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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
States and Territories: Western Australia | |||
1910 10/- bright purple. Fine used by indistinct cds. SG 127a, Cat. £450 $280 Sold $320 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple. CTO with part Perth cds for inclusion in the 1910 presentation sets for Federal Parliamentarians. MUH with full gum. SG 12… $350 Sold $420 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple. Superb used, possibly CTO from 1912 presentation set. SG 127a, Cat. £450, ACSC W65x, cat. twice that of a F/U example. $300 Sold $320 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple. MH with even gum toning. Centred top right. True bright colour. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $320 Archived | |||
1910 10/- bright purple with "colour dot in right leg of "R" in "Australia" variety. MLH. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $500 Sold $500 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple with bottom selvedge. Fresh MUH, centred low. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $650 Sold $650 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple. Fine & fresh MUH. SG 127a, Cat. £950 $750 Sold $750 | |||
1910 10/- bright purple in bottom selvedge block of 6 with "VICTO" of wmk clearly visible. Superb & fresh MUH, one unit with slightly "sweated" gum… $7500 Sold $7500 | |||
1902/11 £1 orange-brown, Perf 12⅟₂x12. Centered low left. F/U by neat Coolgardie cds SG 128 Cat. £190 $100 Sold $170 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Superb used with crisp Boulder Paid AP 6 05 cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $150 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with Bridgetown 11 JY 07 cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $150 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fine used with Nullagine cds dated OC 12 04. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $180 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. Attractively used by almost complete strike of "TELEGRAPHS PERTH W.A. AP 3 05" cds. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $100 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. CTO with MUH full gum cancelled "S.M.R. PERTH" (Ship Mail Room). Well centered & most unusual. SG 128, Cat. £190 $150 Sold $100 | |||
1902 £1 brown-orange (light shade). CTO with 4 ring obliterator for UPU distribution. Very fine without gum & well centered. SG 128, ACSC W66Ax, C… $150 Sold $100 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. MH with part og & very light small stain on reverse. Excellent colouring, centering & perfs. SG 128, Cat. £425 $180 Sold $130 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown in 2 different shades but not orange. Both MH examples centred low. SG 128/128var., Cat. £425 ea (2) $300 Sold $240 | |||
1909 £1 orange with part Perth cds for inclusion in the 1910 presentation sets for Federal Parliamentarians. MLH with gum. SG 128a $380 Sold $200 | |||
1909 £1 orange. Fine used with neat Katanning OC 13 12 cds. Ironed our corner crease not apparent from front. Cancels on these stamps are usually … $150 Sold $150 | |||
1909 £1 orange. Fine used, possibly CTO. Very fine. SG 128a, Cat. £350 $250 Sold $200 | |||
1909 £1 orange. Fine used with neat corner cancel. Well centred with strong colour. SG 128a, Cat. £350 $250 Sold $180 | |||
1902 £1 orange-brown. MVLH on right selvedge but stamp fine MUH. Complete with Buhler Expertising cert. (1986) SG 128, Cat. £425 $350 Sold $460 | |||
1909 £1 orange. MLH plus small area without gum & stained perf reflected in reserve. SG 128a Cat. £750 $250 Sold $250 | |||
