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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: New South Wales
1850 1d vermilion plate II on hard toned white to yellowish paper with close to touching margins. F/U with light barred obliterator. Manuscript ink…
Sold $60
1850/51 3d yellow-green Sydney View on greyish wove paper with close to generous margins. Barred obliterator cancel. SG 42, Cat. £300
Sold $55
1852/53 6d brown Van Dyke on bluish paper with close but clear margins. Fine used by light obliterator. SG 73, Cat. £275
Sold $130
1853 8d orange-yellow laureate imperf on bluish paper with barred obliterator. Close to touching margins. SG 80, Cat. £650
Sold $95
1853 8d yellow laureate on bluish paper with very close margins all round. Used with value tablet clear. SG 79, Cat. £600
Sold $90
1853 8d orange-yellow laureate on bluish paper with close margins. Touching at right but large at base. Good used with obliterator. SG 80, Cat. £600
Sold $120
1854/58 5d dull green imperf wmk double lined "5" with clear even margins. MNG. SG 88, Cat. £2000
Sold $480
1854/59 5d dull green laureate, wmk double lined "5" with wide top & right margins, close at base & touching at left. F/U by light numeral cancel, …
1854/59 8d golden-yellow diadem with clear margins, touching at right. Used with "N.S.W." in 3 ringed oval pmk. Strong rich colour. SG 97, Cat. £1600
Sold $200
1854/59 1/- rosey-vermilion, wmk error "8" with close to generous margins. Lightly used. SG 99a, Cat. £300
Sold $65
1856/59 (6d) "REGISTERED" salmon & indigo imperf with clear margins. Part o.g. on thick, stiff paper, possibly a reprint? Sold "as is". Normal SG 1…
Sold $150
1861 5/- rose lilac, perf 11. MLH & well centred. SG 181, Cat. £350
Sold $95
1879/85 8d yellow, perf 10 ovptd "OS". MUH, natural vertical gum crease & centred to right but fresh brilliant colour. SG O10a, Cat. £500+
Sold $120
1890 20/- cobalt-blue, perf 11, wmk 20/- & NSW in circle. MLH with small gum thin & tan line but frontally fresh & fine. SG 264a, Cat. £500
Sold $65
1888/90 20/- cobalt Carrington, perf 10, ovptd "OS" & wmkd "5/-". CTO with concentric rings at corner. One short per at base. SG O48, Cat. £1100
Sold $290
1905 20/- cobalt blue Carrington with Crown over A in circle wmk, single line perf 11. Used with indistinct cancel. SG 350, Cat. £80
Sold $40
1891 3d green, perf 10, wmk "10" in lower left marginal block of 6 (2x3). "NEW" clear in wmk in margin. One MLH, others MUH. SG 269, Cat. £100++
Sold $50
1891/97 5/- Postage Due, perf 11, well centred. Bottom marginal MLH example. Well centred & fresh. SG D8a, Cat. £750
Sold $250
1892 6d bluish-grey imperf pair with close to generous margins. Fine used. SG 92, Cat. £38 ea. + pair premium
Sold $40
1897 Diamond Jubilee/Consumptive Homes charity pair ovpt "Specimen" in red. MLH with typical gum cracks. SG 280s/81s, Cat. £300 (2) Diamond Jubile…
1897 Diamond Jubilee/Consumptive Homes charity pair. MLH with light gum tan lines & minor gum staining on 2/6d reflected in conservative reserve. S…
Sold $90
1902/03 4d orange-brown, CR/NSW wmk, perf. 11 x 12 block of 4 perfined "OS NSW" (SG 317) & 8d magenta block of 4 also perfined "OS NSW" (SG 321). B…
1905 (1st Jun) "Aboriginal with Throwing Stick" b&w Kerry & Co, Sydney postcard. Fine postally used from Ballina to New Zealand with 1d neatly tied…
Sold $24
States and Territories: Queensland
1860 1d carmine-rose. Good used with clear margins. Two parallel surface scratches 1.5mm apart at top left corner. SG 1, Cat. £300
Sold $120
1860 2d blue imperf QV. Lightly used with indistinct cancel. A couple of small stains but 4 clear even margins. SG 2, Cat. £2000
1868/75 4d yellow imperforate proof on unwmkd paper. Cut into at base with handwritten initials at left. The first 4d yellow issued by Qld.
