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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postal Stationery
1915 (2nd Jul) Land Titles Office long OHMS env addressed to "William St John, Tramway Employee, Perth "with 4 x 1d red KGV perfined "OS" incl vert…
Sold $40
1919 (25th Apr) OHMS long buff Land Titles Office env addressed to Kellerberrin with small red Perth "Index 867" R6 Registration label stuck on top…
Sold $80
1921 (22nd Nov) OHMS Office of Titles env to Northam with 2d orange KGV perfined "OS" tied by Perth machine cancel. Other postal markings on front …
Sold $30
1926 (29th Nov" OHMS Office of Titles long env to Subiaco with typed address & 1½d red & 3d dull blue Die 1a type A KGV, both perfined "OS" tied b…
Sold $50
1930 (26th Jun) "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE" in smaller font on Office of Titles env to Dardanup, redirected to Whittakers Mills before being redirec…
Sold $30
1931 (11th Jun) OHMS buff long env with typed C/O Perth GPO address & 4d greenish olive KGV, perf. 13½ x 12½ perfined "OS" (ACSC 116Bba) & 1d gre…
Sold $160
1944 (26th Jul) OHMS Land Titles Office "Lend to Defend - Buy War Savings Certificates" small buff env with 5½d emu perfined "WA" tied by Register…
Sold $30
1945 (12th Dec) Registered OHMS "Postmaster-Generals Department Dead Letter Office Perth, WA" long env envelope specifically printed for the return…
Sold $30
Western Australia: Postmarkers/Handstamps
9 bar dumb obliterator. Long 8cm wooden handle in good cond.
Sold $190
Balingup Lower W.A C30 7cm wooden handle with the date set at 8 MY 24. Original PNG tag attached. Date slug pin missing but workings seem clean. Id…
Sold $260
Dead Letter Office Perth WA Short 7cm wooden handle with date slug pin present. Clear face but "workings" appear rusted shut? Set at "39 JA 39"! A …
Sold $150
Maxicar Western Australia A30 Short 7cm wooden handle also with original PNG tag attached. Set at "1 AP ?2" Date slug pin missing & rusted workings…
Sold $240
Maylands Post Office W.A. Oval shaped with wording on 3 lines with central crown. Medium 9.5cm wooden handle. Worn face suggesting heavy use!
Sold $180
R Oval shaped with outer ring & a bold "R". Regularly seen on Registered postal history etc. Long 10.5cm handle & well used as to be expected. Iconic!
Sold $150
R.A.A.F. 8504 Australia Set at 23 DE 44. No date slug pin & rusted shut but a lovely example of a WWII cds. Also with the PMG tag & string still at…
Sold $150
T.O.K. Porphyry West Aust (Telephone Office Keeper) E30 Archival postmarker set at the date in the PMI cat of 4 JY ?. 7cm wooden handle with the da…
Sold $250
TELEGRAPHIC ADVICE & T 319 The former is a S/L with a more ornate wooden handle versus the tax h/s. The latter is the 2-line hexagonal type. Two ic…
Sold $230
Wattlegrove W.A. Long 11cm handle. Small neat crown with face in very good cond.
Sold $210
Western Australia: Postmarks
Argyle D27 Full strike on 2d yellow on piece dated 17 OC 10, 2 weeks earlier than the early date in PMI.
Sold $42
Armadale 3b 90% strike on piece dated 1 AU 06 & 2 strikes of A25 on piece for 10 JUN 09. (2 items)
Sold $30
Balingup Pair 2B An 80% variable strike on 1d V/Crown wmk swan dated NO 4 03. Also Balingup D27 dated 23 MAY 11.
Sold $50
Bayswater A27 early date of 12 AU 1907, a blue strike Bays(water) for 25 JU 1909 & type 3b, Index 2, heavy 80& strike for FE 20 04 on 1d swan.
Sold $40
Beria A25 Swan pair with 2 x 80% strikes dated 28 JUL 07.
Sold $30
Beverley 4 diff types incl BL-BE, type 2b SON cancel on 2d grey swan dated JA 1 99, Beverley 3b AP 25 - no year slugs & type A25 crisp strike on 2d…
Sold $30
Blackrange 3b on 1d red swan on cut-out stationery piece dated AU 7 06. The "7" & "AU" are inverted while the year is the correct way up. This slug…
Sold $20
Boddington D28 ERD dated 30 MY 1916 only 3 weeks after opening, Bolgart D27 for 14 OC 1916 & Boyanup B29 for 1 JA 18, 2 years earlier than PMI. A u…
Sold $60
Boorabbin 3b-b 2 bullseye strikes on 2d yellow swan for MR 17 01 & on postal stationary cut out from a registered envelope dated OC 2 11. Both very…
Sold $46
Borderdale Partial 25% strike. P.O. opened 1913, east of Albany Hwy between Kojonup & Cranbrook. Not listed in PMI. Ex Pope.
