Lot No |
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Est. |
Western Australia: Airmails |
 1931 (17th Feb) Perth to Yalbalgo Station, Carnarvon with 1½d KGV "TWO PENCE" surcharge Postal Stationery env " uprated by 3d blue KGV, SMW perf. … $120 Sold $150 |
 1931 (19th March) Registered Bruce Rock to London with Kingsford Smith set of 3 tied by neat Bruce Rock cds's on FDI with matching R6 label top lef… $100 Sold $100 |
 1931 (14th April) Registered Airmail cover from Geraldton to Teddington, England with a 2/2d franking consisting of Kingsford Smith set of 3, 6d ch… $120 Sold $120 |
 1931 (16th April) Australia-England flight covers x 2 with the first carried on the return flight (First Experimental) from Moora, WA to Scotland w… $80 Sold $120 |
 1931 (24th Apr) Melbourne to Hobart with 2d surcharged 1½d KGV, 3d K-S & 3d Airmail tied by Midland Junction cds's with neighbouring pictorial cac… $60 Sold $60 |
 1931 (19th Nov) Australia to England All Australian Airmail by ANA. Plain Perth Registered env with 9d violet kangaroo (SMW Die IIB), 6d brown Airm… $40 Sold $42 |
 1932 (5th Sept) Namban WA cover addressed to "Rev Father Theodore Hernandey, Passenger on board northbound "Koolinda" Northbound, Derby" plus an en… $100 Sold $150 |
 1934 (5th May) Parcel tag with "BY AIR MAIL" blue vignette & large 1/- lyre bird & 1d green KGV tied by individual Mundabullangana cds's. Addressed… $150 Sold $360 |
 1934 (13th Dec) Registered cover from Whim Creek to Perth with 5d KGV & 3d Macarthur tied by Whim Creek cds & blank provisional blue label with no … $50 Sold $80 |
 1935 (23rd Nov) Cocos Islands x 3 Airmail covers with a plain cover displaying the triangular pictorial map cachet in red ink & addressed to Victor… $80 Sold $80 |
 1936 (7th Feb) Fremantle to Carnarvon attractive "Watson's Supply Stores" printed commercial env with large 1932 6d brown kookaburra (a scarce sing… $90 Sold $90 |
 1936 (4th Apr) Perth to Carnarvon cover with 4d olive KGV with commercial "WA & Co.1" (Mathews) perfin. Attractive Harris, Scarfe & Sandovers Ltd i… $40 Sold $40 |
 1936 (18th June) Perth addressed env with 5d brown KGV, CofA wmk tied by Doorawarrah A31 cds ("rated "rare" by Goulder) & 1924 (24th May) cover wit… $100 Sold $170 |
 1946 (29th Nov) Perth to China with Perth registered cds's tying the 4/9d franking (overpaid by 1/-) with Sydney transit & Shanghai arrival b/s's p… $60 Sold $210 |
 1954 (13th March) British Overseas Airways Corp. Constellation G-ALAM "Belfast" (Captain T.W. Hoyle) crashed in Singapore with 31 passengers & two … $50 Sold $80 |
1930-1960's Brian Popes "Balance of Collection" & remainders consisting of 35 covers incl first flights, an intermediate cover, WWII covers, Airmai… $200 Sold $340 |
Australia: Pre-decimal |
1913-1965 MUH/MLH in Seven Seas hingeless album (retails at $165). Kangaroos incl 1st wmk to 6d (excl 2½d) MLH (2d foxed, 4d even toning), 3rd wmk… $1000 Sold $600 |
 1914 6d engraved kookaburra. Fresh MVLH & well centred. SG 19, retail $120 $40 Sold $40 |
 1914 6d engraved kookaburra. Fine MUH, & centred high. SG 19, retail $240 $60 Sold $60 |
 1915 6d KGV War Savings. MNG with small surface tear but remains highly collectable. $30 Sold $30 |
 1917 "The Y.M.C.A. With the Egyptian Expeditionary Forces" printed stampless censored env addressed to Sydney with Field Post Office LH2 cds (2nd L… $30 Sold $34 |
 1918 Australian Comforts Fund Greetings card with "Capture of Hamel Village July 4th 1918" painting on front with "I joined the battle here at Hame… $30 Sold $100 |
 1920/21 "Pals" labels group of 6 incl "Coaching in Victoria", Apple Harvest, Tasmania", "Felling Timber, Western Australia" & "Mosman's Bay Sydney"… $75 Sold $75 |
 1921 2½d indigo kangaroo cut out from Postal Stationery & used by bold part Melbourne cds. Remains collectable & originally listed as ACSC WS5, Ca… $100 Archived |
