100
KGV ½d greens in bundleware format in small cigar box. Mix of both machine & cds cancels. (approx. 600)
Sold $85
KGV ½d greens (22), 1d reds on paper (100), 1d mauves (218), 1½d greens (355), 1½d browns (46), 2d orange (423), 4d blue (29) & 4d olive (158) i…
Sold $140
KGV ½d to 1/4d accum roughly sorted by wmk & face value noting 1/4d x 14 in various wmks, majority with heavy postmarks. Also 4d orange x 19, 4d v…
Sold $300
KGV ½d to 1/4d vals with 4 of the latter being a collectors' duplicates arranged on Hagners with approx 100 mixed ½d vals & 2d reds x 200+ plus a…
Sold $180
KGV 1d red bundleware with various shades visible from outside examples on 9 bundles. Mixed machine cancels & cds's in cigarette tin. (approx. 900)
Sold $100

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