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Est. |
Kangaroos: 1915/28 3rd Watermark |
 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d & 1/- MUH/MLH selection plus 6d chestnut perfined "OS" (faults). Gum & hingeing varies but majority well centred. Useful "budg… $50 Sold $120 |
2½d blue with "white flaw" under "AU" variety. Fine used & well centred. ACSC 11(2)m, Cat. $90 $30 Sold $30 |
 3d olive, Die I horiz se-tenant pair with "White scratch from left frame to Albany & through lower portion of kangaroo" (ACSC 13(2)j) & "White scra… $100 Sold $200 |
 3d pale olive Die IIB with "break in left frame just below top corner" variety. MLH. ACSC 14(U)f, Cat. $175 $50 Sold $50 |
 3d pale olive-green Die IIB & perfined "OS". Fresh MH/MLH. ACSC 14Db, Cat. $275 $75 Sold $85 |
 6d chestnut in 3 shades incl chestnut MUH, pale chestnut MUH & deep chestnut MNG. All fine examples. ACSC 21A, 21B & 21C, Cat. $450 as MLH (3) $90 Archived |
 6d chestnut in John Ash imprint block of 4 with "white hairline from value circle to map" variety. ("N" over "N"). MLH (even aged gum) in gutter & … $100 Sold $80 |
 6d chestnut pair in marginal corner vert pair with top unit showing "broken leg" variety. MUH (hinged in selvedge only). ACSC 21(3)d, $250 + premium $100 Archived |
 6d chestnut pair with rh stamp showing the "broken leg of kangaroo" variety. Fresh MLH, centered low. ACSC 21(3)d, Cat. $250 + $40 for normal $70 Archived |
 6d chestnut x 2. MUH & well centred. ACSC 21A, Cat. $100 ea. (2) $50 Archived |
 6d pale chestnut perfined OS with "white flaw in Gulf of Carpentaria" variety. MLH, centred high. ACSC 21Bba, Cat. $250 $60 Sold $75 |
 6d ultramarine Die II with inverted wmk & perfined "OS". Lightly used, centred high & missing corner perf but useful at this reserve. ACSC 14Db, Ca… $30 Sold $30 |
 6d ultramarine with "Bite" out of kangaroo's left leg", state II variety. Good used with a couple of short perfs. ACSC 19(z)da, Cat. $2,250 $300 Sold $300 |
 6d milky greyish-blue perfined "OS" in top right margin vertical pair. MLH with slightly aged gum. ACSC 19Fba $100 Sold $80 |
 6d pale greyish-violet Die II perfined "OS". Fine MUH, centred low. ACSC 19Gba, Cat. $425 + premium for scarce shade $120 Sold $120 |
 6d pale ultramarine Die IIB. MLH well centred. ACSC 20C, Cat. $325 $100 Archived |
 6d pale ultramarine, Die IIB in left marginal block of 4. MUH but even gum toning reflected in conservative reserve. ACSC 20C, Cat. $3000 $300 Sold $240 |
 6d pale ultramarine, Die IIB perfined "OS" with bottom selvedge. MVLH verging on MUH. ACSC 20Cb, Cat. $375 $120 Sold $160 |
 6d violet-blue Die IIB. MVLH, very light bend at top for accuracy. ACSC 20B, Cat. $400 $60 Archived |
 9d violet Die IIB perfined "OS". Fine MVLH. ACSC 27Aba, Cat. $375 $120 Sold $95 |
 9d violet Die II. MLH, centred slightly right. ACSC 26A, Cat. $125 $30 Archived |
 9d pale violet Die IIB with "break in right frame opposite Sydney" variety. Fine used. ACSC 27B(3)h, Cat. $300 $80 Sold $80 |
 1/- sea green resulting from dry ink. MVLH & perfectly centred with RPSV (2009) Cert. ACSC 32F, Cat. $600 (ACSC 32E in 2004 Cat.) $200 Sold $320 |
 1/- blue green, Die IIB with "LI" of "Shilling" deformed" variety in used block of 4. ACSC 33(4)h, Cat. $150 + premium with 3 normal. $75 Sold $65 |
 1/- blue green, Die IIB with sideways wmk. MUH block of 4, centred left. ACSC 33aa, Cat. $1100 + MUH premium $400 Archived |
