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Airmails: Airmails - Australia
1931 (3rd July) Sir Francis Chichester Manila to Katsuura, Japan & onto England. Numbered 167 of 872 letters carried with detailed cachet explainin…
Sold $120
1931 (12th Aug) "Perth to Wyndham thence per SS "Koolinda" via Brisbane + Adelaide Air Mails" endorsed cover with 2d KS & 3d Airmail tied by Perth …
Sold $90
1931 (19th Nov) Australia to England All Aust Airmail by ANA. Perth regd with both 6d Kingsford Smith types, 4d KGV & 6d kangaroo for onward transm…
Sold $90
1931 (24th Nov) Sydney to Brisbane cover endorsed "Per First Air Mail New England Airways Sydney-Brisbane 24th November 1931" with 2d KGV & 3d Airm…
Sold $30
1931 (3rd Dec) "By first 1931-32 airmail Birdum-Daly Waters N.T. Then Daly Waters-Camooweal-Brisbane, Qld Adelaide-Perth, WA" typed endorsement. Ca…
Sold $280
1932 (7th Jan) England to Australia "First All Australian ANA Xmas Greetings Air Mail" illust cover with 4d & 1/- KGV tied by London Air Mail cds's…
Sold $48
1932 (7th Jan) England to Australia "Xmas Greetings by First All-Australian Air Mail" illust cover with "Xmas" crossed out & replaced by "NEW YEAR"…
Sold $50
1932 (19th Jan) Cape Town to Sydney via Imperial Airways first flight Cape Town to Cairo, Cairo-Karachi-Perth-Adelaide-Melbourne-Sydney. Franked wi…
Sold $95
1932 (7th June) Whitemark to Launceston with 2d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Whitemark cds. Launceston b/s. One of 73 flown & pilot signed by L Johnson…
Sold $32
1932 (1st Sept) Brisbane to Sydney & return covers by New England Airways. Outwards with "North Queensland Australia's Winter Playground" Airmail v…
Sold $85
1932 (12th Oct) Darwin to Sydney via Brisbane intermediate cover from the England to Australia by J Herbert in his DH60M Moth. Endorsed "England to…
Sold $300
1932 (11th Nov) Alice Springs to Newtown (NSW) cover from Central Australian Survey Expedition signed by Prof CT Madigan, leader of the Expedition.…
Sold $150
1932 (1st Dec) Daly Waters to Birdum Registered cover with "Daly Waters" in m/s provisional Reg label. Fine cond & accompanied by extract from "Qan…
Sold $260
1933 (4th-10th Feb) Australia to Papua to New Guinea originally carried by mail boat "Macdhui" & then flown Port Moresby to Salamania by New Guinea…
1933 (4th-10th Feb) From Brisbane by boat to Papua & then flight to New Guinea by Guinea Airways. 2d KGV & 3d airmail tied by Brisbane cds. "Aerial…
Sold $35
1933 (29th May) Brisbane to Melbourne to Sydney flown by H Brackley in Imperial Airways survey plane "Astruea" which had been flown from England ca…
Sold $200
1933 (22nd-23rd Aug) Launceston to Melbourne with 2d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by bold Launceston cds with "HART AIRCRAFT SERVICE PTY LTD" cachet in ma…
Sold $30
1933 (1st Sept) "The Northern Territory Aerial Survey Expedition. Carried by Courtesy of Commdr Bennett & Party Capt. Frank Neale Pilot." typed end…
Sold $120
1933 (30th Sept) Air Mail Society of NSW blue card autographed by winning pilot G Reid in The 1933 (30th Sept) Mascot Aerial Pageant blue Air Mail …
1933 (13th-14th Oct) Currie, King Island to Launceston Registered with 3d Airmail & 5d KGV tied by Currie, King Island cds's. Only 40 flown. Only 4…
Sold $140
1933 (13th Oct) "Per First Air Mail from King Island" typed top left of this Currie Regd cover with ½d KGV, 1½d Sturt & 6d Kingsford Smith all ne…
Sold $60
1933 (13th Oct) Currie to Melbourne & onto Brisbane by Matthews Aviation Co. Registered Currie with 2d Kingsford Smith with plate 3 imprint selvedg…
Sold $100
1934 (5th Feb) Bega to Sydney x 2 having been posted to Bega via Sydney from Qld with 5d franking incl 3d airmail & "Public Offices Victoria" regis…
Sold $30
1934 (5th Feb) Sydney to Bega per Adastra Airways pilot signed by FW Follett. This cover is addressed to Ernest Crome. 370 covers were flown with o…
Sold $90
1934 (23rd Feb) Adelaide to Port Pirie intermediate stage by MacRobertson-Miller Aviation Co. 2d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Adelaide slogan with Port…
