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Airmails: Airmails - Australia |
 1932 (1st Sept) Brisbane to Sydney & return covers by New England Airways. Outwards with "North Queensland Australia's Winter Playground" Airmail v… $40 Sold $85 |
 1932 (12th Oct) Darwin to Sydney via Brisbane intermediate cover from the England to Australia by J Herbert in his DH60M Moth. Endorsed "England to… $350 Sold $300 |
 1932 (11th Nov) Alice Springs to Newtown (NSW) cover from Central Australian Survey Expedition signed by Prof CT Madigan, leader of the Expedition.… $150 Sold $150 |
 1932 (1st Dec) Daly Waters to Birdum Registered cover with "Daly Waters" in m/s provisional Reg label. Fine cond & accompanied by extract from "Qan… $200 Sold $260 |
1933 (4th-10th Feb) Australia to Papua to New Guinea originally carried by mail boat "Macdhui" & then flown Port Moresby to Salamania by New Guinea… $60 Archived |
 1933 (4th-10th Feb) From Brisbane by boat to Papua & then flight to New Guinea by Guinea Airways. 2d KGV & 3d airmail tied by Brisbane cds. "Aerial… $40 Sold $35 |
 1933 (29th May) Brisbane to Melbourne to Sydney flown by H Brackley in Imperial Airways survey plane "Astruea" which had been flown from England ca… $200 Sold $200 |
1933 (22nd-23rd Aug) Launceston to Melbourne with 2d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by bold Launceston cds with "HART AIRCRAFT SERVICE PTY LTD" cachet in ma… $30 Sold $30 |
 1933 (1st Sept) "The Northern Territory Aerial Survey Expedition. Carried by Courtesy of Commdr Bennett & Party Capt. Frank Neale Pilot." typed end… $120 Sold $120 |
 1933 (30th Sept) Air Mail Society of NSW blue card autographed by winning pilot G Reid in The 1933 (30th Sept) Mascot Aerial Pageant blue Air Mail … $40 Archived |
 1933 (13th-14th Oct) Currie, King Island to Launceston Registered with 3d Airmail & 5d KGV tied by Currie, King Island cds's. Only 40 flown. Only 4… $50 Sold $140 |
 1933 (13th Oct) "Per First Air Mail from King Island" typed top left of this Currie Regd cover with ½d KGV, 1½d Sturt & 6d Kingsford Smith all ne… $50 Sold $60 |
 1933 (13th Oct) Currie to Melbourne & onto Brisbane by Matthews Aviation Co. Registered Currie with 2d Kingsford Smith with plate 3 imprint selvedg… $60 Sold $100 |
 1934 (5th Feb) Bega to Sydney x 2 having been posted to Bega via Sydney from Qld with 5d franking incl 3d airmail & "Public Offices Victoria" regis… $30 Sold $30 |
 1934 (5th Feb) Sydney to Bega per Adastra Airways pilot signed by FW Follett. This cover is addressed to Ernest Crome. 370 covers were flown with o… $90 Sold $90 |
 1934 (23rd Feb) Adelaide to Port Pirie intermediate stage by MacRobertson-Miller Aviation Co. 2d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Adelaide slogan with Port… $40 Sold $40 |
 1934 (23rd Feb) Port Pirie to Adelaide return intermediate stage regd with 3d SHB pair & 2d KS tied by Pt Pirie cds's. "Posted at….........Under … $60 Archived |
 1934 (14th Apr) Sydney to Auckland by Faith in Australia on illust souvenir cover Regd Port Pirie & addressed to Greece. Signed by pilot G.U. Allan… $40 Sold $60 |
 1934 (2nd June) Brisbane to Cracow via Mundubbera pilot signed by Ronald Adair with ½d & 1½d KGV & 3d airmail all tied by Brisbane cds's. "AIRCRA… $30 Sold $30 |
 1934 (24th July) Melbourne to Cairns x 3, Sydney to Cairns & return & Cairns to Sydney via Brisbane Ulm flown Australia intermediate flights x 5. A… $40 Sold $220 |
 1934 (1st Oct) Launceston to Melbourne by Holyman Airways with ½d & 1½d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Launceston cds's. Elizabeth St Melbourne b/s. VG… $30 Sold $55 |
 1934 (3rd Oct) Perth to Daly Waters by MacRobertson Miller Aviation franked with KGV 5d on 4½d KGV. Daly Waters 8OC 34 b/s. Fine cond. AAMC 428, C… $50 Sold $50 |
1934 (3rd Oct) Perth to Daly Waters service operated MacRobertson Miller Aviation Co group of intermediate covers all addressed to Mr FGL Hedges. I… $400 Sold $400 |
 1934 (8th Oct) Wyndham to Ord River First Flight by MacRobertson Miller Aviation Co with typed endorsement. A rare cover with less than 20 carried,… $120 Sold $120 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - Roscoe Turner & Clyde Pangborn cover with GB ½d green KGV tied by London machine cancel & 1d green KGV tie… $40 Sold $40 |
