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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Tibet 1912-1960 covers comprising 1912/50 x 3 all with Tibetan script address & cancels, non-postal design x 2 in shades of bistre/yellow brown) & …
Sold $130
Tonga 1886-1977 MLH & used on printed leaves & Hagners. Noted 1893 "G.F.B." official ovpts on 2d & 1/- blue unused (Cat. £150), ½d on 1d MLH, 2½…
Sold $160
United Nations 2001-2012 annual year pres folders complete with MUH incl M/S's. Cat. £390+ ($700)
Sold $100
United Nations - New York & Geneva Collection to 1976 in 3 deluxe Lighthouse binders with slipcases (retail at $69.95 ea.). First volume has 1951 s…
Sold $90
USA 1808-2011 Postal history collection with much of value in pre-1900. All written up with valuable info noting 1808 entire letter with "Free" mar…
Sold $260
USA Used range to 1934 plus pictorial covers from 1935-1947 (13 with special cancels). Stamps are "small type" defins to $1 & commems (129, incl a …
Sold $40
USA 1847-2009 collection in 11 Lindner "T" hingeless "duel" leaved albums in slipcases (all blue). Earlies in mixed cond but incls 1847 5¢ cut clo…
Sold $1700
USA 1851-2012 collection in 10 lever arch files with write-up & extracts from stamp magazine articles. As to be expected, earlies are in very mixed…
Sold $300
USA 1857-1994 on Schaubek leaves with mounts added in two KA-BE binders. Noted c20 sheetlets incl Civil War, Flags & WWII plus many MUH strips & se…
Sold $150
USA 1882-2006 range of mainly used with some duplication. MUH FV approx. US$130+ ($190) all neatly displayed on 75+ "as new" Prinz Pro-Fil pages (r…
USA 1920's-1970 Pre-cancels on approx. 200 Hagners in 5 padded binders. All in alphabetical order by State & by town within each State. Larger plac…
Sold $100
USA 1940's-1980's on Hagners. Nothing scarce, but a clean lot with many blocks of 4 incl 1965 defins to $5 & majority MUH. Incls over 200 blocks, p…
Sold $50
USA 1978-2001 MUH range of issues plus random used for same period but noting better incl 1992 Columbus M/S pack (SG Cat. £65) & 1985 $10.75 Eagle…
Sold $75
USA 2000-2010 range of covers, postcards & maxicards plus Wild West sheetlet of 20 & a few others incl blocks (7 MUH). Odd early noting Jefferson 1…
Sold $40
Vatican 1959-1983 complete MUH (bar first couple sets MVLH) in Schaubek Hingeless album. Incls M/S's & top vals. Fine & fresh. SG Cat. £230+
Sold $80
Venezuela 1882-1990 MLH & used duplicates in cat order plus Argentina 1883-1989 with many Officials. Mainly broken used sets but useful 1940's-1960…
Sold $60
Africa & Omnibus issues on Hagners & Vario sheets in padded binder. Noted Katanga ovpts on Belgian Congo MUH (29), Silver Jubilee used sets (6 plus…
Sold $230
Africa Various countries with majority QEII used or CTO with bulk appearing to be "packet" material. Noted Northern Rhodesia KGVI to 1/-, R&N to 1/…
Sold $24
Africa (British) QV items comprising 1899 Sierra Leone 2d registered envelope opened out with 1d x 2 affixed for postage to England & 1901 Boer War…
Sold $46
Asia Range of MUH, MLH & used with light duplicated on c50 Hagners in black binder with slipcase. Incls Thailand, Nepal, India & Sri Lanka in no pa…
Sold $30
Asia Duplicated MLH/used sorted by country in mix of over 90 Hagners or Vario sheets in 2 large 3 ring binders. Definitely "quantity rather than qu…
Sold $100
Asia Range on Hagners in padded binder. Apart from a few Thailand & Tuva, only British Commonwealth countries are represented. Noted Malaysian Stat…
Sold $180
Asia (British) Mainly used on leaves incl Brunei (28) to 1964, Hong Kong 1862-1998 defins plus 1968 Seacraft & few PD's (265), Straits Settlements …
Sold $460
British Commonwealth "A-U" countries MLH & used in well-filled SG Devon album with odd full defin set MLH incl Gold Coast 1950. Used incl Bahamas 1…
Sold $460
British Commonwealth "A-Z" 1952-1965 used on thick pile of Hagners in 3 ring binder. Defins generally to 1/- or equivalent with commems well covere…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth 1860-1950 MLH oddments on Hagners. Not many sets or high vals but a clean lot on 6 sheets. STC Cat. $3424 (SG 2018) (c220)