1909 £1 orange. MUH with light gum crease. Fresh & well centered. SG 128a, Cat. £750+ $680 Sold $680 | |||
1909 £1 orange. Superb MUH. They do not come any better! SG 128a, £750++ $850 Sold $1250 | |||
1909 £1 orange. Superb MUH left selvedge block of 6 in 2 rows of 3. Ex Australia Post archive sale. ACSC (2004 ed) page 1/371 states "… at least… $10000 Sold $10000 | |||
1902-1911 5/-, 10/- & £1 high values all CTO with 4 ring obliterator for UPU distribution. 5/- with small blue pen mark on reverse otherwise all w… $180 Sold $200 | |||
1902-1911 1d to 2/6d swans/QV, perf. 12 or 12x12½ or 12½x12. A MUH/MLH/MH selection incl 1d carmine-rose MUH pair (SG 117a), 2d yellow MUH (SG 11… $200 Sold $140 | |||
1902-1911 1d, 2d, 4d, 8d, 9d, 10d, 2/-, 5/- (Die I), 5/- (Die II), 10/- & £1 orange brown, perf. 12 or 12x12½ or 12½x12 from the 1904 UPU Specim… $400 Sold $400 | |||
1902-1912 Selection of MUH, CTO, strips & blocks with Perth cds's for Wmk V/Crown, perf. 12½ 2/- orange/yellow horiz strip of 5 (SG 124b), wmk dou… $500 Sold $600 | |||
1902-1911 1d rose red (MH), 2d yellow (NG), 4d chestnut (NG), 8d bright green (MH disturbed gum), 9d yellow orange (MLH), 10d rose red (NG), 2/- br… $600 Sold $600 | |||
1902/11 1d carmine-rose, 2d yellow, 4d chestnut & 5d bistre, V & Crown wmk, Perf 11. Good to F/U. SG 129/32, Cat. £600+ (4) $150 Sold $150 | |||
1902 1d carmine-rose, 2 with Crown wmk pointing left, 1 to right. Good to F/U. SG 129, Cat. £150 (3) $40 Sold $30 | |||
1905 1d carmine-rose, perf. 11 with upright wmk. Fine used with neat central upright Perth 2 DE 04 cds. SG shows earliest date as 1905. See ACSC W7… $300 Sold $300 | |||
1902 2d yellow with wmk V/crown sideways & sideways with crown facing left, both F/U. ACSC (2004) w17a & w17aa, Cat. $50 ea $25 Sold $20 | |||
1902/11 2d yellows with upright & upright & inverted V/crown wmks. Both stamps F/U. ACSC (2004) w17b & w17baa, Cat. $250 ea (2) $100 Archived | |||
1902 2d yellow. F/U & well centred. SG 130, Cat. £60 $30 Sold $20 | |||
1902 2d yellow. Used with MR 4 03 cds. SG 130, Cat. £60 $30 Sold $20 | |||
1902 2d yellow. Fine used with 1904 Guildford duplex. 3 broad margins & well centred. SG 130, Cat. £60+ $40 Sold $28 | |||
1902 2d yellow pair with double perfs at base. F/U pair. ACSC (2004) w22ba, Cat. $150 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1902 2d yellow. MLH, some shortish perfs at right. SG 130, Cat. £425 $120 Sold $130 | |||
1902 2d yellow with upright wmk. Used by indistinct cancel. SG 130a, Cat. £500 $280 Archived | |||
1902 2d yellow with upright wmk. A couple of shortish perfs at base. Fine used with upright part cds dated SP 24 04. SG 130a, Cat. £500 $180 Sold $150 | |||
1902 2d yellow with upright inverted wmk. Fine used with Leonora AU 20 04 cds. ACSC notes page 1/336 "only a small number of used examples have bee… $380 Archived | |||
1905 2d yellow with upright inverted V/crown wmk. F/U with neat Lennonville 3b cds 15 Sep 1904. Lovely fresh example. ACSC states (W18baa) "is a ve… $380 Archived | |||
1902 4d chestnut. Fine used with 1906 partial cds. SG 131, Cat. £425 $300 Sold $210 | |||
1902 4d chestnut. Fine used with 2 short perfs at base. ACSC (2005 ed) Page 1/344 states "this is a rare stamp with only a handful of examples so f… $280 Sold $200 | |||
1902 4d chestnut. Fine used with neat machine cancel. A short perf lower left for accuracy. See above for rarity statement. SG 131, Cat. £425 $350 Archived | |||
1902 5d bistre. Fine used, short perf at base. SG 132, Cat. £75 $30 Sold $30 | |||
1902 5d bistre in 2 shades. MLH pair. SG 132, Cat. £50ea (2) $40 Sold $40 | |||
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