 1/- grey-green Die II. Fine used by neat Crows Nest, Queensland unbordered cds plus 1915 2nd wmk 1/- deep dull green with Singleton NSW cds. Purcha… $180 Sold $240 |
 2/- brown. MLH with aged gum & centred slightly to right. Useful "budget" example. ACSC 37A, Cat. $450 $40 Sold $32 |
 2/- brown. MLH & well centred. ACSC 37, Cat. $450 $120 Sold $90 |
 2/- brown with inverted wmk. Used with Sydney Parcel cancel. Well centred with very good perfs. ACSC 37Aa, Cat. $2250 $400 Archived |
 2/- brown perfined "OS". MUH with very light even gum aging but well centred & frontally fresh. ACSC 37ba, Cat. $3250 $650 Sold $650 |
 2/- brown perfined "OS" mint with inverted wmk. MH with hinge remainder & disturbed gum. Good centring. SG Cat. £4250, ACSC 37a(ba), Cat. $7500 $1600 Sold $1600 |
 2/- deep brown with bottom selvedge. MLH/MH with small hinge remnant. Excellent perfs & well centred. ACSC 37D, Cat. $500 $120 Sold $160 |
 2/- maroon. MLH with small remnant & light wrinkle. Useful "budget" example. ACSC 38, Cat. $300 $50 Archived |
2/- maroon perfined "OS". MUH, centered slightly low right otherwise superb with Drury Cert. (2021). ACSC 38Aba, Cat. $1250 $480 Archived |
 2/- pale brown. MLH with hinge remnant. Attractive well centred example. ACSC 37B, Cat. $600 $150 Sold $210 |
 2/- reddish-maroon Die II perfined OS. Superb MUH with top selvedge. ACSC 38Cba, Cat. $1250 $400 Sold $400 |
 5/- grey & chrome-yellow with "Gulf of Carpentaria break in coast" variety. MLH (even gum aging) with a couple of minor bends but good centring. AC… $180 Sold $180 |
 5/- grey & pale yellow. MLH & well centred. ACSC 44D, Cat. $475 $150 Archived |
 5/- grey & pale yellow with left gutter selvedge. MLH/MH with hinge remnant. Small stain at top on reverse but frontally fresh & well centred. ACSC… $150 Sold $150 |
 5/- grey & pale yellow perfined "OS" with "broken coast near Sydney &break in right frame" variety. Used with neat corner cds clear of variety. ACS… $300 Archived |
 5/- grey-black & chrome. Fresh MLH with good centring. ACSC 44, Cat. $475 $160 Sold $130 |
 10/- grey & aniline pink perfined small "OS" with "Break in coast near Sydney & a white flaw after "I" of "Australia" varieties. CTO with usual flu… $220 Archived |
 10/- grey & deep aniline pink fine used & well centred plus 10/- grey & pale aniline pink perfined "OS" example, centred low but also F/U. ACSC 48B… $240 Archived |
 10/- grey & pink with "white flaw at top Gulf of Carpentaria" variety. Used with indistinct CDS & centred slightly left. ACSC 48(D)I, Cat $850 $240 Sold $190 |
 10/- grey & pink ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. MVLH & well centred with the usual fluffy perfs. ACSC 48x, Cat. $600 $160 Archived |
 10/- grey & pink perfined "OS" & postally used with partial Registered cds. Centred to right with punctured "O" partially into left margin. ACSC 48… $90 Sold $130 |
 10/-, £1 grey & £2 purple-black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" with 10/- type B & others type C. The 10/- is well centred while £1 is low right & £2 l… $280 Sold $220 |
 £1 chestnut & blue with "short Spencer's Gulf" variety. Used with heavy indistinct cds, but fault free. ACSC 52B(D)d, Cat. $2750 $400 Sold $400 |
 £1 light brown & pale blue ovptd "SPECIMEN" type B. Well centred & MUH but professionally regummed. A useful "spacefiller"! ACSC 52x, Cat. $1000 a… $180 Sold $210 |
 £1 purple-brown & blue with multiple overlapping cds's. One short perf at base & thinned at top left but well centered & remains presentable. ACSC… $150 Sold $300 |