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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postmarks
Gindalbie A27 70% strike on 4d chestnut swan dated 5 DE 1907. PMI dates 9-07-08 to 6-12-11. Fine & a useful early date.
Sold $30
Glenfield F31 Complete strike on 2½ Mitchell for 28 SE 67. PMI dates 20-04-67 to close on 9-07-71. (1-2)
Sold $42
Gnarabup A30 on 1½d red KGV for 10 SE 29. PMI date 18-12-24 to ?-09-29. Group settlement No.74 (1)
Sold $30
Gnowangerup B27-a Incorrectly spelt with "NG" & not "GN". 90% strike on 1d kangaroo on piece dated 6 AU 13. PMI dates 10-09-13 to 6-08-14. (1)
Sold $300
Golden Ridge B27-a Two fine strikes on ½d green kangaroo pair dated 16 AP 13. PMI dates 19-01-12 to 11-04-13. (1)
Sold $40
Goongarrie 3b-a on 5d olive swan, wmk crown/CA, in violet ink & dated NO 7 98. A late date.
Sold $48
Goongarrie D27 Superb strike on 1d red KGV for 20 OC 15. PMI dates 23-11-10 to 24-05-17. (1)
Sold $25
Gosnells Post & Telegraph Office ORS1 with inverted date line for 15 DEC 1958 on colour illustrated "Congratulations" Telegram TG 42G. Full strike …
Sold $100
Granite Hills A26 Neat bullseye strike on 1½d green KGV for 22 Ap 24. PMI dates 27-06-24 to 4-09-30. Quality example with early date.
Sold $65
Grass Patch B28 Very fine complete cancel on 1d red swan from postal stationery printed envelope for 5 NO 12. PMI dates 31-12-12 to 7-07-26. Useful…
Sold $80
Grass Valley B28-a 1d surcharge on 2d yellow swans strip of 3 with 3 part strikes dated 3 10 JE 13. PMI dates 12-10-16 to 29-09-24. Scarce on swans.
Sold $40
Grass Valley Post & Telegraph Office ORS 1 60% strike on 1d red swan for 4 OCT 1904. PMI dates 5-08-03 to 4-10-04. A rarely seen postmark. (1)
Sold $130
Great Hope Valley A25 Quality almost complete strike on 1½d red KGV dated 6 MY 27. PMI dates 3-06-27 to 15-07-27. Group Settlement No. 62 & underr…
Sold $190
Green Hills 2c Complete but variable on 2d yellow swan on piece for AU 7 07. PMI dates 7-03-03 to 26-04-14. example.
Sold $26
Greenbushes Timber Mills A26 in violet ink 80% strike on 2d yellow swan dated 27 FEB 1910 & a D27 100% strike in black on 1½d brown KGV on piece f…
Sold $40
Greenough Savings Bank Sbi Clear & crisp 80% strike on 2d yellow swans pair for AU 9 07. PMI dates 10-11-05 to 3-04-08. (1)
Sold $40
Greenough Savings Bank Sbii Two part variable strikes on 2d yellow swans pair for MR 14 04. PMI dates 19-07-99 to ?-??-04. Poor quality reflected i…
Group 69 C28 60% strike on 1½d red KGV for 14 AP 25. PMI dates 10-08-26 to 2-10-28. A bold & clear very early strike. (1)
Sold $50
Group 88 70% strike in blue ink on 1½d red KGV for 9 JE 26. Variable but useful.
Sold $55
Group 90 Dated 4 JE 27 on 1½d red KGV. 60% strike with "0" not 100% clear.
Sold $26
Gullawa 3b Index 1 80% strike on 2d yellow swan for 4 AP ?. PMI date 2-08-98 to 1-03-07. (1)
Sold $30
Gullewa 3b index 3 (indistinct) Complete strike on 1d red swans pair for SP 17 01. PMI dates 2-08-98 to 1-03-07.
Sold $24
Halls Creek South E31 Crisp complete strike on 1d QEII dated ? SP 5? Neat example.
