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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Great Britain 2002-2004 selection of commem PNC's incl Manchester C/wealth Games with 4 x £2 coins & set of 5 pmkd Manchester, QEII Golden Jubilee…
Sold $90
Great Britain 2006-2007 Benham Silk FDC collection of single commems, Regionals & sets broken into separate covers for each stamp in SG Malvern cov…
Sold $50
Great Britain 2006-2015 (excl 2012) Royal Mail Year Packs housed in lever arch file together with "Post & Go" 1st class for Ladybirds & 2nd class f…
Sold $550
Great Britain MUH range in Lighthouse stockbook starting with 12 diff 1913-1987 sets before 2003-2015 incl M/S's, commem sets, high vals & Machins …
Sold $725
Great Britain Perfins range in stockbook with 250+ & only minor duplication plus "Tomkins catalogue of Identified British Perfins" (2004 ed) & "GB …
Sold $50
Great Britain plus some Ceylon, Ghana & Mauritius on c50 Hagners with mixed MLH/used. GB 1970-2000 commercially used, Ceylon with better MLH incl 1…
Sold $40
Great Britain Prestige booklet panes extracted & mounted on leaves including regionals. Covers period 1.12.69 to 23.1.18 with 242 of the 286 issued…
Sold $450
Great Britain QEII pre-decimal duplicated range used on Hagners in padded binder. Commems incl odd better phosphor MLH or used, defins used incl 10…
Great Britain (& some Commonwealth issues) Royalty collection of Benham silk covers commemorating Royal Family anniversaries housed in 4 Benham cov…
Sold $120
Great Britain Regionals on Hagners in 2 deluxe Lighthouse Grande binders with slipcases in blue (retail $64.95 each). One volume (c35 Hagners) has …
Sold $75
Great Britain Regionals Used collection on printed leaves with catalogue numbers below each stamp. Cond varies with fine used cds examples in the m…
Sold $55
Great Britain - Alderney 1933-2005 complete fine used incl M/S's all on leaves in protector sleeves plus 2 stocksheets with 1993-1996 MUH sets incl…
Sold $100
Great Britain - Channel Islands & IOM Majority used to 1987 in Scott standard album with mounts added for the few that are MUH being mostly IOM. Mi…
Great Britain - Channel Islands & IOM MUH, MLH & used on c200 Hagners in 4 binders. Best is Jersey with approx. 90% complete to 2017. Guernsey with…
Sold $180
Great Britain - Channel Islands Modest MLH with odd MUH & used on leaves & Hagners to 1979 with Guernsey (300+, 2 M/S) & Jersey (254, 1 M/S) plus G…
Sold $30
Great Britain - Isle of Man 1958-2006 (SG 1301) used in 2 vols of printed leaves plus a useful MUH range to 1995 on 4 stocksheets. From 1995 all ar…
Sold $95
Great Britain - Isle of Man 1998-2005 MUH with over 90% complete incl M/S's in hingeless Davo album with slipcase. Fresh & attractive with a face v…
Sold $180
Great Britain - IOM & Guernsey MUH/MLH on Davo hingeless leaves in Lighthouse Grande black album with slipcase. Appears complete to 1982 incl the 1…
Sold $80
Great Britain - Guernsey 1941-2006 used on printed leaves to SG 1121. Complete incl all M/S's plus useful range of MUH on 4 stocksheets. Mainly fin…
Sold $110
Great Britain - Jersey 1941-2006 used collection in 2 vols with printed leaves in protector sleeves. Incls useful MUH to £3 (SG 1029) on 4 stockle…
Sold $160
Greece MLH & used in quality black leaved stockbook with a few low value Cyprus at back. 2002-2005 issues duplicated MUH with a FV of €20 ($30+) …
Sold $65
Grenada & Grenadines Range on Hagners in Hagner binder. Sparse QV before MLH KGV 1913, 1921 & 1934 sets to 1/-, Silver Jubilee & KGVI 1938 to 10/- …
Sold $55
Hong Kong 1990's M/S's, covers, sets & packs all in protective glassines. Incls MUH M/S's (16), covers with 10 regd & 10 others mixed addressed/una…
Sold $150
Hungary 1871-2002 collection in 6 vols of different types plus duplicates MLH/used in black leaved stockbook. Impressive start with 1871 litho & en…
Sold $1500
Hungary 1888-1990 MUH, MLH & CTO neatly arranged in catalogue order on 150+ Hagners in 3 deluxe Grande "Lighthouse" black binders in slipcases. Not…
