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Airmails: Airmails - Papua & New Guinea |
 1943 (6th Jan) Port Moresby to Sydney cover addressed to Hudson Fysh with enclosed Qantas Empire Airways letter from Port Moresby RAAF Station Supe… $300 Archived |
Airmails: Ephemera |
 1928 "Souvenir Programme Tasman Flight (Australia to New Zealand) Squadron-Leader Kingsford Smith & Flight-Liet CTP Ulm, 1928 - Wellington Edition"… $120 Sold $240 |
1929 (1st Mar) Australian Aerial Services Limited "AAS Time Table & General Information" booklet with route map, advertisements, schedules, article… $120 Sold $130 |
 1929 (Apr) "Squadron Leader Kingsford Smith & Flight Lieutenant Ulm who last year accomplished the great Trans Pacific Flight I the "Southern Cross… $50 Sold $75 |
 1930's publicity material incl Holymans Airways 1934 Melbourne Centenary Air Race course map, KNILM souvenir "in 2½ days via Java to Australia" la… $200 Sold $260 |
 1931 (Sept) "Bringing Australia closer to the Motherland Kingsford Smith Champion of the Air" promotional folder for his Australia to England fligh… $60 Sold $95 |
 1934 "The Centenary Air Race Chart" 1st Edition containing the complete information for "Competitors; Routes; Mileages; Trophy; Officials; Records;… $150 Sold $500 |
 1934/35 "The Directors and Staff of Kingsford Smith Air Service Limited wish you A Merry Christmas, A Prosperous New Year and may all your future l… $30 Sold $30 |
 1935 Air timetables for Imperial Airways England to Australia, Qantas Brisbane to Singapore "linking with Imperial Airways" & KLM (Royal Dutch Airl… $60 Sold $60 |
 1940 (2nd March) First edition of the "Qantas Aeradio News" folder. This was issued to passengers daily when flying the route between Singapore & S… $25 Sold $25 |
 1943 "The Airgraph Service" instructions on original form with the letter side showing a sender's address dated Port Lincoln 1 December 1943. Ex Br… $30 Archived |
 1973 (27th June) Handwritten letter from Ernest Crome to include with covers carried on the last flight of the Southern Cross. Details damage to hi… $20 Sold $20 |
Airmails: Vignettes |
 1920 Herald and Weekly Times "Pals" vignette in red. This vignette was affixed to mail to promote the "Pals" boy's magazine. MLH with some gum faul… $40 Sold $60 |
 1950 TAA "Fly with the mail" Air Mail vignette booklet with 3 panes of 4. Rarely seen & in VG cond. Frommer 87c $50 Sold $50 |
 1956 (19th Dec) Bowater Paper Co Ltd env with 2/- Olympics tied by Melbourne cancel & addressed to London with colour Air Mail "waving flag" cut to… $20 Sold $46 |
 1958 Qantas "Air Mail Stickers" complete booklet containing 6 panes of 2. Good cond & an attractive addition to an airmail exhibit. Frommer 102c $30 Sold $32 |
Airmails: Literature |
 "The Airmails of New Guinea 1922-42" by Dan Hare (1978) Incls list of pilots & aircraft with registrations & owners plus dates of arrivals. Useful.… $20 Sold $20 |
"Australian Air Mail Catalogue" Flight reference material for the 1919 Ross Smith Flight as used by Nelson Eustis in the compilation of his catalog… $50 Sold $50 |
Australian Air Mail Catalogue by & signed Nelson Eustis (1984). Numbered 623 of 1500 signed plus 3 references used in its publication being 3rd edi… $25 Archived |
"The QANTAS Coronation Daly Flights June 1953, The Untold Story…" by Collyer, Genge & Wolf (2013). Extensively illust with the latest research. A… $25 Sold $32 |
"The Forgotten Giant of Australian Aviation - Australian National Airways" by Peter Yule (2001). Published by Hyland House. Hardback with 318pp & b… $25 Sold $25 |
"Balloon Posts: World Catalogue" by Drs J. Boesman (1968). Published in Netherlands but in English with b&w photos. Flights listed in date order by… $20 Sold $16 |
"The Australian Aviation Yearbook 1947-48" edited by Stanley Brogden (1947). Useful for background research of the day. 224pp with some pages insec… $20 Archived |
"British Air Mails 1784-1946" complied by N.C. Baldwin (1947). Aviation events listed in date order with postal rates & illust pmks, cachets etc. 2… $20 Sold $20 |
"Qantas Aeriana 1920-1954" by EA Crome. One of the limited-edition copies of 100 bound in red with dedication to Tom Frommer from the author. Incls… $150 Sold $150 |
