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Miscellaneous: Kangaroos |
 1913 1st Watermark ½d green interpanneau pair with inverted wmk & perfined large "OS". MUH/MVLH, very well centred. ACSC 1Aabc, Cat. $690 + premiu… $380 Sold $380 |
 1913 1st Watermark ½d green with "white flaw on left base of 2nd N of Halfpenny" variety used with Melbourne cancel, flaw partly hidden by postmar… $50 Sold $50 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red Die I & Die II CTO pair both with gum. ACSC 2w & 3w Cat. $180 (2) $60 Sold $130 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red, Die I, perfd large "OS" with offset on gum in top left selvedge corner. Very light stain at top of selvedge otherwise fi… $280 Sold $280 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red, Die I, plate B block of 4 with sideways watermark (crown pointing left from front). Pos 39-40/45-46 showing "1 flaw west… $8000 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red, Die I, plate C positional plate block of 4. Positions L49, 50/ 55, 56. L49 has variety showing "break in coast of Gulf o… $40 Sold $40 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red, Die II with "extra islands" variety. Good used examples with light machine cancel. ACSC 3(E)d, Cat. $400 $50 Sold $40 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red, Die II, perfined large "OS" with "extra islands" (two Tasmania's) variety. Good used with a few shortish perfs at top & … $80 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red, Die IIA with "cracked electro state I" variety. Fine used with a few shortish perfs & light horiz crease. ACSC 4(G)l, Ca… $150 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 1d red, Die IIA with "white flaw joining Tasmania to 1st N of Penny" variety & another with "white flaw below 1st A of Australia… $40 Sold $30 |
 1913 1st Watermark 2d grey with "retouched shading & left frame of map" & 9d violet with "broken shading line below "Postage"" varieties. Both fine… $100 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2d grey with inverted wmk. A couple of shortish perfs at base otherwise fine MUH. ACSC 5A, Cat. $300 $100 Sold $80 |
 1913 1st Watermark 2d grey x 2 with both perfd "OS" with "left frame thickened at top corner" (ACSC 5(1)I) & "scratch from first E of pence to map"… $100 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2½d indigo CA monogram single. Superb MVLH example verging on MUH with better hard to find. ACSC 9zc $1500 Sold $1350 |
 1913 1st Watermark 2½d light bluish-indigo with "islands East of Cape York" variety (ACSC 9B(2)f) tied to regd airmail cover from Alexandria to Br… $220 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 3d olive. Fine MUH with pulled perf at left, but well-centred & fresh. ACSC 12A, Cat. $600 $85 Sold $85 |
 1913 1st Watermark 3d olive green, Die I with inverted wmk. MUH with very light corner bend & slight tan line but well centred. ACSC 12Ca, Cat. $1000 $250 Sold $250 |
 1913 1st Watermark 3d olive in Die I/II used pair with parcel cancel clear of distinguishing break/no break. ACSC 12c, Cat. $1250 $150 Sold $150 |
 1913 1st Watermark 3d olive perfined small "OS". Fine MUH. ACSC 12bc, Cat. $1250 $340 Sold $340 |
 1913 1st Watermark 3d olive, Die I with "kiss print" variety particularly visible on Australian coast, especially Cape York. Fine used, centred rig… $400 Sold $400 |
 1913 1st Watermark 3d olive, Die I with CA monogram. Fresh MVLH with perfs lightly trimmed at top right but not detracting from this fresh, fine ex… $1500 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 3d olive, Die I with inverted watermark. MLH with perfect centring. ACSC 12Ca, Cat. $600 $250 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 4d orange perfined large "OS". Fine MVLH left salvaged example. ACSC 15ba, Cat. $750 $200 Sold $160 |
