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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1938 2d scarlet KGVI top centre selvedge block of 8 with perf pips & 1 hole extension to perfs & plate No. "4". MNG, light stain on one but fine fr…
Sold $320
1938 ½d Postage Due type A in complete sheet of 120 & 1958/60 ½d, Die I no wmk also in full sheet of 120. All MUH, former toned around edges with…
Sold $120
1939 (7th Mar) "First days use of special postmark. Opening Post Office. 7th March 1939. R.A.A.F Station Richmond Aerodrome" typed & endorsed Ernes…
1940 (11th Sept) 2/- CofA kangaroo pair & 3d AIF tied by Sydney GPO cds's to USA with censor tape & cachets plus 1941 (22nd Nov) similar kangaroo p…
Sold $80
1941 2d bright purple KGVI with "medal flaw" in MUH top marginal block of 6. SG 185b, Cat. £85, ACSC 189e
Sold $42
1941 2½d on 2d KGVI with "misplaced surcharge by 4mm to left" variety. Fine MLH. ACSC 222cc, Cat. $525
Sold $180
1941 5½d on 5d ram with misplaced surcharge by 3mm to left projecting into margin. ACSC 224c relates to vertical misplacement but this leftward di…
Sold $300
1942 2½d grey-blue & bright blue left corner "By Authority" imprint blocks of 4. The bright blue block is on thin paper with second block for comp…
Sold $200
1942 6d Spitfire War Savings Stamp no wmk, perf. 14. Fresh MUH & seldom seen so fine.
Sold $30
1945 (5th May) "SERVICE OF PRISONERS OF WAR" & "APPROVED FOR TRANSMISSION BY CAMP COMMANDER" cachets on this stampless env addressed to Melbourne w…
Sold $30
1945 (2nd Sept) Airmail cover to Sydney with 3d KGVI tied by woodcut Tokyo Bay cds with "H.M.A.S. SHROPSHIRE Official signing Of Japanese Surrender…
Sold $100
1946 5/10d blue KGVI embossed Myer Food Parcel Label with Kent, England typed address & Myer Emporium Melbourne logo at top tied by Melbourne rolle…
Sold $110
1946 BCOF ½d pair, 3d block with imprint, 6d pair & block of 4, 1/- pair & 5/- Robes on thick paper in John Ash imprint block (MUH/MLH) plus a use…
Sold $220
1946 BCOF 3d single plus type 2 ovpt in top margin pair. All MUH. See footnote in SG re proof sheets. SG Cat. £200+
Sold $120
1946 BCOF 6d kookaburra pair with right hand unit containing "narrow "N" in JAPAN" variety. MUH. SG J4/c, Cat. £320
Sold $150
1946 BCOF 1/- lyrebird horiz pair with right hand stamp having "wrong fount 6" variety. Fine MUH. SG J5/a, Cat. £370
Sold $160
1946 BCOF 2/- maroon kangaroo in By Authority imprint block of 4. Top right stamp with "no stop after "F"" unlisted variety. MLH in selvedge only, …
Sold $210
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper. All fresh MUH with good centring. SG J1/7, Cat. £220
Sold $90
1947 2½d Newcastle complete sheet of 160 with 2 x "By Authority…" imprints. Odd minor staining in bottom selvedge otherwise fresh MUH & folded d…
Sold $40
1948 2/- dark chocolate crocodile on thin paper. Fine MUH. ACSC 263a, Cat. $150
1949 2½d Henry Lawson top left selvedge block of 4 with perf irregularities caused by paper fold resulting in "excess" margin with perfs. Fine MUH…
Sold $120
1949/50 Arms marginal MUH set of 4, the £2 Arms with "roller flaw retouch" variety in part imprint positional corner. Fine MUH. ACSC 268/70, 271da…
Sold $160
1949/50 Arms in imprint blocks of 4. £2 is lightly hinged on top two stamps with others MUH. £2 has small spot on one stamp. ACSC Cat. $1875 for MUH
Sold $270
1950 2½d Stamp Cent lower right marginal block with void area across corner of lower right stamp resulting from pre-printing paper crease. MLH in …
Sold $80
1951 3d scarlet KGVI half sheet of booklet panes containing 3 blocks of 24 with small gutters in between. Fresh MUH cond. ACSC 251ca x 4, Cat. $180+
Sold $30
1951 3d scarlet KGVI complete sheet of booklet panes containing 3 blocks of 48 with small gutters in between. Excellent MUH cond. ACSC 251ca x 8, C…
Sold $60
1951 5/10d blue KGVI food label. MLH with wide margins. Fresh & increasingly collectable.