Sold $120
Hungary 1968-1975 issues in complete sets with mainly CTO but some MUH all on Hagners in Lighthouse Grande binder with slipcase (retails $69.95). M…
Sold $50
Ireland 1922-1983 used (no ovpts on GB) mounted on quadrille leaves in display sleeves. Missing 1929 9p, 1948 1p Air, 1952 Moore & 1953 Antostal hi…
Sold $55
Ireland 1922-2003 near complete used on leaves in two ring binders. Missing 2/6d & 10/- "Rialtas" & 10/- "Saorstat" but the others are complete sim…
Sold $230
Ireland 1982-1998 FDC collection in 3 Cumberland albums. Incls M/S's, Framas, Vending Machine Trial labels & some rarely seen 1990's pre-paid Posta…
Sold $250
Ireland 1997-1998 MUH on Hagners starting with birds defins to £5, £2 Pacific 97 M/S, various P&S & phosphors plus sheetlet of 30p x 15 (2 sheetl…
Sold $120
Israel 1950's-1969 postal stationery in clear "pockets" & Hagners in 2 ring binder. Incls 35 aerogrammes mint, 34 pre-stamped postcards & envelopes…
Sold $40
Italy 1980-2001 in 2 Senator binders virtually complete used with majority fine cds examples but main value in MUH M/S's incl 1992 Columbus, 1995 W…
Sold $100
Italy Starting with 1853-1864 stampless letters (7), stockcard with 12 "States" issues in very mixed cond with collection from 1926 onwards written…
Sold $300
Italian Colonies Good to fine used oddments all different on 6 Hagners. Noted Libya 1936 Tripoli Trade Fair (Cat. £18), Tripolitania 1923 Fascist …
Sold $160
Italy-Dodecanese Islands 1912-1945 MLH on Minkus leaves with 1930 Ferucci set of 5 & 1932 Garibaldi set of 10 ovpts for each island plus 1912/30 ov…
Sold $650
Italy & Vatican MLH/used on Hagner & old album leaves in binder. Mixed cond with few better items post-1930 commems & Vatican 100l Chalcedon used (…
Sold $50
Japan Moderns on Hagners in display book with value in M/S's incl Phila Nippon '01, Millennium with 6 diff plus various small M/S's (New Year) MUH …
Sold $55
Korea Oddments on manilla stocksheets & Hagners noting South Korea 1965 15th Anniv of Korean War M/S MUH (3 diff, total 15), 1963 Red Cross M/S MUH…
Sold $30
Malaya-Straits Settlements Q-/KGVI used range on stockcard. Cond generally above average for these with odd QV to 50¢, KEVII to $1 incl 45¢ & KGV…
Sold $50
Malta 1865-2003 in 3 vols, 2 of which comprise 1983-2003 used & near complete plus 1925 PD's & a few later at back. Third volume is covers & postal…
Sold $200
Malta "Sovereign Military Order of Malta" 1966-1978 MUH collection written up on leaves complete with 199 stamps & 15 M/S's plus 12 covers addresse…
Sold $40
Mauritius 1829-1859 group of pre-stamp letters, the earliest incoming from France, the 1848-1849 with "Mauritius Post Office" cds's & 1850-1859 all…
Sold $500
Netherlands 1852-1989 collection in 2 Davo albums with mounts added. Sparse earlies used but noted 1891 1g violet, 1893/98 50¢ bicolour, 1913 1g &…
Sold $120
Netherlands 1867-1999 with many useful sets, odds & M/S's. MLH & used with some mixed sets. Mixed cond but faulty are excluded from the cat of £23…
Sold $65
Netherlands 1920's-1980 sparsely populated MUH/MLH range with duplication & a few blocks in large peg-fitting stock album. A few foxed items noted …
Sold $30
Netherlands & Colonies in "Patento" stockbook & on old album leaves in 2 ring binder. Noted 1947 Child Welfare set in MUH/MLH blocks & 1949 Queen J…
Sold $30
Netherlands & Colonies Mainly used in old peg album noting 1852 15¢, 1864 10¢ & 15¢, 1898-1923 5¢ & 10¢ imperf blocks, 1913 to 1g, 1923 Cultur…
Sold $140
Netherlands & Colonies on Hagners & old album leaves. A few Norway & Greece included but pickings are sparse amongst the many 100's present. Noted …
Sold $30
Netherlands & Colonies Sparse used/MLH to 1973 in peg fitting "Importa" album with more in "Davo" album to 1974 again MLH/used with some MUH late 1…
Sold $150
Netherlands Colonies MLH & used on Hagners in 2 "Philas" auction folders. Many useful incl Suriname 1936/39 Queen Wilhelmina to 2g50 MLH (Cat. £87…
Sold $120

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