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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Norfolk Island 1947-1985 complete in KA-BE hingeless album. Incls 1956 white papers & two types of "SPECIMEN" ovpt on 10/- bird. Odd MLH amongst th…
Sold $170
Norfolk Island 1947-1996 MUH/MLH complete simplified collection in Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Pre-decimal mostly MUH (incl 10/- bird) with decima…
Sold $180
Norfolk Island 1947-1978 complete fine used/CTO simplified collection on Seven Seas leaves in binder. No Ball Bay "white papers" or 10/- Specimen b…
Sold $60
Norfolk Island 1960-1986 MLH & CTO approx. 70% complete on Seven Seas pages in 2 springback binders plus 1947-2016 incomplete range in 2 stockbooks…
Sold $100
Norfolk Island 1966-1996 complete MUH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls both $1 surcharges, UPU M/S & defins to $5. Total FV is $320+…
Sold $220
Norfolk Island 1972-1997 selection on Hagners. Retired dealers stock with majority MUH sets incl odd M/S & booklet. PTSA $160+
Sold $42
Norfolk Island 2000-2009 "Annual Stamp Collections" produced by Norfolk Post. Rarely seen. Exc cond. Face Value $390+, Retail $1000+ (if you can fi…
Sold $420
PNG plus New Guinea & Papua MLH & used on Hagner & stockcards incl New Guinea 1925 set to 5/- (MLH), Papua incls B.N.G. 2½d, Lakatoi bicolours to …
Sold $100
PNG 1915-2012 incomplete used collection in "Favourite" Philatelic Album. Patchy early with 6 NWPI vals to 6d, New Guinea (53) incl undated birds t…
Sold $190
PNG 1952-1982 complete (excl Specimen ovpts & postal charges) in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Pre-decimal mixed MUH & MLH (latter incl 1952 £1) wit…
Sold $100
PNG 1952-1985 complete MUH collection in KA-BE hingeless album. Incls all "SPECIMEN" ovpts (excl 10/- Rabaul 13mm) & Postal Charges incl both 6d on…
Sold $400
PNG 1952-1991 sparsely filled Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Incls some early used with various later sets CTO. Album in very good cond.
Sold $40
PNG 1952-1993 MUH in Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase. Patchy in places but useful later issues incl some on Hagners. Noted 1965 10/- Rabau…
Sold $100
PNG 1952-1994 collection on Seven Seas Hingeless pages. Used earlies to £1 Fisherman (damaged) with some MUH sets before 1983 incl 1963 £1 QEII. …
PNG 1952-1994 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album. High degree of completeness incl 1952 Pictorials to £1 but all affected by tone spots or toned gu…
Sold $80
PNG 1952-1999 MUH, MLH & used lightly duplicated & semi-sorted on 28 Vario pages. Not in chronological order but many complete sets to 1990's with …
Sold $100
PNG 1952-2000 98% complete MUH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Incls 1952 defins to £1 Fisherman, 1963 defins to £1 QEII, 1964 birds t…
Sold $250
PNG 1965-2003 covers in Cumberland album & 2 ring binders. Majority unaddressed incl post-1990 MS's, odd PSE & Aerogrammes. Many 1970's special cac…
PNG 2000-2011 sets, sheetlets & M/S's appearing to be complete. Fine MUH in quality 64 black page stockbook. Numerous thematics with everything fro…
Sold $900
Samoa 1962-1991 Seven Seas "as new" album with slipcase, hingeless from 1981. Random range noting 1967 birds & 1978 shells sets MUH. Reserve is a f…
Sold $85
Territories 2016 & 2017 Australia Post Annual Year Packs x 2 of each. These are increasingly difficult to find & especially these later years. PO C…
Sold $100
Territories AAT, Christmas & Cocos Is Slim stockbook for each plus springback with mounted used with Christmas & Cocos Is to 1987 on leaves & appea…
Sold $60

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