Sold $100
1869/78 4d yellow litho, perf. 12. MLH & well centred. SG 102, Cat. £1700
1880 2/- blue & 2/6d dull scarlet litho, the latter with one short perf at top. Both MLH with fresh colour. SG 119, Cat. £170 & SG 121, Cat. £350…
Sold $100
1880 10/- reddish-brown litho with diagonal "SPECIMEN" handstamped in black. MLH. SG 125, Cat. £950 unoverprinted
1879/81 4d orange-yellow with SG wmk 6 showing through to front right. MLH with usual uneven perfs. SG 141, Cat. £450
1880 "Half-penny" vertical surcharge on 2d reddish-brown Die I. MLH with perfs at left cut into design. SG 151, Cat. £400
Sold $100
1880 "Half-penny" surcharge on 1d Die I. Misplaced perfs & cut (probably by post clerk) on 3 sides. MH. SG 151, Cat. £400
Sold $100
1880 5/- yellow-ochre litho. MNG. SG 124, Cat. £550 MLH
Sold $50
1882 10/- brown, wmk Crown over Q ovptd "SPECIMEN" in blue. Small part o.g.. SG 152
Sold $30
1880 20/- rose litho. Horiz ironed out crease otherwise MLH with good perfs & well centred. SG 127, Cat. £2500
Sold $220
1882/95 2/6d, 5/-, 10/- & £1 on thin paper, wmk sideways type (SG W6) & all handstamped "SPECIMEN" as in (SG W5) set but no 2/-. Fresh MLH. SG 162…
Sold $110
1915 "Pearling Fleet, Thursday Island, North Queensland" b&w postcard with grey-green frame. Printed by Queensland Govt for Australian Pavilion at …
Sold $40
States and Territories: South Australia
1883 ½d green "bantam" imperf proof pane of 64 with no wmk. MUH & striking in this format. Scott 76 var.
Sold $240
1886/96 £1 blue "Long Tom" Postage & Revenue, perf. 11½-12½. CTO. SG 199a, Cat. £200
Sold $85
1896 Official "OS" Postcard with superscript "On Public Service Only" at top. Pre-printed for "South Australian Railways" to advise customer of par…
Sold $40
States and Territories: Tasmania
1853/54 4d bright red-orange, no wmk from plate 1, first state. Fine used with light "59" barred numeral. BPA cert (1991) notes "repaired at lower …
1853 4d Courier bright brownish-orange with background well defined. Cut to shape on piece & used with "51" with 2 neatly ruled lines horizontally …
Sold $80
1853 4d orange Courier, 2nd state of plate with blurred lines & worn background cond. Clear even margins & fine used with BN"59". SG 8, Cat. £450
Sold $150
1855 2d deep green imperf with close to touching. Fine used. SG 16, Cat. £450
Sold $180
1855 2d deep green imperf with 4 even clear close margins. Superb used with numeral cancel. SG 16, Cat. £450
Sold $200
1855 4d blue with 4 clear close margins. Fine used with "68" numeral cancel. SG 18, Cat. £130
Sold $40
1855 4d deep blue postally used pair with close to touching margins. Rich colour. SG Cat. £260+
Sold $50
1857/67 1d pale red-brown with 3 margins (right cut into) with part Hobart cds (SG 26), 1d brick-red (SG 27) & 1d carmine SG 29, both with close to…
1860 2d slate-green with clear even margins. Fine used with numeral cancel. SG 34, Cat. £85
Sold $42
1857/67 2d in the 3 shades with 2d green, 3 margins & ms cancel (SG 31 green), 2d yellow-green with 3 good but poorly cut margins (SG 32) & postall…
Sold $50

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