British Commonwealth KGV to KGVI MUH, MLH & F/U selection in 4 springback albums incl some interspersed covers. Noted Hong Kong Victory pair x 15 s…
Sold $210
British Commonwealth KGVI used on printed leaves in protector sleeves. This is a remarkable collection with defins to top value in sets of Aden 193…
Sold $2700
British Commonwealth 1935 Silver Jubilee MLH complete (excl Egypt) set of 249. Majority appear fresh MLH. Cat. £1100 (249)
Sold $600
British Commonwealth 1935 Silver Jubilee used complete (excl Egypt) set of 249. Odd fault noting Papua 5d thinned, St Helena 1d & 2d stained & Sout…
Sold $725
British Commonwealth 1937 Coronation, 1946 Victory, 1949 UPU & 1953 Coronation complete fine used in 4 albums. Cyprus & NZ have additional Victory …
Sold $200
British Commonwealth 1937 Coronation, 1946 Victory, 1949 UPU & 1953 Coronation issues complete MLH in 4 display books. Odd hinge remnant or tone sp…
Sold $120
British Commonwealth 1940's MLH defins part sets & oddments all perfined "SPECIMEN". Mostly "pence & cents" but incls Barbados 5/-, Gold Coast 1/3d…
Sold $280
British Commonwealth 1948 Royal Silver Wedding complete (excl GB). Fine used collection of 136 with lovely postally used cds strikes. A lifelong en…
Sold $1500
British Commonwealth QEII MLH & used accumulation large quality Lighthouse stockbook & Hagners. Some KGVI odds but value in complete QEII defin set…
Sold $320
British Commonwealth QEII to 1959 collection of used on leaves in protector sleeves with the defins complete simplified to top values for Aden, Ant…
Sold $1150
British Commonwealth 1952-1965 pages from SG "New Age" album in protector sleeves with countries from Canada to Tanzania containing modest mounted …
Sold $30
British Commonwealth Accum in stockbook selected for cancellation interest noting Falklands 1938 KGVI 2½d sheep vertical pair with crisp "Falkland…
Sold $160
British Commonwealth Group of prepared lots consolidated into one comprising Burma KGVI (58, incl Interim Govt ovpts to 10R), Dominica 1903-1923 on…
Sold $70
British Commonwealth Incls Aden & States, Southern Rhodesia, PNG/New Guinea, North Borneo, Northern Rhodesia, KUT & Mauritius plus a few 1946 Victo…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth Small lot with Aden 1937 Dhows to 3½ Morocco Agencies, 1937 low values, St Lucia KGV pictorials to 1/- & BMA Malaya values (9…
Sold $65
British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons Imperial Postage Stamp albums x 2 with Vol I 1840 to mid-1925 & Vol II from mid 1928 to the end of the Georgia…
Sold $600
British Commonwealth & World on Hagners & album leaves in large 3 ring binder. Noted Nauru KGV 2d Die II, 2/6d DLR MLH, GB "Army Official" QV ½d, …
Sold $280
British Empire Range on old Schwaneberger leaves to 1943 in large 4 ring binder. Mixed MLH & used with many pickings from QV to KGVI noting Ascensi…
Sold $950
British Europe QV-1970's mainly used with Gibraltar, Cyprus to Independence & Malta. A few stamps have been removed but good pickings remain noting…
British Southern Africa 50+ Hagners housing a "budget" collection with mixed MLH & used with several defin short sets e.g. Basutoland KGVI to 5/- &…
Sold $110
British Southern Africa Starts with mainly used dupl low val Kenya before KUT from KGV noting KGVI 3/- MLH, 1941/42 bilingual pairs (2 sets MLH), T…
Sold $75
British West Indies Covers comprising Bahamas 1938-1963 (7, incl 2 large) & Jamaica 1954 & 1959 plus 1948 postcard all commercially used. Noted KGV…
Sold $30
Europa Range of issues in Prinz stockbook from "forerunners" Trieste ovpts on Italy ERP, France 1952 Council of Europe MUH & 1956-1969 with mixed M…
Sold $60
Eastern Europe in Scott album with a few smaller "schoolboy album" pages added. Not many sets but minor pickings in Hungary, less so elsewhere but …
Sold $50

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