Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
2004 "Celebrating 45 Years of Television in South Australia" SES sheetlet with tabs of b&w & colour TV celebrities. One of the scarcest SES sheets.…
Sold $75
2004 (16th-30th Aug) Olympic Gold Medallists complete set of 15 FDC sets of 17 pmkd at Sydney, Newcastle, Chatswood, Hobart, Adelaide, Canberra, Na…
Sold $50
2006 "Driving Through the Years" Chequebook of 20 x $5 Ford TT S/A panes with the "Missing Year (2006) left of windmill" variety on each. Fine cond.
Sold $170
2006 Commonwealth Games Snapshot Generic Prestige Booklet issued by AP with the C/W Games & Heritage Sites panes. Pfeffer & Crum PB86A
Sold $20
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation album all neatly CTO with crisp GPO Melbourne cds's. SG MS2607/23 Retails…
Sold $65
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP presentation albums x 2. All fine MUH. SG MS2607/23. Retail at $180 each. (2)
Sold $220
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne as above also with 2 collections. All fine MUH. SG MS2607/23. Retail at $180 each. (2)
Sold $220
2006 Dangerous Australians Spider packs x 5 containing the semi-imperforate Miniature sheet with $1 Redback. Retail $275 (5 packs)
Sold $75
2007 Architecture/Landmarks Imperforate part sheet comprising 4 individual M/S's. Incls limited edition no. "0070/2000" in silver in selvedge & COA…
2007 Architecture/Landmarks Imperforate complete sheet from the left pane comprising 12 individual M/S's. Complete with COA & numbered 1429 of 2000…
Sold $55
2007 Special Air Service SAS 50th Anniv $5 gold embellished sheetlet of 10 & 2007 $1 Perth Mint commem coin pres folder. No. 656 of 2000. Most attr…
Sold $75
2007 Year of the Lifesaver Lenticular M/S's x 50. SG MS2783. FV $245 & a retail of $600 (50)
Sold $200
2008 "Golden Heros" Olympic black folder with gold stamp medallions for the set of 3 plus the 50c London Bus design. Also the "Medallists" sheetlet…
Sold $50
2008 "Lest We Forget - 90th Anniversary of the End of World War I" commem folder with 2 diff imperforate M/S's numbered "0464/1000" in gold with ne…
Sold $55
2008 $5 Beijing Olympic Games Gold Medallists sheetlets sets of 14 digitally printed with Chinese characters down each selvedge & rouletted at side…
Sold $200
2008 (4th March) World Youth Day / Pope Gold Stamp First Day Cover with gold Sydney pmk. No. 392 of 500. This was Australia's first 9ct gold stamp.…
Sold $130
2008 Beijing Olympic Games Legal Tender Stamp Coin in presentation folder (no outer box). Limited to 8,000 and quickly sold out from AP & Perth Min…
Sold $40
2008 Beijing Olympic Games AP collections x 3 with the Gold Medallists sheets of 10 plus the digitally printed pairs with Chinese characters. Also …
Sold $140
2008, 2012 & 2016 Paralympian of the Year Gold Medal Sheetlets of 10 with 2 x 2008 plus the "late" 2012 Jared Tallent Gold Medal $10 sheet. All MUH…
Sold $80
2009 $5.50 "Not Just Desserts" ovptd "Melbourne Stampshow 09" in gold & 2010 $5.50 Kokoda & 2012 $6 Rising Sun Badge S/A types ovptd "Australia 201…
Sold $30
2009 50th Anniv Barbie embellished sheetlet of 10 in presentation folder with matching Perth Mint $1 coloured silver proof coin. No. "067" of only …
Sold $80
2009 Songbirds set of 4 with matching gold foil set in pres box & COA numbered 170 of 1000 A popular thematic.
Sold $40
2009 Species at Risk M/S overprinted "ACE STAMP AUCTIONS PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA" in black with 2010 Auction dates & website. Fine MUH. The second …
Sold $25
2009 Species at Risk M/S overprinted "Congratulations Stamp gallery 30 Years 1979-2009" in black. No. 102 of 110. MUH. A rare early private overprint.
Sold $36
2010 Great Australian Railways set of 4 with matching gold foil set in pres box & COA numbered 161 of 750. Excellent condition & most attractive.
