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Airmails: Airmails - Australia
1929 (2nd June) Adelaide to Forrest x 2 & Perth to Forrest plus Kalgoorlie to Forrest Adelaide to Kalgoorlie WA Philatelic Syndicate covers flown b…
Sold $170
1930 (13th July) Perth to Wyndham & Perth to Fitzroy Crossing Airmail covers x 2 of each with 3d Airmail & 1½d & 3d Sturt tied by indistinct cds's…
Sold $75
1930 (14th July) Registered Fitzroy Crossing to Geraldton via Broome with blue & black R6 label. 3d Airmail plus 1½d red & 3d Sturt cancelled Fitz…
Sold $70
1930 (14th July) Registered Fitzroy Crossing to Carnarvon with blue & black Regd label & 3d Airmail, 1½d red & 3d blue Sturt cancelled Fitzroy Cro…
Sold $70
1930 (14th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Mardie via Broome & Onslow Registered cover with 3d Airmail, 1½d red & 3d blue Sturt tied by Fitzroy Crossing…
Sold $95
1930 (14th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Whim Creek via Broome. Registered cover with 3d Airmail, 1½d red & 3d blue Sturt all tied by Fitzroy Crossing…
Sold $70
1930 (14th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Roebourne via Broome. Registered cover with 3d Airmail, 1½d red & 3d blue Sturt tied by Fitzroy Crossing cds'…
Sold $50
1930 (14th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Mundabullangana via Broome & Port Hedland. Registered cover with 3d Airmail, 1½d & 3d Sturt tied by Fitzroy C…
Sold $95
1930 (14th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Broome. Registered with R6 blue & black label with 3d Airmail, 1½d & 3d Sturt tied by Fitzroy Crossing cds's.…
Sold $60
1930 (14th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Port Hedland. Registered cover with 3d Airmail plus 1½d & 3d Sturt tied by Fitzroy Crossing cds's. Fitzroy Cr…
Sold $60
1930 (14th July) Fitzroy Crossing to Derby. Registered cover with 3d Airmail plus 1½d & 3d Sturt tied by Fitzroy Crossing cds's & matching R6 Regd…
Sold $75
1930 (14th July) Halls Creek set of 12 to all destinations on the Wyndham to Perth First Airmail. Each Registered with Hall's Creek red R6 label & …
Sold $500
1930 (15th July) Registered Fitzroy Crossing to Perth via Broome with blue & black R6 label. 3d Airmail plus 1½d red & 3d blue Sturt cancelled Fit…
Sold $75
1931 (5th May) Endorsed "By Air Mail Wyndham-Perth; Perth-Adelaide; Melbourne-Sydney" with Wyndham blue/black Regd label & 2d & 6d Kingsford Smith …
Sold $70
Concorde 1976 (26th June) London to Puerto Rico on British Airways G-BOAC with GB 6p Machin & Liberia Concorde commem tied by blue cachet indicatin…
Sold $18
Concorde (22nd Jan) Bahrain to London Inaugural Flight cover with red "BA301" cachet & 80f Bahrain commem.
Sold $14
1929-1934 selection of Aust covers comprising 1929 Adelaide-Perth & return, both with 3d Airmails & 1½d KGV tied by "Airmail Saves Time" slogan ca…
Sold $60
1911-1983 Range of World & Aust flight covers on Hagners ranging from the First UK Aerial Post to Aust - NZ, New Guinea & Papua First flights to 19…
Sold $200
1969(12th Nov) England to Australia 50th Anniv commemorative covers flown to celebrate the original record-breaking flight. Stamps applied & postma…
Sold $50



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