Sold $40
1934 (23rd Feb) Port Pirie to Adelaide return intermediate stage regd with 3d SHB pair & 2d KS tied by Pt Pirie cds's. "Posted at….........Under …
1934 (14th Apr) Sydney to Auckland by Faith in Australia on illust souvenir cover Regd Port Pirie & addressed to Greece. Signed by pilot G.U. Allan…
Sold $60
1934 (2nd June) Brisbane to Cracow via Mundubbera pilot signed by Ronald Adair with ½d & 1½d KGV & 3d airmail all tied by Brisbane cds's. "AIRCRA…
Sold $30
1934 (24th July) Melbourne to Cairns x 3, Sydney to Cairns & return & Cairns to Sydney via Brisbane Ulm flown Australia intermediate flights x 5. A…
Sold $220
1934 (1st Oct) Launceston to Melbourne by Holyman Airways with ½d & 1½d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Launceston cds's. Elizabeth St Melbourne b/s. VG…
Sold $55
1934 (3rd Oct) Perth to Daly Waters by MacRobertson Miller Aviation franked with KGV 5d on 4½d KGV. Daly Waters 8OC 34 b/s. Fine cond. AAMC 428, C…
Sold $50
1934 (3rd Oct) Perth to Daly Waters service operated MacRobertson Miller Aviation Co group of intermediate covers all addressed to Mr FGL Hedges. I…
Sold $400
1934 (8th Oct) Wyndham to Ord River First Flight by MacRobertson Miller Aviation Co with typed endorsement. A rare cover with less than 20 carried,…
Sold $120
1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - Roscoe Turner & Clyde Pangborn cover with GB ½d green KGV tied by London machine cancel & 1d green KGV tie…
Sold $40
1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race Roscoe Turner & Clyde Pangborn cover with GB ½d green KGV tied by London machine cancel & 1d green KGV tied …
Sold $55
1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - CE Kay printed env showing the stops incl Baghdad, Allahabad, Singapore, Darwin & Charleville. GB 1½d KGV …
Sold $40
1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race pair of covers with GB 1½d brown KGV tied by Mildenhall cds's. Both with vignette detailing flight start tim…
Sold $120
1934 (2nd Nov) MacRobertson Air Race - KD Parmentier & JJ Moll Holland to Australia to Batavia long souvenir "Emma-Zegels" printed cover Registered…
Sold $50
1934 (16th Nov) Melbourne to Portland ditto with ½d & 1d KGV tied by the M.O.O. Portland cds. Numbered "1841". Also in VG cond. AAMC 461, Cat. $75
Sold $40
1934 (16th Nov) Melbourne to Portland flown Autogiro souvenir postcard with "Airmail Society of Aust. Melbourne" cachet in blue. 2d Vic Cent tied b…
1934 (16th Nov) Portland to Melbourne return Autogiro flight in connection with the VICVI Exhibition x 2. Illustrated postcards with "M.O.O. PORTLA…
1934 (16th Nov) ditto but in addition to a postcard with 5d KGV tied by MOO Portland cds & addressed to Melbourne also a Portland Registered card w…
Sold $60
1934 (28th Nov) "Faith in Australia" special flight with HRH Duke of Gloucester on board from Sydney to Newcastle. Large cover with 2d Macarthur ti…
Sold $75
1934 (8th Dec) Brisbane to Windhoek, South West Africa via Cairo with 3d Macarthur, 1/- Lyrebird & 1/6d Hermes toed by Brisbane Air Mail cds's. Cai…
Sold $40
1934 (8th Dec) England to Batavia intermediate stage on the Imperial Airways/Qantas England-Dutch East Indies Air Mail service opening. Batavia arr…
Sold $40
1934 (8th Dec) South Africa to Australia, 1d PSE uprated with 1/- bilingual pair tied by Cape Town 3.XII.34 cds addressed to Perth plus a second co…
Sold $110
1934 (9th Dec) Qantas & Imperial Airways intermediate Australia to England transferred at Cairo for transmission to South Africa. Posted Kew, Vic 7…
Sold $36
1934 (10th Dec) Basra (Iraq) to Brisbane by Imperial Airways/Qantas on intermediate stage. Souvenir cover with Iraqi franking & Brisbane b/s. Good …
Sold $42
1935 (24th Mar) Australia to England cover flown by HL Brook with "Carried by the Miles Falcon G-ACTM Australia-England 7 days 19hrs 50 min Piloted…
Sold $80
1935 (24th April) Sydney to Nyngan by WASP Airlines with 2d Anzac tied by Nyngan cds. Also with black & green Sydney Harbour Bridge vignette & pilo…
Sold $40


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