Sold $50
Halls Creek South E35 Superb complete strike on 6½d KGVI on piece for 15 AU 52. PMI dates 8-08-52 to 1-02-56 (closed 1956). (1-2)
Sold $40
Hamel 3b An almost complete strike on 1d red swan for AP 19 05. PMI dates 28-06-04 to 1-07-13. Fine
Hamilton Road Fremantle A28 complete strike on 1d green KGV dated 16 SP 31. Very fine.
Sold $60
Hamilton Road Fremantle A28 Full strike on 2d Kingsford Smith with indistinct date on piece. (1)
Hamilton Road Fremantle A28 on 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge for 2 AP 32. PMI dates 31-10-29 to 25-02-38. A fine almost complete pmk. (1)
Sold $26
Harris A25 on 2d yellow swan for 23 NOV 09. PMI dates 15-09-06 to 6-09-10. Rarely seen so fine. (1)
Sold $30
Hay River D27 Lovely complete strike on 1d red swans pair on piece dated 21 MAR 10. PMI dates 11-08-08 to ?-07-10 when renamed Narrikup.
Sold $38
Hay St West 3b Index 1 Light bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for 6 FE 04. (1)
Hay St West 3b Index Nil. Lovely complete strike on 2d orange-brown KGV dated DE 7 20. A very late date with PMI dates being 8-05-03 to 16-10-16 . (1)
Sold $30
Helena Vale 3b Virtually complete bullseye postmarks for index 1 on 2d yellow swan for MR 21 99, index 2 on 1d red swans pair dated MR 16 99 & inde…
Sold $40
Hester B28 Complete but slightly smudged on 2d KGVI on piece for 25 NO 41. PMI dates 31-05-35 until close on 06-09-57. (1)
Higginsville A25 Bullseye strike on 1d red swan for 25 AUG 06. PMI dates 25-08-06 to 20-05-46. Lovely example & useful on swans.
Sold $40
Highbury 3b Superb cancel on 2d yellow swan on piece for SP 9 07. PMI dates 25-10-06 to 1-08-22.
Sold $30
Highgate Hill 3b Complete strikes on 3d brown swans pair for OC 6 10. PMI dates 22-03-06 to 23-07-12.
Sold $160
Hither Green C28 complete crisp "Archival" strike on piece with no date. Scarce Group Settlement.
Sold $60
Holdens A28 on 3d green kangaroo for 9 DE 19. A fine complete strike on piece.
Sold $290
Holleton C3 Fine & complete on corner selvedge 2d KGVI on piece dated 11 MY 39. Hard to find better!
Sold $65
Holleton C30 complete strike on 2d SA Cent on piece for 5 DE 36. Incls write up on the origin of name from the original "Hollow's Find" township.
Hollows Find C30 Superb full strike in blue ink on 1d green KGV pair for 30 JE 32. Not recorded in blue.
Sold $70
Holyoake No.8 Mill B29 Complete but variable strike on 1½d red KGV pair (rh stamp damaged) dated 20 JA 27. PMI dates 23-03-27 to 6-11-29.
Sold $80
Hopetoun Savings Bank Sbi 70% strike on 1d red swan (damaged) for FE 17 08. PMI dates 2-11-07 to 29-2-08. (1)
Sold $30
Hopetoun Savings Bank Sbi. Complete, light variable strike on 2d swan on piece dated JA 25 without a visible year. Very short period of use noted i…
Sold $40
Ida H A28 Bold 85% strike on 2d yellow swan for 14 SP 1909. PMI dates 11-04-07 to 1-03-11. A fine example. (2)
Sold $30
Ida H D28 Complete strike in violet ink on 1d kangaroo dated 10 JE 13. PMI dates 10-05-12 to 15-08-19. (1-2)
Sold $85
Inglehope C31 Superb complete strike on 2d KGVI for 27 MY 33. An early date with PMI dates being 11-11-36 to 31-07-43. Possible ERD.
Sold $40
Irwin D28 Upright bullseye strike centrally placed on block of 4 x 1d red swans dated 10 NO 10. PMI dates 18-08-10 to 16-08-58. Attractive swan usage.
Sold $50
Israelite Bay 3b Stunning bullseye strike on 2d yellow swan for DE 28 12. 4-07-02 to 10-01-13. The finest we have seen!
Sold $48

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