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Western Australia: OS Perfins
Crown "PAID" Official in black & a second in blue ink. Both fine & clear on small pieces. (2)
Sold $50
1902/11 1d to £1 orange-brown set of 15 perfined "OS" with extra shades of 4d, 5d & 2/-. Good to find used & difficult to assemble postally used. …
Sold $280
1902/11 5d bistre perfined "OS". Short perf at left otherwise fine used with bullseye Perth Registered cds dated 15 FEB 11. ACSC Note 1 "… this i…
Sold $75
1902/11 2/- QV with sideways wmk & 5/- emerald green both perfined "OS" & F/U. SG 124a & 126 (2)
Sold $50
1902 5/- emerald-green perfined "OS". Fine used with Perth Registered oval for 6 DEC 11. SG 126 var, ACSC W64Aba, Cat. $350 (2004), considerably mo…
Sold $100
1902/11 10/- deep mauve perfined "OS". SG 127, Juhl Cat. $100 (1992)
Sold $50
1906 1d carmine-red perfined "OS" block of 4 with upright wmk. MH with part original gum. Well centred. SG 139a, ACSC w6ba, Cat. $160+ (2004)
Sold $20
1905 5d bistre, V/Crown wmk, perf 11 with "OS" perfin. Fine used with Perth 1912 cds. ACSC Cat. $150
Sold $50
1905 5d brown perfined "OS". Fine used, a couple of short perfs at left. Note 1 states, "Perhaps as many as ten mint & 20-30 used examples are know…
Sold $50
1905 5d brown perfined "OS" as above. Fine used with good perfs & excellent centring. ACSC W37b, Cat. $400 (ACSC 2004)
Sold $150
1905 9d orange-yellow perfined "OS". MH/MLH, centred left. ACSC W52, Cat. $250 (2004)
Sold $40
1905 9d orange-yellow perfined "OS". Horiz crease, centred left but fine used with Albany 1907 cds. ACSC W52, Cat. $300 (2004)
Sold $30
1909 £1 orange perfined "OS". Postally used with part, light oval registration cancel dated 1913. Light diagonal crease but a difficult stamp to f…
Sold $320
1910 10/- bright purple perfined "OS". Lightly used with Oct 1909 cds suggesting it is not this shade but matches reference collection bright purpl…
Sold $210
1912 1d carmine-red with a double "OS" perfin. An excellent example of this error. Fine used. SG 139 var.
Sold $210
1912 3d dull orange-brown, wmk sideways (ACSC W31Ab) & 3d deep orange-brown (ACSC W31Bb). Both with the rough perfs characteristic of this thin pap…
Sold $140
1912 3d brown on thin ready gummed paper. MH with minute closed tear at left plus a second perfined "OS" with wmk sideways. (ACSC W31Bb) Cat. for b…
Sold $75
1912 3d deep orange-brown perfined "OS". Good used. ACSC W31Bb, Cat. $300
Sold $40
1912 3d deep orange-brown perfined "OS". Fine used, short perf top right. An increasingly scarce stamp. ACSC W31Bb, Cat. $300 (2004)
1908 9d yellow-orange, line perf MLH (ACSC W51B(OS), Cat. $200 (2004)) & 9d orange perfined "OS" used (ACSC 51A(OS), Cat. $150) (2)
1906 9d orange-yellow, Crown/A wmk, perf. 11 & perfined "OS". Fine used & scarce so fine. ACSC W52, Cat. $200 (2004)
Sold $65



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