Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: First Day Cover
1946 (18th Feb) Peace set of 3 on plain Albany registered cover with each tied by neat Albany cds's & then 50 years later, a set of the 3 commem 45…
Sold $30
1946 (18th Feb) "Peace and Victory" Arthur Bergen illust cover with Peace set of 3 tied by Greenock, SA cds. Signed by Bergen on reverse. Exc cond …
Sold $75
1946 (14th Oct) Mitchell set of 3 on 5 diff illust covers incl a Challis, Wide World, Royal Geographic Soc. & Mitchell plus one unknown. Fair to go…
Sold $40
1949 (10th Oct) 3½d UPU Arthur Bergen "globe" illust cover with neat Greenock, SA cds * signed by Bergen on reverse. Exc cond.
Sold $30
1949 (28th Nov) 2½d John Forrest on Arthur Bergen created cover with "Posted from the town of Forrest (W.A.) named after this famous Australia" ad…
Sold $100
1949 (28th Nov) 2½d John Forrest on another Arthur Bergen created cover with "Born near Bunbury (W.A.)" added along with date of issue all in red …
Sold $80
1953 (10th Feb) War Memorial pair, 3d Produce Food x 2 & Coronation x 2 on Guthrie covers plus 1957 7½d QEII & 1958 8d Kingsford Smith also on Gut…
Sold $40
1953 (25th May) 3½ & 7½ Coronation Arthur Bergen illust covers with 3½d tied by "TRANS AUST RAILWAY PAY TRAIN 1" cds & the 7½d by "QUORN ALICE …
Sold $100
1956 (22nd Nov) Olympic Games "Royal" FDC registered "Richmond Park Kiosk 1, XVI Olympiad, Vic Aust No.0723" & with set of 4 tied by two pictorial …
Sold $75
1961 (18th Oct) 5d AAT Mawson on set of 6 Royal illust embellished covers all with diff colour combinations of the same design. Neatly hand address…
Sold $40
1963/64 7/6d, 10/- & £2 Navigators on individual AK Atkins FDC's all with typed addresses & the characteristic "FIRST DAY OF ISSUE" red boxed cach…
Sold $160
1963 (3rd Dec) 2/3d Cable on set of 6 Royal illust embellished covers all with diff colour combinations of the same design. Neatly hand addressed i…
Sold $40
1983 (9th Feb) $2, $5 & $10 Paintings ovptd "SPECIMEN" on "Map" illust cover tied by South Perth (1) cds with neighbouring Ausipex cinderella. Firs…
Sold $55
2002 (20th & 22nd Feb) 45c Bradbury & 45c Camplin Winter Olympics Gold Medallists covers with GPO Brisbane & Melbourne cds's respectively. Difficul…
Sold $20
2008 (24th July) 50c World Youth Day / Pope set of 5tied by "WYD Moments" Sydney cancels. Rarely seen as not part of standing order. Retails $75+
Sold $28
Australia: PNC Covers
2000 (21st Jan) Australian Legends - ANZACS PNC Coin First Day Cover. Exc cond. Retails $110
Sold $36
2000 (24th July) Victoria Cross - Valour $1 PNC Coin First Day Cover. Exc cond. Retails $225
Sold $80
2000 (17th August) Olympic Sports - Aquatics & Athletics Coin First Day Covers. Contains 2 x $5 coins. Retails $185
Sold $24
2001 (15th Feb) Army PNC $1 Coin First Day Cover. Exc. cond. Retails $120
Sold $30
2002 (6th Feb) QEII Accession Golden Jubilee PNC 50c Coin First Day Covers x 3. Exc cond. Retail $320ea (3)
2007 (16th Jan) Ashes "Howzat" Aust Wins the Ashes Cricket $1 PNC First Day Cover. Numbered 1934 of 8000. Exc cond. These retail at $180 but this i…
2010 (2nd Nov) 150th Anniv Melbourne Cup 50c PNC with gold Flemington pictorial pmk. No. 631 of only 1861. Exc cond. Retails at $275 & one of the d…
Sold $40
2011 (9th Feb) Burke & Wills set of 5 $1 coin & 60c pmkd Parkville" Downies PNC's showing the scenes "Leaving Royal Park", "Camp at Cooper's Creek"…
Sold $90
2011 (27th June) Duntroon PNC $1 coin First Day Cover with "MAWSON 100 YEARS CANBERRA STAMPSHOW 2012" ovpt in red with map outline. No. 187 of only…
Sold $80
2013 (12th Mar) Centenary of Canberra PNC with 20c Canberra coin & matching stamp issue tied by Canberra Parliament House pictorial pmk. No. 10 of …
Sold $24
