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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign
Great Britain 1840 1d black with 4 huge to touching margins tied by red Maltese Cross to an Exeter to Plymouth entire with "Alphington Penny Post" …
Great Britain 1840 1d black superb used with bold upright red Maltese Cross. 4 close even margins just touching top left. Lettered "TB". SG 2, Cat.…
Sold $240
Great Britain 1840 1d black on entire addressed to Durham with Darlington 18 JY 1840 b/s. Close to touching margined example tied by neat red Malte…
Sold $200
Great Britain 1840 1d black horiz pair with clear margins but a crude repair at top middle. Lettered FG/FH with red Maltese Cross cancel. SG 2, Cat…
Sold $80
Great Britain 1840 1d black, plate 5 with "sides stronger & letters faint" characteristics of the 2nd state. Partial indistinct red Maltese Cross c…
Sold $140
Great Britain 1840 1d intense black, plate 6. Fine used complete black Maltese Cross. Large even margins. Lettered "DB". A premium stamp. SG 1 Cat.…
Sold $220
Great Britain 1840 1d intense black, plate 3, on part entire with neighbouring "Glasgow JUL 21 1840" octagonal cancel in magenta. 4 close margins &…
Great Britain 1840 1d intense black, plate 1b. Cancelled by an almost full red Maltese Cross. Lettered "KL" with 4 good to huge margins. SG 1 Cat. …
Sold $300
Great Britain 1840 1d intense black, plate 1b, with touching to large even margins tied to Ayr addressed entire by smudged red Maltese Cross. Lette…
Great Britain 1840 1d intense black lettered "GB" with huge to just touching margins. Tied by black Maltese Cross to Wellington addressed entire wi…
Great Britain 1840 1d intense black lettered "MD" with wide vertical & close to touching horizontal margins. Tied by red Maltese Cross & tombstone …
Sold $150
Great Britain 1840 1d Mulready Envelope fine used with neat central complete red Maltese Cross & AUG 28 1840 b/s. Minor edge wear in a couple of pl…
Sold $220
Great Britain 1840 1d Mulready Envelope. Unused with light album tan lines. Clear paper threads. SG ME2, Cat. £350+
Sold $120
Great Britain 1834 London to Edinburgh pre-stamp letter in exc cond, 1878 Undersheriff's Warrant entire with 1d red pl. 186 tied by York duplex & 1…
Gold Coast 1921/24 £2 green & orange Die I. MVLH that could easily be taken as MUH. SG 102, Cat. £600+
Sold $240
Gold Coast 1921/34 £2 green & orange Die I. MVLH. SG 102, Cat. £600
Sold $120
Gold Coast 1921/24 KGV script wmk set to 15/-. Mixed MUH & MVLH. SG 86/100a, Cat. £150 (12)
Sold $85
Gold Coast 1913-21 KGV MCA wmk set to 20/- incl shades of ½d, 1d (2), 2d (2), 3d (4) & 1/- (2). 2/- & 2/6d with 10/- with perf/thin fault at top r…
Sold $90
Gold Coast 1907/13 KEVII MCA wmk set of 10 to 5/- incl both ½d & 6d shades. 2/- with few stained perfs at top otherwise fine MLH. SG 59/68, Cat. …
Sold $100
Gold Coast 1904/06 KEVII MCA wmk set of 7 to 2/6d, latter with hinge remnant while others MLH. SG 49/57, Cat. £200 (7)
Sold $85
Gold Coast 1902 KEVII Cr/CA wmk set to 20/- purple & black on red with Pl.1 marginal inscription MUH. 2d toned, other values are fine MLH. SG 38/48…
Sold $220
Gold Coast 1889 5/- dull mauve & blue MH plus 1898/1902 QV set to 10/- MLH. SG 22 & 26/34, Cat. £435 (11)
Sold $160
Gold Coast 1884/91 QV Cr/CA wmk set to 2/- incl extra ½d, 1d & 2d. MLH. SG 11/19a, Cat. £250+ (12)
Sold $110
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1922/27 KGV script wmk set of . Fine MLH. SG 27/35, Cat. £180 (5)
