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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain | |||
1977/87 £1 to £5 QEII high vals set of 6 in MUH gutter pairs. SG 1026/29, Cat. £125 $50 Sold $50 | |||
1983 "Middlesex Philatelic Federation Annual Convention" booklet produced by The Finchley & District Philatelic Society" on their 40th Anniv. It is… $20 Sold $30 | |||
1990 "The Penny Black Anniversary Book" produced by the Royal Mail with an original 1840 1d black used by light black Maltese Cross cancel. 4 clear… $120 Sold $90 | |||
1997 Princess Diana Presentation Pack in Welsh. Exc cond. SG 2021/25, Cat. £60 $20 Archived | |||
1998 Commonwealth Games set of 36 Benham silk covers with a selection of Malaysian Games commems tied by pictorial pmks. Apart from the Opening & C… $100 Archived | |||
2012 (5th Jan) London Olympic & Paralympic Games £5 commem coin with 1st & Worldwide stamps x 4 tied by Stratford London pmks. Exc cond. Retails $70 $20 Sold $20 | |||
2016 1st class orange & 2nd class blue Machin S/A forgery booklets with normals for comparison. Very realistic considering these are the security t… $90 Sold $95 | |||
Great Britain Guernsey 1858 (30th Nov) entire pre-paid with 4d rose-carmine QV in Guernsey & tied by neat, upright duplex "324". "Via London: endor… $100 Archived | |||
2000 (15th Sept) 60th Anniv Battle of Britain FDC's incorporating reproduction medals with BOB clasp in the covers x 2. Excellent condition & most … $40 Archived | |||
Great Britain Jersey 1851 (20th Mar) stampless cover to Bordeaux with "Iles-C St Malo" transit in red (29/3) & Bordeaux receival (30/3) plus 1840 (… $220 Archived | |||
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign | |||
Antigua 1903/07 Arms/KEVII set to 5/-, Crown CC wmk. 2d with hinge remnant, other vals varying from very light to moderate hingeing. 6d has "2 tone… $90 Sold $70 | |||
Antigua 1921/27 KGV defins to of 7 to £1 with MCA wmk. MLH (2/- MUH). SG 55/61, Cat. £300 (7) $150 Sold $150 | |||
Ascension 1922 "ASCENSION" ovpts on St Helena Pictorials to 3/-. MLH with varying gum varies. 8d has overall even toning with others fresh. SG 1/9,… $150 Sold $120 | |||
Austria 1850 2k black with 4 large margins. MNG. Scott US$450 for MLH. $150 Archived | |||
Bahamas 1863/77 4d dull rose QV, Crown CC wmk, perf. 12½. Mint without gum. SG 27, Cat. £400 as MLH. $80 Archived | |||
Bahamas 1883 4d surcharge on 6d violet, Crown CC wmk, perf. 12½. Mint with part o.g.. Minor surface indentation. BPA Cert. (2002). SG 45, Cat. £550 $180 Sold $180 | |||
Bahamas 1884/90 £1 Venetian red QV. Fine MLH. SG 57, Cat. £275 $150 Sold $150 | |||
Bahamas 1902/07 £1 green & black KEVII. Superb MVLH. SG 70, Cat. £300 $200 Sold $160 | |||
Bahamas 1912/19 £1 dull green & black with neat clear 1913 cds. SG 89, Cat. £350 $160 Sold $120 | |||
Bahamas 1938/52 KGVI defins to £1. Fine used incl 3 shades of 5/- & 2 of 1½d. Min cat. £140 (23) $50 Sold $50 | |||
Barbados 1873 3d brown-purple, wmk small star, perf. 14 MLH. SG 63, Cat. £375 $140 Sold $140 | |||
Basutoland 1886 (1st Apr) Receipt for Registered letter signed by postmaster & bearing clear Maseru Basutoland AP 1 86 cds & 1932 (3rd Nov) OHMS st… $50 Archived | |||
Basutoland 1896 (29th Apr) Cape of Good Hope QV 1d Post Card addressed to London tied by Mafeking duplex with Aliwal North C.G.H. transit cds for M… $40 Archived | |||
Basutoland 1933 KGV Defins to 10/-. MLH with aged gum, 4d with small frontal stain. SG 1/10, Cat. £325 $75 Sold $75 | |||
Bechuanaland 1885/87 "British Bechuanaland" ovpts on CGH Hope Seated with Anchor wmk. Set of 5 good to F/U. SG 4/8, Cat. £280 (5) $100 Archived | |||
