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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1910 (11th August) Registered, Unclaimed & returned Office of Titles "On His Majesty's Service" env to Kalgoorlie. 5d bistre swan perfined "OS" on …
1910 (24th Dec) "For Auld Lang Syne" greetings postcard with 1d swan tied by Perth machine cancel. Neat, crisp Carnarvon 3-b arrival. Good cond.
1911 (13th Jan) "Mis Ola Humphrey as Marguerite Blakely in the Scarlet Pimpernal" b&w theatrical postcard from Kanowna with Kanowna cds D29T tying …
1911 (24th Jan) Registered "UNCLAIMED" "On His Majesty's Service" cover from Perth to Pingelly & re-addressed to Narrogin. 5d bistre swan V/Crown p…
1911 (13th Mar) Colour Greeting postcard from Coomberdale to Tambellup with 1d red swan tied by Coomberdale cds C.27. Good cond.
Sold $20
1911 (6th July) Registered undelivered Titles Office on "His Majesty's Service" cover to Bulong. 4d brown swan wmk Crown over double lined A wmk pe…
Sold $260
1911 (24th Nov) Roses coloured greetings postcard with 1911 col PPC with 1d swan tied by Smith's Mill A28 (1-2) & addressed to Guildford. Very good…
Sold $30
1912 (15th April) Registered RTS "His Majesty's Service" Titles Office env addressed to Dangin with 2d yellow swans perfined "OS" & tied by Perth R…
1912 (10th June) Interesting Land Titles Office on "His Majesty's Service" Registered cover. Addressed to "Mr Henry Smith, Farmer, Perth" & redirec…
Sold $130
1913 (10th Feb) Tuck white rose greeting postcard with 1d swan tied by Smith's Mill A28 (1-2). Addressed to Guildford. VG cond.
Sold $30
1914 (30th June) "Post Office, Boulder City" Falk b&w postcard which appears not to have been posted as it has no stamps but it does have a clear "…
Sold $120
1915 (15th Oct) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered cover with block of 4 1d red KGV perfined "OS" & tied by Perth Registered cds. addressed to M…
Sold $80
1916 (5th Feb) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered but undelivered Land Titles Office cover to Dowerin with original caveat still enclosed. KGV 1…
1916 (22nd Feb) Registered but undelivered "On His Majesty's Service" cover addressed to Dowerin with 4d orange kangaroo perfined large "OS" (damag…
Sold $230
1916 (25th May) "On His Majesty's Service" Registered & returned Land Titles Office cover addressed to Coolgardie with 4d orange kangaroo perfined …
Sold $320
1916 (26th July) KGV 4d Registered envelope (RE 4b - setting 2) with red provisional registration label from Karralee to Southern Cross. Cancelled …
Sold $150
1917 (12 Nov) Opening of Trans-Australian Railway - WA State School Empire Fund MUH horiz pair. Some damage at top with one missing perfs along top…
Sold $110
1918 (16th Apr) "King's Park, Perth, WA to Eradu, Northern Railway" b&w postcard on brown stock with 1d red KGV tied by Perth slogan postmark, Pert…
Sold $40
1918 (6th May) 1d red KGV Embossed Envelope registered from Howatharra to Geraldton. 3 x 1d salmon KGV on smooth paper (G26) tied by Howatharra cds…
Sold $80
1931 (6th Jun) Long cover with "Aerial Mail" in m/s top left & addressed to Perth with 6d chestnut kangaroo & 2d red KGV tied by 2 strikes of the D…
Sold $85
1936 (21st Jan) Registered cover from Calingiri to Perth with 5d brown KGV tied by Calingiri B27. Large closed tear across front reflected in reserve.
Sold $20
1936 (1st Dec) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts Boulder to Grants Patch. 3d blue KGV perfined "WA" tied by Boulder cds. Clear Grants Patch C30 both f…
Sold $50
1937 (10th May) Australia Post Official 1d green QM & 2d red KGVI FDC with Bilbarin C28 cds. Unaddressed with a few tone spots but a scarce cds.
Sold $20
1937 (1st Oct) 150th Anniv of NSW set of 3 on Bassendean Registered Official FDC with R6 blue label & 2 Bassendean strikes. Addressed to Mt Lawley.…
Sold $30
1938 (24th Jan) cover front only with 2 x ½d orange KGV each tied by Jacob's Well C31 cds in violet ink. Addressed to Victoria. Unusual.
