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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Officials
1915/28 6d chestnut kangaroo, Die IIb, 3rd wmk perfined small "OS". Some very light gum bends but fresh MUH. ACSC 21Aba, Cat. $600+
Sold $95
1929/30 6d chestnut kangaroo, SMW Plate 3 ovptd "OS" in John Ash imprint (N over N) block of 4 with "white hairline from value circle to map" varie…
Sold $400
1929/30 9d violet kangaroo, SMW perfined "OS", 5/- green x 5, 1/- green perfined "OS" x 2 plus 2/- & 5/- also perfined "OS". All CTO without gum wi…
Sold $50
1929/30 9d violet kangaroo, SMW perfined "OS" Ash imprint block of 4. MUH. Slightly aged gum. ACSC 28(4)z, Cat. $1500 + premium for MUH & perf "OS"…
Sold $550
1918 1d brownish-red Die II KGV on rough paper, single wmk perfined "OS". MUH, centered left. ACSC 72N(1)I, Cat. $1000
Sold $70
1918 1d rosine KGV on rough paper, single wmk perfined "OS". MLH. ACSC 72Ibb, Cat. $350
Sold $90
1918 1d rosine KGV on rough paper, single wmk perfined "OS." MUH with good centering & colour. ACSC 72Ibb, Cat. $750 (see note 8 in ACSC)
1924 4d olive KGV single wmk block of 6 with top selvedge perfined "OS". Plate 3, cliches 3R1-3, 7-9. Non ACSC listed constant varieties on cliches…
1931/36 1d green with reversed wmk & ovptd "OS". F/U, rarely seen so fine. ACSC 82(OS)aa, Cat. $2500
1931/36 1d green KGV perfined "OS" for official use by NSW Government. Appears to be unused without gum. Used examples are scarce but this is the f…
Sold $60
1932 6d chestnut Die IIB SMW kangaroos in John Ash Imprint pair ovptd "OS". Fine MVLH. ACSC 22(OS)Aza, Cat. $500
1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". MLH, 3d MH. Drury Cert. (2020). SG O123/24, ACSC 141/2(OS), Retail $450 (2)
Sold $270
1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". MUH, hinged in selvedges only. They appear to be genuine ovpts displaying the correct characteristics howe…
Sold $190
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
Great Britain 1878 £1 brown-lilac QV, Plate 1, Maltese Cross wmk. Fine used with crisp LIVERPOOL JY 14 79 cds. Lettered FG. Fresh colour & excelle…
Sold $2300
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8. All in "as new" condition. Save on new as retail at $69.95 each - $560! (8)
Sold $300
Great Britain 1978-2017 Miniature Sheets. All fine MUH with useful duplication up to x 4 of some issues. Reserved at less than half the total FV £5…
Sold $5000
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8. All in "as new" condition. Save on new as retail at $69.95 each - $560! (8)
Sold $300
Lighthouse Grande Binders in black with slipcases x 8. All in "as new" condition. Save on new as retail at $69.95 each - $560! (8)
Sold $300
Great Britain 2004-2017 Booklet Panes. All fine MUH with useful duplication with up to x 3 of some issues. Reserved at less than half the total FV …
Sold $5000

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