Bechuanaland 1888 "One Half-Penny" surcharge on 3d pale reddish lilac & black. Part gum with approx. 50% o.g.. SG 29, Cat. £275 $75 Sold $75 | |||
Bechuanaland 1932 KGV set to 10/-. MLH with odd very light tan line. SG 99/110, Cat. £500 (12) $180 Sold $180 | |||
Belgium 1933 (30th April) 20th Anniv illust flight cards with one is inscribed in French with 85¢ in franking tied by Gent cds & addressed to Engl… $30 Archived | |||
Belgium 1946 War Victims Relief Fund set of 6 MUH (Cat. £25) & 1947 set of 5 MLH (Cat. £75 as MUH) plus 1948 Anti-TB MUH (Cat. £65), 1949 Anti-T… $100 Archived | |||
Bermuda 1874 3d on 1/- green QV surcharged "THREE PENCE" in black. Used by light barred numeral obliterator. BPA (1988) cert states… "genuine, re… $120 Archived | |||
Bermuda 1874 3d on 1/- green QV surcharged "THREE PENCE" in black. F/U by light barred numeral obliterator. Dealers authenticity mark on reverse. S… $200 Archived | |||
Bermuda 1875 "One Penny." surcharge on 3d yellow buff. Fresh MLH. SG 16, Cat. £450 $200 Archived | |||
Bermuda 1918/22 £1 purple & black on red KGV. MVLH. Purchased for $355 from Status auction in Dec 2006. SG 55, Cat. £250 $150 Sold $120 | |||
Bermuda 1922/34 12/6d grey & orange KGV. Fine used. SG 93, Cat. £375 $150 Sold $120 | |||
Bermuda 1922/34 12/6d grey & orange with "damaged leaf" variety. MH & surface scuff to right of crown through top margin reflected in reserve. SG 9… $80 Sold $60 | |||
Bermuda 1937 12/6d "Revenue" KGV postally used with part St George's cds, probably CTO. Authorised for postal use from Feb to Apr 1937 after issue … $300 Sold $300 | |||
Bermuda 1938/53 12/6d grey & yellow, perf. 14. Fresh MLH. SG 120d, Cat. £600 $150 Sold $120 | |||
Bermuda 1938/53 £1 black & bright violet on scarlet, perf 13. Fine MLH. SG 121e, Cat. £180 $50 Sold $50 | |||
Bermuda 1938/53 KGVI 10/- yellow green & carmine on green KGVI, line perf. 14¼. MLH. SG 119b, Cat. £500 as MUH. $80 Sold $80 | |||
Bermuda 1938/53 KGVI set MLH to £1 with key types comprising 2/- (SG 116e), 2/6d (SG 177, 117c & d), 5/- (SG 118 & 118a), 10/- (SG 119) & 12/6d (S… $340 Archived | |||
Bermuda KGVI Key Plates group consisting (a) perf. 14 with 2/- x 2 used & 2 MLH shades, 2/6d MLH & used, 5/- MLH, 10/-, 12/6d & £1 MLH with one of… $340 Archived | |||
British Occupation of Italian Colonies (Cyrenaica) 1950 "Mounted Warrior" complete set of 13. Fresh MUH. SG 136/48, Cat. £200 $100 Sold $130 | |||
Brazil 1843 30r "bull's eye" used with slightly oily 1844 cds that has come through the stamps. 4 clear margins, wide at sides. SG 4, Cat. £375 $100 Sold $100 | |||
British Antarctic Territory 1963 QEII Pictorials ½d to 1/- in MUH/MLH vert pairs, 1971 New Currency surcharges set to 50p MLH, 1966 Churchill & 19… $30 Sold $30 | |||
British East Africa 1890 "4 ANNAS" on GB 5d QV Jubilee & ovptd "BRITISH EAST AFRICA COMPANY". Used by May 1895 Mombasa part cds's. SG 3, Cat. £350 $180 Sold $190 | |||
British East Africa 1891 "½ Anna" Mombasa Provisional handstamped surcharge on 2a vermilion. Initials "AD" in black m/s. BPA Cert. (2006) notes "g… $180 Sold $140 | |||
British East Africa 1895 5a black on grey blue with 3 line "British East Africa" h/s. MLH h small tone spot, frontally fine. SG 40, Cat. £300 $100 Archived | |||
British East Africa 1895 3r slate purple with 3 line "British East Africa" h/s. Neat Lamu cds. SG 45, Cat. £180 $100 Sold $100 | |||
British East Africa 1895 5r grey green with 3 line "British East Africa" h/s. Centered left with neat squared circle cancel. SG 47, Cat. £300 $100 Archived | |||
British East Africa 1895/96 "British East Africa" ovpt on 2r India. Attractively used by Mombasa squared circle cancel. SG 61, Cat. £225 $120 Sold $95 | |||
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