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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
New Zealand 1993-1997 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase. Incls M/S's, booklets, RNZAF Museum M/S & Ross Dependency plus Stamp Show/Ex…
Sold $300
New Zealand 1994-2002 range of "Limited Edition" issues from NZ Post incl FDC's, gutter blocks, M/S's & Sheetlets noting FDC's signed by relevant d…
Sold $120
New Zealand 1995-2002 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Complete as per pages incl M/S's, S/A strips & booklet panes plus Ross Dependency. Total F…
Sold $460
New Zealand 1996-2008 annual NZPO FDC packs complete plus "Stamp Collectors Folder" also complete for the same period together with the annual pack…
Sold $250
New Zealand 1998-2000 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Complete incl Ross Dependency, M/S's, booklets, "Souvenir Miniature Sheet St…
Sold $250
New Zealand 2001-2013 "Limited Edition" Commem folders individually hand numbered (1066) with COA, each containing a single issue in a MUH corner i…
Sold $600
New Zealand 2002-2005 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Complete as per leaves with extras incl Scenic Coast booklets (4), $8 FastPost booklet x 3…
Sold $450
New Zealand 2004-2007 Custom Advertising Labels with single sheet stamps, S/A booklets & singles in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook with slipcase…
Sold $240
New Zealand Chalons to 1993 used in 2 binders. Commences with 4 imperf Chalons (poor cond), 2d black proof & 11 perfd Chalons in fair to good cond …
Sold $120
New Zealand Airmail Flight Covers on FDC pages in "as new" Lighthouse burgundy binder with slipcase. Starts with 1931 Gisborne-Hastings FFC signed …
Sold $675
New Zealand Patriotic & Victory cover collection in quality Lighthouse FDC album with slipcase. Majority 1943-1947 noting Censored (10) wartime ite…
Sold $250
New Zealand MUH & MLH lightly duplicated. Starts with a few 1882 second sideface low vals, sparse through KEVII but incls 1907 Exhib to 3d, 1920 Vi…
Sold $260
New Zealand Proofs collection in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook with slipcase. Starts with 1d Universal, ½d KEVII in black pairs on card, KGV 1…
Sold $1000
New Zealand Duplicated used decimals in Prinz 64-page stockbook. Incls Framas, "Pete's Post" & other private issues (c80) plus a few pre-decimal od…
Sold $85
New Zealand Pre-decimal short & long covers in 2 quality Lighthouse FDC albums with slipcases. Noted 1936 Commerce Regd FDC to Newfoundland, 1940 s…
Sold $160
New Zealand Mixed MUH, MLH & used range mounted on plain leaves with SG Cat. numbers pencilled under most. Useful pickings incl 1929/30 Healths MLH…
Sold $40
New Zealand KGV recess printed with 21 vals to 1/0 incl 8d red brown & both perfs of 8d blue. Also both perfs of 2d & 4d yellow, 4d violet, 6d, typ…
Sold $140
New Zealand "Davo" illustrated album to 2003. Weak early period but good from 1935 (no "Arms" or M/S's) noting MLH defin sets incl 1953 to 10/-, 19…
Sold $250
New Zealand "Premier" albums in 2 vols with value in Healths from 1929 MLH complete to 1964 & 1931 & 1940 sets used. Thereafter mostly used plus 19…
New Zealand 1984-1998 (bar 1986 & 1994) Year Albums & NZ Heritage 150 Years collection, 1995 Yearbook, 1997 Ltd Ed folder with 40c QEII Golden Wedd…
Sold $65
New Zealand Davo albums Vol I to III with slipcases with used. First vol incls Smiling Boys lightly used with machine cancels, QEII to 10/- blue F/…
New Zealand Fiscals from 1867 on Hagners in quality Lighthouse Grande binder with slipcase. Noted "VR" KEVII, GV cypher labels, 1867 imperfs to 15/…
Sold $4600
New Zealand Pre-decimal & Souvenir cover collection in quality Lighthouse FDC album with slipcase. Over 30 pre-KGVI with many interesting incl 1913…
Sold $300
New Zealand KGVI set (excl 1½d) to 3/- MUH & ovptd "Official" to 1/- & 1940 Centennial (excl 7d) plus Health M/S pairs of 1957 & birds types (4 pa…
Sold $50
New Zealand MLH & used accum on 60+ Hagners, part Hagners & stockcards. About 60% are 1967-1990 used with earlier modest pickings incl 1935 Airs, 1…