1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race Roscoe Turner & Clyde Pangborn cover with GB ½d green KGV tied by London machine cancel & 1d green KGV tied … $40 Sold $55 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race - CE Kay printed env showing the stops incl Baghdad, Allahabad, Singapore, Darwin & Charleville. GB 1½d KGV … $40 Sold $40 |
 1934 (20th Oct) MacRobertson Air Race pair of covers with GB 1½d brown KGV tied by Mildenhall cds's. Both with vignette detailing flight start tim… $120 Sold $120 |
 1934 (2nd Nov) MacRobertson Air Race - KD Parmentier & JJ Moll Holland to Australia to Batavia long souvenir "Emma-Zegels" printed cover Registered… $50 Sold $50 |
 1934 (16th Nov) Melbourne to Portland ditto with ½d & 1d KGV tied by the M.O.O. Portland cds. Numbered "1841". Also in VG cond. AAMC 461, Cat. $75 $30 Sold $40 |
1934 (16th Nov) Melbourne to Portland flown Autogiro souvenir postcard with "Airmail Society of Aust. Melbourne" cachet in blue. 2d Vic Cent tied b… $30 Archived |
 1934 (16th Nov) Portland to Melbourne return Autogiro flight in connection with the VICVI Exhibition x 2. Illustrated postcards with "M.O.O. PORTLA… $40 Archived |
 1934 (16th Nov) ditto but in addition to a postcard with 5d KGV tied by MOO Portland cds & addressed to Melbourne also a Portland Registered card w… $60 Sold $60 |
 1934 (28th Nov) "Faith in Australia" special flight with HRH Duke of Gloucester on board from Sydney to Newcastle. Large cover with 2d Macarthur ti… $75 Sold $75 |
 1934 (8th Dec) Brisbane to Windhoek, South West Africa via Cairo with 3d Macarthur, 1/- Lyrebird & 1/6d Hermes toed by Brisbane Air Mail cds's. Cai… $40 Sold $40 |
 1934 (8th Dec) England to Batavia intermediate stage on the Imperial Airways/Qantas England-Dutch East Indies Air Mail service opening. Batavia arr… $40 Sold $40 |
 1934 (8th Dec) South Africa to Australia, 1d PSE uprated with 1/- bilingual pair tied by Cape Town 3.XII.34 cds addressed to Perth plus a second co… $90 Sold $110 |
 1934 (9th Dec) Qantas & Imperial Airways intermediate Australia to England transferred at Cairo for transmission to South Africa. Posted Kew, Vic 7… $30 Sold $36 |
 1934 (10th Dec) Basra (Iraq) to Brisbane by Imperial Airways/Qantas on intermediate stage. Souvenir cover with Iraqi franking & Brisbane b/s. Good … $30 Sold $42 |
 1935 (24th Mar) Australia to England cover flown by HL Brook with "Carried by the Miles Falcon G-ACTM Australia-England 7 days 19hrs 50 min Piloted… $100 Sold $80 |
 1935 (24th April) Sydney to Nyngan by WASP Airlines with 2d Anzac tied by Nyngan cds. Also with black & green Sydney Harbour Bridge vignette & pilo… $40 Sold $40 |
 1935 (24th April) Nyngan to Sydney & return covers flown for WASP Airlines with 2d Anzacs tied by Nyngan & Sydney cancels respectively. Both with b… $80 Sold $110 |
 1935 (15th May) 1935 (15th May) Australia to NZ Jubilee Air Mail x 2 both with Wellington b/s's having been in the bags which survived the flight. … $50 Sold $160 |
 1935 (23rd May) Wyndham Meatworks cover Broome to Perth bearing 3d Jubilee & 5d KGV for double airmail rate. Typewritten "OVERLAND TO HALLS CREEK T… $50 Sold $85 |
 1935 (16th Jun) Brisbane to Townsville carried on the "City of Grafton" piloted by Keith Virtue. Printed souvenir cover with flight details & 2d SJ… $30 Sold $30 |
 1935 (5th July) Adelaide to Port Pirie & Whyalla to Port Pirie intermediate flights by Commercial Aviation Co with the latter being both Regd & pil… $40 Sold $75 |
 1935 (18th July) Oodnadatta to Sydney on 3rd Mackay Aerial Expedition in WA. Addressed to EA Crome with "Mackay Aerial Reconnaissance Expedition We… $120 Sold $150 |
 1935 (19th Aug) Adelaide to Alice Springs intermediate with 2d & 3d SJ tied by bold Adelaide cds on QAMS env with "Posted at…..Under cover to the… $30 Sold $30 |
1936 (15th Mar) Southport first Australian glider post souvenir cover. Printed illust env with ½d orange KGV pair tied by Southport Qld cds. "Flig… $30 Sold $30 |
 1936 (27th Mar) "First Through Flight Hong Kong to Penang to London 27th March 1936" violet boxed cachet on Airmail cover bearing Hong Kong 80¢ in… $50 Sold $40 |