2014 (5th Dec) Set of 3 PNC's celebrating the "South West Coin Club" 50th Anniv in WA. Each with a 50c coin & a diff cover design & stamp franking …
Sold $110
2016 (15th Oct) QEII 90th B'day set of 3 Machin Portrait 20c x 2 & 50c covers pmkd Sydney. All three overprinted "The Sydney Money Expo October 15-…
Sold $85
2017 (30th Mar) "Rare Beauties" Gemstones $1 coloured coin & $2 stamp pmkd in green on opening day of Melbourne Int Stamp Exhibition. Limited to 50…
Sold $40
2017 (30th Mar-2nd April) Holden 160 Years 50c coloured coin & tabbed stamp set of 4 pmkd each day of the Melbourne Int Stamp Exhib. Limited to 100…
Sold $150
2017 (24th May) 50th Anniv of 1967 Referendum 50c PNC with Mabo coin & 60c issue with $1 "Yes" issue pmkd "Count Us Together Make Us One People" Ca…
Sold $30
2017 (7th-9th July) Trans-Australian Railway set of 3 $1 PNC's each with "Perth Stamp & Coin Show" imperf M/S's tied by each days respective pmk & …
Sold $190
2018 (6th July) QEII 65th Coronation Anniv PNC pmkd Perth Stamp & Coin Show with cover signed by the coin designer, Neil Vance from Perth Mint. Num…
Sold $80
2018 (10th & 11th Nov) "Collectors Day Brisbane Stamp & Coin Show" ovpt in green on Invictus Games $1 coloured coin PNC & "Remembrance Day" in red …
Sold $120
States and Territories: New South Wales
1844 (Aug) wrapper addressed to Wesleyan Missions, London with oval crown "PAID SHIP LETTER SYDNEY" in red & arrival cds for 9 JA 1845 on reverse. …
1850 1d brownish red on hard greyish paper with 3 good margins, just cut into at bottom left. Fine used with light cancel. SG 11, Cat. £350
1851/52 1d carmine Laureate pair, no wmk, on piece tied by barred grid cancel with circular Sydney crown cds dated JA 13 1853 on same piece from re…
1891/97 20/- Postage Due, perf 10. Pulled perf at right otherwise a fresh & fault-free CTO example. SG D10, Cat. £100
Sold $40
1891 20/- Postage Due CTO with 3 ring "NSW" centrally struck. SG D10, Cat. £100
1891 Postage Dues ½d (2), 1d (4), 2d (8), 3d (3), 4d (4), 6d (5), 8d (2), 10/- (3 CTO) plus MLH 5/- & 10/- (latter hinge-thin). Useful group with …
1891 Postage Dues set of 10 CTO with corner cancels by NSW obliterators. Written up on page identifying perfs & shades. SG D1/10, Cat. £280 (10)
1891 Postage Dues set of 10 ovptd "SPECIMEN". 1d with offset of ovpt plus misperfed resulting in larger stamp. MUH. SG D1s/D10s, Cat. £225 + premi…
1897 2½d (2/6d) Diamond Jubilee Consumptive Homes charity on local cover tied by Newtown cds for JY 3 2.45PM 97 just 5 days after issue. Cover sta…
Sold $120
1897 Diamond Jubilee/Consumptive Homes charity pair. MVLH with usual gum bends/cracks on 2/6d plus uneven darkening of gum. RPSV (1981) cert "genui…
1897 Diamond Jubilee/Consumptive Homes charity pair. MVLH/MLH. SG 280/81 Cat. £300
Sold $130
1905/10 1d shield with "double impression" of design. Small tone spot & aged gum but frontally fine. Only one sheet printed. SG 334a, Cat. £600
States and Territories: Queensland
1882/95 £1 deep green, wmk sideways on thin paper. MLH, centered high. SG 165, Cat. £375
1898/99 Scenic Post Cards with 1d brown "Ploughing and Harrowing, Green Hills Farm, Warwick" & "Gold Mine and Works Charters Towers" plus 1½d sepi…
Sold $75
1900 1d (6d) claret & 2d (1/-) violet Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund pair. Mint with large part o.g. Some gum irregularities, odd tone spot on 2d wi…
Sold $150
1900 1d (6d) claret & 2d (1/-) violet Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund pair with 1d (6d) MLH & 2d (1/-) without gum & with ironed out creases. Frontal…
States and Territories: South Australia
1902/4 8d ultramarine plate 1 corner single with serial number in red in top selvedge (hinge reinforcement on reverse) (SG 272) plus 6d, 9d & 10d s…
Sold $30


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