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Est. |
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 1913 1st Watermark 5/- grey & chrome with "short Spencer's Gulf" variety. MLH, centred right. ACSC 42A(D)j, Cat. $1350 $440 Sold $350 |
 1913 1st Watermark 5/- grey & chrome. Fresh MLH, centred slightly right. ACSC 42A, Cat. $900 $360 Sold $360 |
 1913 1st Watermark 5/- grey & yellow perfined large "OS". Good used with light indistinct cancel. A scarce stamp. ACSC 42ba, Cat. $1000 $250 Sold $200 |
 1913 1st Watermark 5/- grey & yellow with "white line adjacent to coast in Bight" variety. Fresh MLH. ACSC42(D)e, Cat $1750 $700 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 10/- grey & pink ovptd "Specimen". Hinge sweated off resulting in slightly browned patchy gum & average centering thus conservat… $180 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 10/- grey & pink. CTO for Dec 13. Trivial surface soiling at lower right, well centered. ACSC 47Awb, Cat. $2250 $700 Sold $550 |
 1913 1st Watermark 10/- grey & pink. Minute paper inclusion over WA. MLH with excellent colour & centring. ACSC 47A, Cat. $2000 $700 Sold $560 |
 1913 1st Watermark 10/- grey & pink. MLH, centred slightly low right. Fresh example with good perfs all round. ACSC 47, Cat. $2000 $500 Sold $400 |
 1913 1st Watermark 10/- grey & pink. Useful spacefiller with small closed tear near S.W. coast of WA & a couple of short perfs otherwise sound. ACS… $200 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 10/- slate & pink. Centred low with hinge remnant leaving 60% o.g but fresh appearance. ACSC 47B, Cat. $2000 $340 Sold $360 |
 1913 1st Watermark £1 brown & blue ovptd "Specimen". Centred low right with gum evenly toned, hingeing is light. ACSC 51(A)x, Cat. $950 $250 Sold $250 |
 1913 1st Watermark £1 red brown & blue ovptd "Specimen". Centred low right & MLH. ACSC 51(B)x, Cat. $950 $250 Sold $250 |
 1913 1st Watermark £1 red brown & blue. MLH with discoloured gum & centred right. However good perfs & fresh colour hence frontally most attractiv… $1400 Sold $1400 |
 1913 1st Watermark £1 red-brown & blue with "Broken tail on kangaroo" variety. Superb MLH & very well centered. Ceremuga Cert (2010). ACSC 51B(V)e… $3000 Sold $3000 |
 1913 1st Watermark £2 black & rose with "Break in lower frame under "N" of POUNDS" duty plate variety. A pristine MVLH example with excellent colo… $8000 Sold $8000 |
 1913 1st Watermark £2 black & rose ovptd "Specimen". MLH with aged gum but well centred. ACSC 55Ax, Cat. $850 $300 Sold $300 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2d grey in block of 4 perfined small "OS" block 4. MUH/MVLH with 2 of each. ACSC 6ba, Cat. $2550 $650 Archived |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2d grey. Centred slightly left, excellent perfs & fine MUH. ACSC 6A, Cat. $325 $50 Sold $38 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2d to 2/-good to F/U group all with cds cancels. 2/- perfectly centred, others average to fine. ACSC $645 (6) $100 Sold $100 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2½d indigo showing "break in inner top frame over "r" of Australia" variety. MLH. ACSC 10(1)d, Cat. $400 $100 Sold $150 |
1915 2nd Watermark 2½d bluish indigo with "heavy coastline to WA" variety. Fine used & well centered. ACSC 10B(2)d, Cat. $100 $60 Sold $60 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2½d bluish-indigo. Fine MLH example. ACSC 10B, Cat. $300 $120 Sold $130 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 6d ultramarine. MLH with good perfs & centering. ACSC 18A, Cat. $400 $150 Sold $150 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 9d violet top marginal with inverted watermark. Superb centring & fresh MUH. Rarely encountered MUH & missing from most collecti… $6000 Sold $5000 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 9d violet & 9d pale violet. MLH, centered right. Very good shade examples. ACSC 25A & 25B, Cat. $700 $250 Sold $250 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 9d violet perfined small "OS". Fine MUH. ACSC 25ba, Cat. $4250 $500 Sold $500 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 1/- bright blue-green. A fine MVLH example. ACSC 31B, Cat. $500 $200 Sold $200 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 1/- dull green with "break in top frame over "l" of Australia". F/U with pmk close to variety. ACSC 31C(2)e, Cat. $200 $80 Archived |