"The Ross Smith Stamp & Its Postal History - The Definitive Reference Guide" by Tom Frommer. (2011) As the title says the definitive guide with num… $40 Sold $46 |
"The Centenary Air Race" Volume 24 No's 1 & 2 (1985). "The Journal of the Aviation Historical Society of Australia". Extremely detailed account of … $40 Sold $110 |
"Sieger Zeppelin Post catalogue" (1995) & Michel Zeppelin Specialised catalogue (2003 in English). Latter item "as new". Useful references with Mic… $30 Sold $55 |
1925 (June) to 1938 (April) British Air Mail Schedules, Maps & Air Fees copies as used by Tom Frommer for research. Essential & important for docum… $75 Archived |
Airmails: World Airmails |
 Arctic 1931 Wilkins-Ellsworth Trans-Arctic Submarine Expedition covers from Norway x 2, one registered & signed by "Hubert Wilkins" with Longyearby… $200 Sold $340 |
 Argentina 1929 (12th Oct) Argentina to Chile (Northern Route) endorsed "Via aerea Panagra" by Pan American Grace Airways with Buenos Aires cds & "C… $200 Archived |
 Belgium 1910 (3rd Aug) Aviation meeting b&w postcard showing aviators preparing for a flight. Belgium 1¢ grey arms tied by clear Stockel (Aviation… $180 Archived |
 Bolivia 1926 (13th Nov) Potosi to Cochabamba per Pilot Lemaitre with 5¢ Arms tied to view side of photo "Tiaguanaco" postcard with "Pri Er Correo … $200 Archived |
Cambodia 1931 (5th May) Preyveng, Cambodia to Consulate General of the Netherlands, Sydney. Registered cover franked 1p95 for that leg of the KLM H… $400 Archived |
 Canada 1919 (14th June) St John's, Newfoundland to Ireland by Capt. John Alcock & Lt Arthur Whitten Brown in a Vickers Vimy. "The Cochrane" hotel c… $1800 Sold $1300 |
 Canada 1930 (9th Oct) Newfoundland to England cover endorsed "Courtesy of Capt. Boyd & Lt Connor USNR Transatlantic Fliers" carried on second fligh… $300 Archived |
 Canada 1932 (19th May) Newfoundland to Germany cover carried by Fritz Hammer in "Dornier" DOX flying boat on "Harbour Grace Airport Trust Co" print… $300 Archived |
 China 1925 (26th Sept) China to Japan cover carried by Francesco de Pinedo with "3 Cts" on 4¢ Junk tied by bilingual cds with neighbouring boxed "… $1800 Archived |
 Colombia 1925 (27th June) Colombia to Venezuela First Flight per flying boat "Idoor" with 3¢ tied by "Agencia Postal Barranquilla…" cds in blue … $180 Archived |
 Colombia 1929 (24th Aug) La Dorado, Caldas, Colombia to Coolangatta, Queensland cover which sender has adapted from a Californian automotive compan… $500 Archived |
 Colombia 1932 (13th Oct) Caucaya to Bogota Military Flight stampless cover with rubber "Correo Aereo Militar 13Oc1932 Caucaya" cds. Similar "… Po… $150 Archived |
 Egypt 1935 (31st Mar) Egypt to Australia with full set of 5 Aero Congress adhesives tied by Mamura cds's. Obvious foxing on 15m, minor on 5m & 20m.… $30 Sold $30 |
 Fiji 1930 (14th July) Labasa to Suva printed Fiji Air Lines cover with ½d & 1½d KGV tied by P.O. Labasa cds's . Suva b/s. Good cond. AAMC (1997) … $50 Archived |
 Fiji 1933 (18th Mar) Lautoka to Suva Fiji Airways printed cover x 2, both with 2d KGV frankings & pmkd PO Levuka & Suva b/s's. VG cond. AAMC (1997)… $50 Archived |
 Fiji 1933 (21st Mar) Levuka to Suva on Fiji Airways printed cover with 2d KGV franking pmkd PO Levuka with typed address & b/s Suva 23 MR 33. VG co… $25 Sold $18 |
 Fiji 1933 (1st May) Fiji Airways printed "First Fiji Air Mail to Taveuni Carried by Fiji Airways, Ltd March 28, 1933" printed covers x 24 all with … $50 Sold $35 |
 Fiji 1941 (9th Nov) Fiji to USA x 6 & one to NZ all bearing 2 line "FIRST TRANSPACIFIC AIRMAIL Suva, Fiji to Auckland, N.Z." x 2, ditto " to Honolu… $100 Archived |
 Fiji 1925 (25th Aug) Suva, Fiji to San Francisco, USA with 3 x 1d KGV tied by Suva cds's. Sent by ship to San Francisco where the previously purcha… $800 Sold $1050 |
 France 1909 (22nd Oct) Menu card from aviation dinner signed by Louis Charles Joseph Blériot, who 3 months earlier became world-famous for making … $1200 Archived |
 France 1910 (22nd June) Illustrated cover hand addressed to Sydney for the Grande Semaine d 'Aviation ("Grand Week of Aviation") in Rouen attended … $500 Archived |