Sold $50
1952/66 2/6d Aborigine, no wmk blocks of 4 (ACSC 266A/B) plus lower right marginal strip of 3 with "shading retouch worn state" variety. (ACSC 266A…
Sold $80
1952/65 2/6d aboriginal with wmk sideways inverted (top of crown facing to the left as seen from behind). Fine used with indistinct cds. SG 253aw, …
Sold $400
1952/65 2/6d aboriginal with wmk sideways inverted as above. Also fine used. SG 253aw, Cat. £1500
Sold $480
1956 2/6d Aborigine no wmk with different "retouch" varieties in block of 12, strip of 3 & pair with bottom selvedge plus a strip of 4 with left se…
Sold $150
1965 2/6d Aborigine no wmk emergency printing in light sepia brown on whiter paper than the earlier no wmk issue x 3 "By Authority....." MUH imprin…
Sold $220
1955 3½d YMCA vert pair with stunning pre-printing paper fold resulting in bold white line extending across both stamps. ACSC 328var.
Sold $90
1958 (10th June) "30th Anniversary of the arrival in Sydney of the Fokker Monoplane 1985 (sic) "Southern Cross" on 10.6.28. C.E. Kingsford Smith, C…
Sold $60
1958 8d Kingsford Smith complete sheet of 80 with right marginal Perf Pip Type V. Fresh & fine MUH. ACSC 343b, Cat. $200+
Sold $40
1959 3d blue-green QEII in left selvedge Plate No. 3 block of 4 with no dashes. MUH. ACSC 350za, Cat. $300
Sold $65
1959 5d deep blue QEII left selvedge pair with strong partial offset on half of one. MUH & striking. ACSC 355ca
Sold $250
1960 5d Guiding with Baden-Powell on matching Baden-Powell illust Maxicard/ppc with reproduced signature & pmkd Budgee NE 5 cds. Attractive popular…
Sold $30
1960 5d Northern Territory Exploration top marginal horiz pair with vert perfs misplaced 3mm to left. MLH in selvedge only stamps MUH. ACSC 378bb, …
1963 5d Royal Visit right marginal block 4 of with massively misplaced perfs. MUH but bottom 2 stamps creased. ACSC 392bb, Cat. $600
Sold $65
1963 5d Red Cross group of ACSC listed varieties incl "blue dot on edge of flame", "white spot on bowl" plus in sheet No. blocks of 6 incl the reto…
1963 5d green QEII in complete booklet pane uncut sheet of 288 complete with pip blocks & Plate "1" with dashes in top selvedge. Fresh MUH ACSC 400…
1963/65 5d red QEII vert pair with grossly misplaced perfs. MUH & only 2 sheets recorded. ACSC 402bb, Cat. $550
Sold $100
1963 2/3d Cable with dark blue & black omitted & perfs misplaced both vertically & horizontally. Ceremuga (2001) cert stating "genuine in all respe…
Sold $900
1963/65 Navigators set of 4 ovptd "SPECIMEN". MVLH. SG 357/60s, Cat. £475 (4)
Sold $360
1965 5d Hargrave with purple omitted resulting in missing "5d" value. MH with gum disturbance resulting in only 75% o.g. reflected in reserve. ACSC…
Sold $110
1965 5d Christmas with "blue omitted" variety. MLH. with BSAP Cert (1979). ACSC 435cb, Cat. $1750 as MUH
Sold $400

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