Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Outerlying Territories: Christmas Island
2008 (8th Jan) Year of the Rat pair, M/S, 50c Illust Gutter Strip of 10 & Prestige Booklet panes set of 6 all on Wesley FDC's. Exc unaddressed cond…
Sold $42
2010 $1.80 Frigate Bird privately produced booklets x 4 with 2 of each attached by LHS & RHS selvedges. Excellent cond & rarely seen. (4)
Sold $65
2010 (9th Oct) Frigatebird M/S ovptd "Congratulations Ipswich Sesqui-centenary: 1860-2010 Queensland's Oldest Municipality!"" in gold & numbered 41…
Sold $30
2010 (9th Oct) Frigatebird M/S ovptd "Swan River Stamp Show Perth 9th-10th October 2010" in gold & pmkd Perth Philatelic Sales Centre on Wesley FDC…
Sold $40
2011 (5th Aug) Year of the Rabbit M/S ovptd "GEEPEX 80 5th-7th August 2011" in silver & tied by Geelong National Wool Museum pictorial pmk on Wesle…
Sold $20
2011 Frigatebird M/S ovptd in gold "St George Philatelic Society Stamp Fair 2011" with club arms & numbered "33". MUH
Sold $46
2011 Year of the Rabbit M/S's x 2 ovptd "GEEPEX 80 5th-7th AUGUST 2011" in silver with APTA logo, numbered "057/200" & "Ballarat "Eureka" Stamp Fai…
Sold $60
2015 Year of the Goat Miniature Sheet Prestige pack with two M/S's printed on silk in both perf & imperforate formats. Excellent cond.
Sold $32
2015 Year of the Goat, 2016 Year of the Monkey & 2017 Year of the Rooster M/S packs each with one gummed, one S/A with mesh perfs & one printed on …
Sold $65
2016 Year of the Monkey M/S's ovptd "Overprint Booklets Collectors Club Stamp Fair 2016 Punchbowl Stamp & Coin Fair" with OPBCC logo in gold x 2. M…
Sold $70
2017-2021 Lunar New Year M/S's each ovptd "Overprint Booklets Collectors Club" with OPBCC logo in gold. Each with the different anniversary year. U…
Sold $170
2020 $12.50 Christmas Island Year of the Rat International Post S/A booklet overprinted "OPBCC Overprint Booklets Collectors Club 2020 12th Anniver…
Sold $46
2021 $6.60 Year of the Ox M/S with misplaced matt overprint for text adhesion visible outside of the stamp area & across the top of the M/S. Normal…
Sold $20



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There are 13 record(s) matching your criteria.