Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets. Fine MUH. Fine cond. SG MS2607/23 Retails $180.
Sold $70
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne set of 17 Sheetlets in AP pres folder. Fine. SG MS2607/23 Retails $180.
Sold $75
2006 Commonwealth Games ditto. SG MS2607/23 Retails $180.
Sold $90
2006 Dangerous Australians Spider pack containing the semi-imperforate Miniature sheet with $1 Redback. Retail $55
Sold $32
2008 Aviation Qantas Airbus A380 Imperforate Min Sheet pair with printers colour guide lines at the top plus the 1999 Penny & $1.20 Torch Relay coi…
Sold $38
2009 Aust Legends "Signature Edition" pres pack with imperf sheetlet of 12 & final artwork sheetlet signed by Graeme John & dated 22-12-09. Very di…
Sold $40
2012 20c Pineapples blocks of 10 x 3 from bottom of sheet with "$10.00" imprint on selvedge showing the "misaligned printing" error on all 5 bottom…
Sold $40
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map Miniature Sheet tied by 3 neat cds's for Ellenbrook, WA. Rarely seen commercially used. Some light indentation affecting t…
Sold $44
2013 $100 Kangaroo & Map sheetlet of 10 x $10 with "Specimen" & "OS" Perfd & ovptd examples in Colonial Heritage pack. Scarce as withdrawn early du…
Sold $110
2013 $1 Video Stamp with AP info brochure plus & an unopened example. A trial when you purchased an Express Post or Express Courier env/bag at Chri…
Sold $32
2014 "Albany Great War Centennial Exhibition 1-3 August 2014" with $7 stamp booklet, Aust War Memorial replica card ovptd & Great War M/S all ovptd…
Sold $50
2014 KGV Cent with 4 x 70c panes of 10 & one mixed pane with "OS", "Specimen" etc concertina strip of 50 x 10 all CTO Flinders Lane, Victoria. SG 4…
2014 Nostalgic Advertisements set of 5 sheetlet in rouletted concertina strip of 50 x 5 all CTO Flinders Lane, Victoria. SG 4215/19 Retail $60 per …
2015 Anzac Cent M/S's x 100 Flinders Lane, Victoria CTO examples. SG MS4347 Retail $6 each. (100)
Sold $70
2015 "Long May She Reign" QEII M/S's x 100 Flinders Lane, Victoria CTO examples. SG MS4430 Retail $15 ea. (100)
2015 $3.50 Animals in War M/S's x 100 Flinders Lane, Victoria CTO examples. SG MS4465 Retail $8 each. (100)
2015 Hong Kong 20-23 Nov Exhib M/S's x 100 Flinders Lane, Victoria CTO examples. SG MS4484 Retail $10 ea (100)
2015 Singapore Exhib set of 6 for each day of event M/S's x 10 sets all CTO Flinders Lane, Victoria. SG MS4411/16 Retail $50 per set. (10 sets)
2016 Critically Endangered animals set of 7 imperforate sheetlets / M/S's printed on flocked gummed paper from the "Impressions" limited edition pa…
Sold $60
2016 Yearbook Sheetlets for the Gold Medallists ($1 x 8) plus the $1 Jared Tallent later gold, the $1 Dylan Alcott Paralympian gold & "Love to Cele…
Sold $46
2017 (30th Mar-2nd April) "Rare Beauties" Gemstones Medallion & M/S set of 4 pmkd each day of the Melbourne Int Stamp Exhib. Limited to just 250 se…
Sold $140
2017 (8th-11th Sept) $2 Koala set of Day 1 to 4 Miniature Sheets issued specially for the China International Collection Expo with each postmarked …
Sold $110
2018 Newcastle Philatelic Society Centenary booklet set of 3. Each numbered 55 of only 150. Incls original 1947 set tied by NPS cachet & the Person…
Sold $40
2018 $4 Australian Eucalyptus Israel Stamp Championship M/S's x 100 Flinders Lane, Victoria CTO examples. SG MS 4918 Retail $10 each. (100)
2018 (21st-24th Sept) The Great Barrier Reef set of 4 embellished M/S's issued for the Macau International Stamp Exhibition. Each postmarked on the…
Sold $160
2018 (26th Oct) Holden's Motorsport Legends & 50 Years of Bathurst 50c PNC ovptd "2018 Brisbane Stamp & Coin Show 10 & 11 November 2018 PATRON" in …