Boulder Registration Branch ORS 2 Faint 95% strike on 2d grey swans pair dated 28 JUL 1899. Note top swan has printing flaw probably resulting from…
Sold $60
Broad Arrow 3b-a on 2d grey swan on piece for JY 18 99 in mauve & 3b-b on 5d bistre swan dated OC 16 99. Both very fine examples.
Sold $42
Broome 5 different incl (Roe)uck Ba(y) 2b partial (only known Feb-March 1897), Broome 3b-a 70% strike on 2½d blue swan for SP 15 00, 3b-b on strip…
Sold $30
Bruce Rock Postmaster ORS1. Clear impression on small piece from Official form for 19 NOV 1962. PMI & PMC dates stated as c1978. This example is 16…
Sold $70
Brunswick Colonial type 1 cancel with "26/11/77" dateline in m/s, alongside void grid cancelling SG 60 swan. A superb & scarce proving piece tying …
Sold $140
Brunswick Junction Post & Telegraph Office ORS 4. Two light but discernible strikes on 1d block of 4 swans. Indiscernible date. Not recorded in PMI…
Sold $65
Canning Mills Post Office ORS 1 An 80% strike on 2d swan with day "10" in m/s before NOV with year unknown. PMI lists 11-5-99 to 2-8-03.
Sold $60
Collie Burn CDS B27 Full impression on piece tying 1d carmine swan. Early date 10 JE 12, with PMI showing unknown date for year 1912. Scarce on swans!
Sold $55
Collie Cardiff B26 Variable 60% strike on 2d yellow dated 10 MY 10, an ERD with PMI recording 4-06-14 so this is 4 years earlier!
Sold $48
Collie Fields Post & Telegraph Office ORS. Clean 60% strike on 5d swan. PMI dates 9-05-99 to 3-06-99 only so this extends later date by 3 days clea…
Sold $110
Cue Selection of 8 different incl 3b-a, 3b-d, 3b-e with indexes nil, 1 & 2 plus A26 on pair for 2MAR 08 & A27 dated 30 JAN 11 on 9d swan. Also a su…
Sold $50
Cunderdin Large piece from commercial env headed "Mat Frawley, General Blacksmith and Wheelwright . Shoeing a specialty, Cunderdin. 2 full strikes …
Sold $30
Dardanup Full strike Col 1 on vertical pair of swans plus Col 1 in violet ink (not listed in PMI), both without year slugs. Also two D27 part strik…
Sold $85
Day Dawn DxPO town half strike for JY 30 04, 3b dated 18 AP 08, an A26 for 15 MR 11 & B29 on pair for 8 SEP 07. (4)
Sold $30
Denmark 3b indexes incl "bullseye" strike for nil dated JY 25 14 on 3d kangaroo, 3b index 1 on 1d for FE 24 00 (75%), 3b index 19 dated JU 27 30 on…
Sold $60
Denmark Postmaster ORS1 Cut around on brown paper dated 23 OCT 1944. PMC dates it c1964 which this example exceeds by about 20 years. Rated "rare" …
Denninup Vale B30, 70% strike on piece for 15 DE 15. PMI has the LRD date as 15-02-15, so this is some 10 months later.
Sold $50
Dongarra Complete set of 3b's comprising indexes nil, A, B & without year slugs. Also D26 in black for 1 JAN 13 on "ONE PENNY" ovptd swan & a D26 f…
Sold $50
Doodlakine CRS, 90% slightly smudged strike of scarce Doodlakine CRS in violet on 2d yellow swan.
Sold $50
East Kirup B29-c (No double P) Superb full strike on piece tying 1d KGV for 29 OCT 15. PMI shows early date as 10-12-17 so this some 2 years earlier.
Sold $40
Evanston Crisp & fine 100% strike on piece, possibly archival, dated 31 JY 39, some 10 months earlier than the date shown in PMI.
Sold $70
Fimiston Full set of 3b types with indexes nil, 1, 2, 3 & 4. Fine strikes ("3" heavy). Also a 90% strike on 2d swan D26t.(as much as strike will fi…
Sold $40

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