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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 4d greenish-olive perfined small "OS". MUH, centred left. ACSC 115b, Cat. $875
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 4d olive perfined "OS". MUH, centred right. ACSC 115b, Cat. $850
Sold $100
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 4½d violet John Ash imprint pair, Die 1. Cliché 1R55 with "Deformed bottom frame at left and white flaw from LH wat…
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 6d chestnut with "scratch in Bight" variety ACSC 22(3)g plus CofA wmk gutter pair with left stamp showing the same va…
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 1/4d deep greenish blue. MH & centred right but strong colour. ACSC 129A, Cat. $375
Sold $80
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 1/4d greenish-blue with "thick 1 at right" variety. Fine MLH, centred left. ACSC 129An, Cat. $700
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 1/4d pale greenish blue. MLH centred left. ACSC 129A, Cat. $375
Sold $120
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14 1/4d turquoise-blue. Fine used in a well centred pair with crisp Melbourne cds's for 23 AP28. Superb postally used it…
Sold $100
1931-36 CofA ½d to 1/4d set of 8 vals with strong colours & good perfs. MUH with mixed centring but no unsightly examples. ACSC Cat. $670 (8)
Sold $95
1931-36 CofA ½d orange to 5d chestnut complete set of 7 ovptd "OS". Fresh MLH with above average centring. SG O125/26 & O128/32 Cat. £140 (7)
Sold $40
1931-36 CofA 1d green, plate 4, Ash imprint block of 8 from frame 7/8. Drury Cert. (2019) Two units & selvedge MLH, remainder MUH. ACSC 82B(4)z, Ca…
Sold $65
1931-36 CofA 3d blue John Ash imprint block of 4, Die 2, plate 7. Cliché 7R55 with "white flaw below Kangaroo's paw" variety. Stamps MUH & MVLH on…
Sold $95
1931-36 CofA 3d blue, Die II, John Ash imprint block of 4, Plate 8. Stamps MUH with lightly hinged gutter selvedge ACSC 109 Aza, Cat. $350
Sold $90
1931-36 CofA 3d blue, plate 8, positional selvedge plate block of 4 for 8L 31 & 32/ 37 & 38 with "right frame small rounded notch on inner side jus…
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA 3d blue, plate 8, Ash imprint block of 4. MLH with gum tan lines but fine frontal appearance. ACSC 109Aza, Cat. $350
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA 4d greenish-olive John Ash Imprint block of 4, plate 3. Stamps MUH, MVLH on gutter selvedge. Centered high. ACSC 117(3)z, Cat. $400
Sold $120
1931-36 CofA 4d greenish-olive, plate 3 John Ash "N" over "A" imprint block of 4. Small unlisted flaw noted on stamp 3R 49 (see lower right frame).…
1931-36 CofA 4d greenish-olive, plate 4 imprint block with traces of "n" "white line on kings neck" variety still present. Fresh MUH. ACCSC 117(4)z…
Sold $290
1931-36 CofA 5d orange-brown John Ash imprint block of 4 perfined "WA". Plate 3 with "flawed pearl in crown at left" variety. MLH. ACSC 127(3)z, Ca…
Sold $100
1931-36 CofA 5d orange-brown, plate 2 Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH, folded through gutter. ACSC 127A(2)z, Cat. $350
Sold $50
1931-36 CofA 5d orange-brown, plate 3 Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH, lightly folded gutter. ACSC 127A(3)oz, Cat. $350
Sold $50
1931-36 CofA 5d yellow-brown perfined "WA" with "frame missing behind kangaroo - state II" variety. Fine used with upright Norseman 26 FEB 34 cds. …
Sold $120
1931-36 CofA 1/4d intensely deep turquoise. MLH, centered left. Drury Cert (2020) ACSC 131D, Cat. $8500 (see front cover)
Sold $2700

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