 1915 2nd Watermark 1/- green perfined "OS" with "break in coastline of Arnhem Land" variety. Good to F/U with heavyish Melbourne double cancel. ACS… $300 Archived |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2/- light brown. Centred slightly to left, MUH. SG 29, ACSC 36A, Cat. $8500 $1300 Archived |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2/- light brown. Couple "nibbled" perfs otherwise MLH with good centring & fresh colour. ACSC 36, Cat. $1500 $600 Sold $700 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 2/- light brown fine used with 2 part cds's. SG 29, ACSC 36A, Cat. $350 $75 Sold $65 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 5/- deep grey & yellow good to fine used & well with good perfs. ACSC 43A, Cat. $675 $110 Sold $110 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 5/- deep grey & yellow with "broken tail on kangaroo" variety. Good used, heavyish postmark & very small thin on back-top left. … $50 Sold $50 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 5/- deep grey & yellow with "Spencer's Gulf elongated" variety. Fine used with Perth oval regd postmark. ACSC 43A(D)o, Cat. $1000 $400 Sold $400 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 5/- deep grey & yellow with large telegraph puncture at the left of stamp. Fine used, a nice example. ACSC 43A $100 Archived |
 1915 2nd Watermark 5/- deep grey & yellow. MLH in a couple of places with slightly toned gum but well centred & frontally fresh. ACSC 43A, Cat. $1500 $500 Sold $500 |
 1915 2nd Watermark 5/- deep grey & chrome. Light gum bend otherwise MVLH with rich colour. ACSC 43B, Cat. $1500 $500 Sold $625 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 2d grey with substitute cliché Die IIA. Centred left with short perfs at left but fine used & an increasingly difficult stam… $750 Archived |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 2½d deep blue Harrison one-line imprint block of 4, plate 1 without variety. MUH (2) & MLH (2). Post Office fresh - stunning… $3000 Sold $3000 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 2½d deep blue, Die II with "offset". Fresh MLH. Drury cert. (2018) ACSC 11Bc, Cat. $400 $200 Archived |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 2½d blue marginal example with offset. MLH on offset side. ACSC 11c, Cat. $400 $100 Sold $75 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 3d olive green, Die I, perfined "OS" with inverted wmk. MUH but toned gum & centred to left. ACSC 13Ka/b, Cat. $175 $20 Sold $20 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 3d olive shades x 3 all Die I. MLH (one with missing perf at base & thinned) plus a used pair. ACSC 13 (5) $20 Sold $16 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 3d olive vertical perf "OS" pair with inverted wmk. Fine used by light machine cancel. Also "retouch on first "A"" & "diagona… $150 Archived |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 3d pale olive green, Die II, perfd small "OS". Well centred MUH. Superb. ACSC 13I(ba), Cat. $1250 $400 Sold $300 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 6d dull grey blue, Die II, with "retouched white flaw S.E. of Albany" variety. Good to fine used by double cds, short perf at… $200 Archived |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 6d blue, Die II, with "islands in Bass Strait" variety. Used with cancel clear of variety. Toned perfs & thinned but reasonab… $50 Sold $40 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 6d blue, Die IIB block of 4. MUH/MLH but toning on reverse reflected in reserve. ACSC 20A, Cat. $1800 as singles $90 Sold $75 |
 1915/28 3rd Watermark 6d chestnut with "broken leg on kangaroo" variety. Used by a neat parcel cancel, centred left. ACSC 21A(3)d Cat. $200 $40 Archived |