Sold $60
2018 (26th Oct) Holden's Motorsport Legends & 50 Years of Bathurst 50c PNC ovptd "2018 Brisbane Stamp & Coin Show 10 & 11 November 2018 PATRON" in …
Sold $60
2018 The Great Barrier Reef Macau set of 4 embellished M/S's. MUH & CTO sets. (8)
Sold $42
2018 (10-11th Nov) "Brisbane Stamp & Coin Show 2018 PATRON" gold ovpt on "And so it is Peace" M/S. No 85 of 100. MUH
Sold $44
2018 (10-11th Nov) "Collectors Day Brisbane Stamp & Coin Show" ovpt in green on AAT Crabeater Seal M/S pmkd Mansfield Qld on opening day also in gr…
Sold $42
2018 Finches set of 6 embellished M/S's as issued for the Thailand World Stamp Show. MUH & still in original packaging. (6)
Sold $55
2018 (28th Nov-3rd Dec) Finches embellished set of 6 M/S's issued for the World Stamp Exhibition in Thailand. Each numbered & pmkd on respective da…
Sold $180
2018 (28th Nov-3rd Dec) Finches ditto with each numbered & pmkd on respective day but then tied by gold foil pictorial cancel to official covers. S…
Sold $180
2018 (28th Nov-3rd Dec) Finches ditto with set of 6 on individual covers but only tied by the gold foil pictorial cancels. Again postmarked on the …
Sold $65
2018 AAT Crabeater Seal M/S's ovptd "Ace Stamp Auctions" with logo & 2018 auction dates. MUH & CTO examples. Ltd to 100. (2)
Sold $70
Australia: First Day Cover
1932 (15th Feb) 1/- Lyrebird (large) on plain cover cancelled Perth with "Prevent Bush Fires" slogan cancel. Good cond with a little staining aroun…
Sold $120
1937 (10th May) 1d QM & 2d KGVI official POC illust FDC uprated by 3d KGV & 1/- Lyrebird for airmail transmission to England plus3 matching normal …
Sold $160
1937 (1st Oct) NSW Sesqui Sydney Regd illust cover addressed to Mitchell with all 3 vals plus another with set uncancelled & 5 with just the 2d & 3…
Sold $50
1946 (18th Feb) Peace set of 3 on plain Albany registered cover with each tied by neat Albany cds's & then 50 years later, a set of the 3 commem 45…
Sold $30
1946 (18th Feb) "Peace and Victory" Arthur Bergen illust cover with Peace set of 3 tied by Greenock, SA cds. Signed by Bergen on reverse. Exc cond …
Sold $75
1946 (14th Oct) Mitchell set of 3 on 5 diff illust covers incl a Challis, Wide World, Royal Geographic Soc. & Mitchell plus one unknown. Fair to go…
Sold $40
1949 (10th Oct) 3½d UPU Arthur Bergen "globe" illust cover with neat Greenock, SA cds * signed by Bergen on reverse. Exc cond.
Sold $30
1949 (28th Nov) 2½d John Forrest on Arthur Bergen created cover with "Posted from the town of Forrest (W.A.) named after this famous Australia" ad…
Sold $100
1949 (28th Nov) 2½d John Forrest on another Arthur Bergen created cover with "Born near Bunbury (W.A.)" added along with date of issue all in red …
Sold $80
1953 (10th Feb) War Memorial pair, 3d Produce Food x 2 & Coronation x 2 on Guthrie covers plus 1957 7½d QEII & 1958 8d Kingsford Smith also on Gut…
Sold $40
1953 (25th May) 3½ & 7½ Coronation Arthur Bergen illust covers with 3½d tied by "TRANS AUST RAILWAY PAY TRAIN 1" cds & the 7½d by "QUORN ALICE …
Sold $100
1956 (22nd Nov) Olympic Games "Royal" FDC registered "Richmond Park Kiosk 1, XVI Olympiad, Vic Aust No.0723" & with set of 4 tied by two pictorial …
Sold $75
1961 (18th Oct) 5d AAT Mawson on set of 6 Royal illust embellished covers all with diff colour combinations of the same design. Neatly hand address…
Sold $40
1963/64 7/6d, 10/- & £2 Navigators on individual AK Atkins FDC's all with typed addresses & the characteristic "FIRST DAY OF ISSUE" red boxed cach…
Sold $160
1963 (3rd Dec) 2/3d Cable on set of 6 Royal illust embellished covers all with diff colour combinations of the same design. Neatly hand addressed i…
Sold $40

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