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Lot No Description Est.
Proofs & Colour Trials: De La Rue
1885/1907 1d carmine, 2d yellow, 2½d deep blue, 6d bright violet & 1/- olive-green in horizontal plate proof pairs on gummed W Crown A wmkd paper.…
Sold $750
½d green imperforate horizontal plate proof pair on Crown/CA wmkd gummed paper. Very good even margins. Fresh & fine MUH.
Sold $85
1d bistre imperforate plate proof with wmk Crown/CC sideways. Ungummed with 4 close but clear margins.
Sold $90
3d red-brown imperforate horizontal plate proof pair in the issued colour on Crown/CA wmk gummed paper. Large clear even margins. Fine MUH.
Sold $200
6d deep (aniline) indigo-violet plate proof with upright Crown/CC wmk. 4 clear even margins. MUH with part og. String rich colour.
Sold $200
1/- bright green imperforate plate proof with Crown/CC upright wmk. 4 large margins, top 5mm marginal. MH with almost full og. Fine.
Sold $180



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