Sold $50
2010-2012 Colonial Heritage Packs x 3 diff with $5 & $4 x 2 imperf M/S's. Exc cond. Retail $120 (3)
Sold $27
2011 "Lest We Forget" & 2012 "The Rising Sun" Aust Post stamp/medallion folders. Excellent condition in original packaging unopened. Cost $60 (2)
Sold $27
2011 WWF 50 Years Joint Territories M/S ovptd "CHICAGOPEX 125th Anniversary November 18 20 2011" in bronze with Chicago Philatelic Society logo. Nu…
Sold $30
2011 WWF 50 Years Joint Territories M/S ovptd "INDYPEX 11 September 30 - October 2 2011" in gold with club logo. Numbered "013" in blue. MUH & firs…
Sold $38
2012 "The Rising Sun" part imperforate M/S ovptd "Series 2 INDONESIA 2012" in gold with Exhibition logo & numbered 200 of 250. Fine MUH. Retail $75.
Sold $44
2012 Olympic Gold Medallists collection in AP presentation albums. One MUH & second neatly CTO with crisp Melbourne FDI Pictorial pmks. SG 3807 & 3…
Sold $65
2013 "Road Trip" Caravan shaped pres folder featuring $1.20 M/S's x 5 different & all imperf. Limited edition of 300 from Australia Post "Impressio…
Sold $55
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map sheetlet of 10 x $10 with "Specimen" & "OS" Perfd & ovptd examples in Colonial Heritage pack. Scarce as withdrawn early du…
Sold $80
2014 "Things that Sting" Miniature Sheet Collection. No. 243 of only 300 issued. Contains 8 M/S's, 7 unique to this pack incl one embellished. Cost…
Sold $70
2014 (5th Aug) Cent of Military Aviation & Submarines Ltd Ed FDC's x 3 in commem folder with matching embellished M/S. No. 034 of only 100. Covers …
Sold $60
2014 (21st Oct) "The Australian Defence Force - A Century of Service" gold embellished & "169" of 250 ovptd M/S boxed with 3 attractive cap lapel p…
Sold $60
2014 KGV Centenary "Letterpress" & "Offset" sheetlets of 10 in commem pres pack. Exc MUH cond.
Sold $18
2015 "Australian Multisheet Stamp Collection" with the full set of 2016 Australian stamps in square, commemorative landscape & portrait formats. MU…
Sold $50
2015 "Our Solar System Miniature Sheet Collection" in pres folder with 8 individual M/S's for each stamp plus an imperf M/S. Attractive presentatio…
Sold $100
2015 "Signs of the Times" Prestige pres pack with the "Skipping Girl" neon sign on the front actually lighting up! Pack contains sheetlets of 10 of…
Sold $70
2015 "The Dinkum Oil - War News from Gallipoli Trenches" Prestige pres pack with 2 sheetlets of 10 a copy of the original 8 single-page edition as …
Sold $24
2015 "The Hall of Valour" Victoria Cross Aust Post Pres Book with 7 sheetlets of 70c Medal tabbed stamps showing b&w photos of recipients x 2. Most…
Sold $75
2015 (2nd Nov) Tourist Transport Pres folder with "Puffing Billy" & "Horse drawn Tram" prestige FDC's with foil pmks & matching numbered sheetlets …
Sold $40
2015 Era of Sail - Clipper Ships Prestige booklet with the Cutty Sark pane printed on satin sail fabric. No. 344/500
Sold $27
2015 Era of sail - Clipper Ships Gold foil set of 4 in display box with normal set. No. 223 of 250 with COA. Excellent cond. Similar sold on Ebay a…
Sold $95
2015 Our Solar System Neptune Medallion Cover & Venus "magnet" Prestige FDC in pres folder with imperf M/S. Latter with silver & gold foil pmks. Nu…
Sold $80
2015 QEII "Long May She Reign" Miniature Sheet pres pack incl 2 x 999.9% 2.4K gold M/S's with one imperforate & other perforated to match the 2 nor…
Sold $75
2015/19 "Welcome Stranger" Gold Nugget M/S collection in pres folder with 4 diff M/S's in "pin wheel" format incl one imperforate. Each numbered "0…
Sold $70
2016 "Australian Multisheet Stamp Collection" with the full set of 2016 Australian stamps in square, commemorative landscape & portrait formats. MU…
Sold $50
2016 "Holden Workhorses" pres pack with 3 x $16 tabbed sheets with various b&w & colour photos of various Holdens. Attractive presentation. Cost $5…
Sold $32

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