 1913 1st Watermark 4d orange perfined large "OS". Well centred MLH with horiz crease not detracting from exceptional frontal appearance with perfec… $200 Sold $180 |
 1913 1st Watermark 4d orange with "colour flaw adjoining centre of left frame" variety on one (ACSC 15(1)d) & "colour flaw over IA state 1" variety… $150 Sold $150 |
 1913 1st Watermark 4d orange x 2 MVLH & 9d MUH (light tone line near top) plus a 2/- brown (DE) CTO. Average centring on 4d's with others well-cent… $100 Sold $100 |
 1913 1st Watermark 4d orange. Fresh MUH. ACSC 15C, Cat. $1000 $400 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 4d orange. Well centred, MVLH verging on MUH. ACSC 15A, Cat. $275 $140 Archived |
1913 1st Watermark 4d pale orange. MUH lower left marginal pair MUH (trimmed margins). Centred to left & light corner bend on right unit but fresh … $500 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 4d orange-yellow, centered low left with a couple of shortish perfs. Lovely rich colour. ACSC 15E, Cat. $1500 $200 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 5d chestnut CA monogram single. MLH. A difficult stamp. ACSC 16(2)zc, Cat. $3500 $2500 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 5d chestnut perfined large "OS". MLH with small hinge remainder otherwise with good perfs & centering. ACSC 16(A)ba Cat. $475 $50 Sold $50 |
 1913 1st Watermark 5d chestnut with "colour flaw off WA coast" variety. MLH/MH with fresh colour & well centred. ACSC 16(U)e, Cat. $450 $120 Sold $120 |
 1913 1st Watermark 5d pale chestnut, centered right. ACSC 16B, Cat. $250 $50 Sold $50 |
 1913 1st Watermark 6d ultramarine with "retouched "E" variety. Irregular/fluffy perfs. Fine used with Late Fee Vic cds. SG 9a, Cat. £950 $300 Sold $250 |
 1913 1st Watermark 6d ultramarine with "white flaw obliterating Port Phillip Bay" variety. MM with 60% o.g. ACSC 17(1)h, Cat. $550 $90 Sold $90 |
 1913 1st Watermark 6d blue with "retouched second "e" of PENCE" variety. Very good used with light postmark partly obscuring retouch. Couple of sho… $400 Sold $300 |
 1913 1st Watermark 6d blue with JBC monogram single. Fresh MLH, centered slightly right but a scarce stamp. ACSC 17(2)zc, Cat. $4500 $2800 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 9d violet CA monogram single. Small concealed shallow thin on reverse for accuracy otherwise fresh MLH with rich colour. ACSC 24… $2500 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 9d violet perfined large "OS". MVLH, centred low left. ACSC 24Aba, Cat. $550 $100 Sold $100 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1/- blue green with wmk inverted. Mint with part disturbed o.g but well centered & fresh. ACSC 30Ca, Cat. $4000 MLH $300 Sold $300 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1/- blue green. MVLH with slightly toned gum, centred slightly low left. ACSC 30G, Cat. $450 $120 Sold $120 |
 1913 1st Watermark 1/- deep green, perfined large "OS" with "break top frame over "L" of Australia" variety. F/U with neat parcel cancel. ACSC 30Ab… $100 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2/- brown. CTO with gum & crisp "MELBOURNE DEC 13" cds. ACSC 35b, Cat. $300 $120 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2/- brown. MLH, centred a little left. Fresh ACSC 35a Cat. $650 $100 Sold $100 |
 1913 1st Watermark 2/- brown. MLH, centred low left with hinge remnant. ACSC 35A, Cat. $650 $100 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2/- brown. MUH & well centred, but discoloured gum so priced as MLH. ACSC 35A, Cat. $650 $180 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2/- dark brown with "white flaw under 2nd "l" of shilling" variety. F/U with Perth P.P. cancel, centred right. ACSC 35B(1)f, Cat… $180 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2/- dark brown. MLH with strong colour. ACSC 36B, Cat. $1500 $500 Archived |
 1913 1st Watermark 2/- dark brown. MLH, shortish perf at top for accuracy. Well centred. ACSC 35b Cat. $1500 $170 Sold $170 |