 1927 1½d Canberra with "half mast flag" variety x 2 used plus "flaw on first "A" of Australia". Also an unlisted flaw under last "A" of Australia … $50 Sold $140 |
 1927-1932 Officials selection incl perf "OS" 1½d Canberra, 3d kookaburra, 3d Air with both A & B types, 1½d swan & 1930 Sturt pair plus ovptd "OS… $80 Sold $50 |
 1928 Kookaburra Exhibition Miniature Sheet from bottom of sheet. Fresh MVLH. SG MS 106a $100 Sold $100 |
 1929 1½d WA Cent set of 1-12 Plate blocks. Perf faults on Pl.1 & Pl.2 with lower left selvedge soiled on Pl.10 & toning on Pl.11. All others fine … $60 Sold $90 |
 1929 3d Airmail, type A in John Ash imprint blocks of 4 x 6. All MUH but with light horiz "tan" lines from stockbook storage. ACSC 134z, Cat. $250 … $120 Sold $75 |
 1929 3d Airmail, type A in Plate 1-4 blocks of 4. MUH/MLH. ACSC 134za/zd, Cat. $360 (4 blks) $100 Sold $70 |
 1929 3d Airmail, type B. Fine & fresh MUH block of 4, centred right. SG 115 $50 Sold $50 |
 1930 (7th Nov) "FIVE PENCE" on 4½d KGV violet tied by Perth Registered cds with neighbouring Perth R6 Regd label. Slight soiling. Also endorsed "1… $30 Sold $24 |
 1930 1½d Sturt in Plates 1-8 blocks of 4. MUH/MLH. ACSC 139z/zg, Cat. $120+ $40 Sold $30 |
 1930 1½d Sturt in Plates 1-8 blocks as above but with additional Plates 5-8. Fresh MUH/MLH, one plate 6 with faults but other fresh MUH. ACSC 139z… $50 Sold $35 |
 1931 (25th Jan) KGV 4½d Registered Letter uprated with 1½d & 3d Sturt all tied by Wellington N.Z. cds's & addressed to Auckland with neighbouring… $40 Sold $40 |
 1931 (20th Apr) Aust to England "Experimental Air Mail" endorsed cover with Kingsford Smith set of 3 plus 2 additional 6d vals with one containing … $75 Archived |
 1931 6d grey-brown Kingsford Smith Airmail in John Ash imprint strip of 3. Fresh MUH. ACSC 144zd, Cat. $425 for block of 6 $60 Sold $50 |
 1931 6d violet Kingsford Smith in bottom sheet block of 30 with all selvedges plus central John Ash imprint. Perf separation above imprint otherwis… $240 Archived |
 1931 6d violet Kingsford Smith in top left corner block of 10 plus blocks of 4 x 5, pairs x 6 & 20 singles. All fine MUH with no obvious varieties.… $150 Sold $120 |
 1931 6d Kingsford Smith Airmail MUH & 3d K-S CTO plus 1932 3d SHB corner marginal Plate 3 single MUH & all ovptd "OS". Also 1931 6d KS Airmail MUH.… $80 Sold $60 |
 1932 1d green KGV John Ash gutter pair. "Some of the letters partly doubled especially parts of "JOHN", "NOTE" & "STAMP" and also last letter "A" o… $180 Sold $180 |
 1932 1/- lyrebird MUH & fine used plus ovptd "OS" used (small grease stain). ACSC 145A & 145(OS), Total Cat. $180 (3) $40 Archived |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. CTO without gum. Well centred. SG 143, ACSC 148, Cat. $400 $120 Sold $120 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge as above. SG 143, ACSC 148, Cat. $400 $120 Sold $90 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. Superb CTO without gum. Exc centring, colour & perfs. ACSC 148, Cat. $500 $150 Archived |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge. Fine used, possibly CTO with good centring. SG 143, ACSC 148 $90 Sold $120 |
 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge John Ash imprint strip of 3. Superb MUH with rich colour & very good perfs - stunning! A MLH example with aged hinge… $2800 Sold $2800 |
 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge set of 4 with 2d & 3d vals MUH & 5/- MVLH plus "OS" ovptd pair also MLH. All well centred. SG 140/44 & O134/35 (6) $300 Sold $240 |
 1932 (19th Mar) "Sydney Harbour Bridge Souvenir Telegram" illust envelope with FDI Sydney Harbour Bridge cds above address. Minor faults but neatly… $80 Sold $80 |
 1932 (19th Mar) 2d & 3d Sydney Harbour Bridge pair on plain Regd cover Celebrating the formal Opening with "Sydney Harbour Bridge S.E. PYLON" Reg l… $100 Archived |