New Zealand Pre-decimal MUH/MLH on 5 Hagners with value in KGV noting both perfs in most vals to 1/- incl 8d blue & 1935 range of perfs for all val…
Sold $140
New Zealand Useful range of additional NZ Post products noting 1996-2017 (bar 2000) complete "Best of" M/S MUH sets of 3 with 2002 & 2003 CTO (reta…
Sold $500
New Zealand Balance of consignment consisting of used duplicates starting with perfd Chalon 1d brown & rose shades, 2d orange & 3d plus a few later…
Sold $60
Niue 1920's-1990's accumulation on 25 Hagners in Hagner binder. Much duplication throughout in MUH/MLH from KGV defins with many sets "flagged" wit…
Sold $65
Norway 1856-1900 on old album leaves. Noted 1856/57 2sk Oscar (blunt corner) plus other "skilling" currency (9), Posthorns sans-serif Norge to 60ö…
Sold $42
Norway Used range in stockbook starting with 12 "skilling" vals in mixed cond before sans-serif & serifed Posthorn range with SG numbers "flagged".…
Sold $110
Peru 1971-1996 good to fine used with not many complete sets but a clean lot with much seldom seen material. (400+)
Sold $30
Philippines Varied lot with 1933 Airs to 32¢ (aeroplane ovpts) in MUH blocks plus 1933 2¢ green Airmail on internal used cover with boxed "First …
Sold $50
Pitcairn Island KGVI-QEII range of MUH sets & singles from a retired dealers stock incl M/S's. All presented on Hagners with SG numbers annotated t…
Sold $110
Poland 1918-1992 MLH/used in cat order in 2 Favourite binders & black leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Missing all "key" items, but a good start in all…
Sold $75
Portugal MLH & used accumulation on 20 Vario sheets & double sided Hagners in "Kanga" binder. Mixed cond especially earlies but useful pickings in …
Sold $50
Portugal Kek stockbook starting with 9 imperfs in mixed cond, then perfd Cameos with vals to 150R mainly used, Luiz types to 50R incl "Provisorio" …
Sold $190
Portugal & Colonies 1856-1900 MLH & used range on printed leaves & Hagners. STC US$400 but very mixed cond & reserved accordingly. (c300)
Sold $90
Portuguese & Spanish Colonies MLH & used in 4 slim stockbooks, 3 of which cover the Portuguese Colonies. Good range in cat order with Angola (350 C…
Sold $380
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Plus the component parts post-independence MLH & used in 3 Lighthouse stockbooks. R & N first defins to £1, second to 5/-, Ka…
Sold $550
Romania Mostly used in 2 stockbooks noting 1890 1½b to 50b perf. 13½ (excl 10b) MLH (Cat. £170), no wmk set used with later defins sorted by wmk…
Sold $150
Romania 1862-1900 MLH/used on old printed leaves. Odd serious fault not counted in total cat. value (Scott) of US$795+. Noted 1863 6p, 30p & 1865 5…
Sold $65
Romania Accum on 80+ Vario sheets in 2 binders (one a Lighthouse padded in "as new" cond). Enormous quantity of common material from late 1860's to…
Russia Substantial MLH, used & CTO in 6 vols noting 1858 10k perf. 12½ unused (Cat. £450 MLH) & set used (Cat. £500+), 1865 perf. 14½ x 15 wove…
Sold $1400
Russia 1858-2000 mixed MLH & CTO in 3 padded binders with 150+ Vario sheets. Set out in chronological order showing that coverage is sparse & missi…
Sold $130
Russia 1865-1884 MUH/MLH/used specialised group on Hagner with value in Michel specialised cat. varieties noting 8k on vertically laid paper used (…
Sold $90
Russia 1866-1889 range on Hagner with numeral postmarks I-XI (??) & 3 with dotted obliterator in circle. Good centrally applied strikes plus 1929/3…
Sold $60
Russia 1949-1984 MLH & used sets, odd vals & M/S's on approx. 50 Hagners in binder. Not in strict issue date order, so highlights listed as they co…
Sold $525
Russia Geographical area incls a few USSR, 1917-1922 White Russia, Armenia, Batum, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Tsarist Pos abroad, Tuva post-1989…
Sold $90
Samoa 1970-1985 MUH blocks of 4 in 2 stockbooks, one quality German made with black pages & clear interleaving. Noted few early singles & 1967 Bird…
Sold $65

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