Sold $100
Gilbert & Ellice Islands 1912/24 KGV MCA wmk set to £1 incl shades of ½d, 1d & 2/-. 1/- & 2/6d with a couple of toned perfs otherwise fresh MLH. …
Sold $340
Gibralter 1912/24 £1 dull purple & black on red MLH (Cat. £140), 1925/32 10/- deep ultramarine & black, script wmk MLH (Cat. £32) & £1 red-oran…
Sold $90
Gibralter 1911 8/- purple & green. Fresh MLH. SG 74, Cat. £275
Sold $120
Gibralter 1904/08 £1 deep purple & black on red KEVII. Fresh MLH. SG 64, Cat. £650
Sold $400
Gibralter 1903 8/- dull purple & black on blue KGV, Cr/CA wmk (Cat. £170) & 1906/11 8/- purple & green KGV, Mult Cr/CA (SG 74, Cat. £275). Both M…
Sold $200
Gibralter 1903 £1 dull purple & black on red. Fine MLH. SG 55, Cat. £650
Sold $400
Gibralter 1886/87 ½d to 1/-complete set of 7. MLH, 1/- without gum. Fresh set. SG 8/14, Cat. £600 (7)
Sold $110
Gibralter 1886 "GIBRALTAR" ovpt on Bermuda 1/- yellow-brown. Fine used with partial 1887 cds. SG 7, Cat. £375
Sold $120
Gibralter 1886 "GIBRALTAR" ovpts on Bermuda ½d to 1/-complete set of 7. MLH in variable cond, 4d without gum, foxed top perfs on ½d & 1d, perf fa…
Sold $200
Germany 1951 40pf & 60pf Posthorns. Fine MUH. SG 1055 & 1057, Cat. £390 (2)
Germany 1936 Olympics set of 8. Fresh MUH. SG 606/13, Cat. £160 (8)
Sold $85
Gambia 1935 1/- Silver Jubilee upper right marginal block of 4 with "lightning conductor" variety on lower left stamp. All units MLH/MVLH & selvedg…
Sold $100
Gambia 1922/29 3/- bright aniline violet KGV in MUH/MLH block of 4. Perfs separating vertically on top pair. SG 138, Cat. £128 + premium for MUH
Sold $40
Gambia 1922/29 KGV Portrait & Shield MCA wmk set of 4 plus script wmk set to 10/- incl perf varieties. MLH 5/- with aged gum but others fresh MLH. …
Sold $340
Gambia 1909 KEVII changed colours set to 3/- (missing ½d!). MLH. SG 72/85, Cat. £170 (13)
Sold $80
Gambia 1904/06 KEVII Mult Crown CA wmk set to 2/- (excl 6d) incl shade of 2½d. SG 57/68, Cat. £300 (12)
Sold $150
Gambia 1902/05 KEVII Cr/CA wmk set complete to 2/6d MLH plus MUH/MLH marginal block of 4 of 5/- with note stating "Of 6480 examples printed, 5232 w…
Sold $160
Gambia 1874 6d deep blue, CC wmk imperf with 4 large margins. MH, trivial stain near hinge mark. SG 7, Cat. £350
Sold $80
Gambia 1874 4d brown, CC wmk imperf with 4 large margins. MLH. SG 5, Cat. £400
Sold $130
Gambia 1869/72 4d brown embossed imperf with no wmk. Embossing cuts paper at top of head, but still a very collectable example of a MLH "SG 1". Cat…
Sold $110
France 1952, 1953 & 1954 Red Cross booklets. A couple of small tone spots on 1953 otherwise fine MUH cond. SG XSB2/4, Cat. £695 (3)
France 1937 Pexip M/S. Horizontally folded outside of upper & lower frames. With hinge marks on corners reflected in reserve. Stamps fine MUH. MS 5…
Sold $70
France 1936 50f green Airmail. MH with some minor gum disturbance & trivial surface mark on left margin hence low reserve. SG 540, Cat. £1300
France 1870 (21st Oct) Balloon Mail from the siege of Paris. Cover endorsed "Par Ballon Monte" with 20c Napoleon tied by "Paris Du Pont 21 OCT 70" …
Sold $220
Finland 1866/67 8p black on green, serpentine roulette type III. Right corner perf very weak (please view with care) while others all present & wel…
Sold $40
Fiji 1912-23 £1 purple & black on red Die II MVLH, centred to left. SG 137a, Cat. £250
Sold $100


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