Sold $30
1938 (24th Feb) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts Geraldton to Oakabella (29km north of Geraldton with no marking known). 3d blue KGV perfined "WA" ti…
Sold $25
1940 (2nd Aug) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts, Boulder to Erlistoun with 3d blue KGV perfined "WA" not tied by pmk. Complete Erlistoun E.30 cds's o…
Sold $130
1941 (27th Jan) A.R. card from Clerk of Courts Katanning to Ballaying Siding, a farming area 20km east of Wagin. 3d blue KGVI perfined "WA" tied by…
Sold $200
1941 (26th Jun) A.R. card from Mining Registrar Southern Cross to Evanston, Mining town 150km west of Menzies. KGVI 3d blue perfined "WA" tied by S…
Sold $85
1942 (25th Nov) Registered 2½d red KGVI embossed envelope with added 3d KGVI defin for the registration from Bunbury to Maylands. The most importa…
1943 (16th Apr) Mining Act O.H.M.S. postcard from The Mining Registrar, Southern Cross to Ghoorli & returned unclaimed. ½d orange kangaroo & 1d gr…
Sold $110
1948 (15th Sep) AR card from Clerk of Courts Katanning to Jingalup, a farming area near Kojonup, with 3d brown KGVI & ½d orange kangaroo both perf…
Sold $150
1948 (23rd Oct) Registered Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia cover from Caversham with provisional regd label in m/s. Addressed to Forrest Pla…
1948 (9th Nov) Commonwealth Savings Bank registered cover from Canning Highway to Perth with mixed defin franking of 8½d tied by Canning Highway E…
Sold $30
1948 (10th Nov) Registered Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia cover from Inglewood North to Perth. Strip of three 2½d Farrer tied by Inglewood…
Sold $25
1948 (17th Dec) "Form M.O. 118 Receipt to Remitter of a Telegraph Money Order Issued at Kalgoorlie" with clear, upright M.O.Office Kalgoorlie C28 M…
Sold $60
1952 (19th Mar) 1/0½d indigo KGVI & 2/6d sepia "One Pound Jimmy" FDC tied by fine, upright Kalgoorlie cds on regular sized env. Most attractive.
1952 (7th Apr) "On His Majesty's Service" cover front with 3½d blue KGVI perfined "WA" tied by neat "POSTMASTER GWALIA WA" oval rubber stamp ORS1.…
Sold $60
1952 (9th Apr) AR card from Clerk of Courts Merredin to Chandler with 6d brown kookaburra perfined "WA" & tied by neat Merredin cds with neighbouri…
Sold $40
1952 (10th Dec) Proving cover for "Relief No.9" being allocated to Grass Valley in December 1952. "Sermon's Store General Storekeepers and Agents G…
Sold $25
1954 (20th Oct) Airmail cover from Horseshoe to England with fine Meekatharra transit cds. 2/- sepia crocodile tied by upright complete Horseshoe E…
Sold $60
1955 (28th Feb) 1/0½d QEII embossed Registered Letter upgraded with 2½d blue QEII defin from Albany North to Victoria. Tied by Albany North E30b …
1955 (13th Apr) Registered cover Provisional reg label for "INNALOO" completed in m/s addressed to Perth. Innaloo was renamed West Osborne on 1st J…
1955 (14th Oct) AR card from Merredin to Campion with 6d kookaburra tied by Merredin cds with Campion E31 cds rated scarce by Goulder (PMC). Campio…
Sold $40
1956 (6th Aug) Registered cover with "Caversham" provisional registration label in m/s & addressed to Victoria. ½d kangaroo & 1/- lyrebird tied by…
Sold $30
1957 (28th Aug) AR card from Clerk of Courts sent from Geraldton to Caron. 9d platypus tied by Geraldton cds with neighbouring Caron A30 cds. Rated…
Sold $40
1958 (12th May) Registered cover from Greenhills to Victoria with an attractive mixed franking from the 40's & 50's tied by Greenhills B27 cds's. P…
Sold $30
1959 (13th Jun) 1/7d QEII embossed Registered Letter from Bayswater South to Sydney. Pmkd Bayswater South E30 with matching R6 reg label. Perth & S…
Sold $20
1968 Complete book of official receipts to acknowledge the number of "Received at..................from the General Post Office the undermentioned …
Sold $50
1974 (11th Feb) Registered Airmail cover with "DOG SWAMP, W.A." Provisional reg label with mauve h/s. Printed "Co-Operative Insurance Society Ltd" …
Sold $30


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