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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Germany-Poland Occupation "General Government" 1940-1945 collection on leaves with mainly MLH from ovpts on Poland (set of 26), complete plus used … $75 Sold $190 | |||
Germany-Allied Occupation Used collection of general issues with British, American, French & Russian Zones plus a few Saar. Also modest ranges of W… $70 Sold $250 | |||
Germany Mostly post-war from "Bund", DDR & Berlin in no particular order but neatly arranged & fine MUH & CTO throughout. Noted 1959 Beethoven Hall… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Germany-Berlin 1949-1990 noting 1949 ovpts to 5mk in black MLH & to 80pf used in red before pictorials to 5mk & ovpts to 1mk. Also1950 ERP used, Or… $350 Sold $350 | |||
Germany-East 1949-1974 MLH & used in Schaubek quality black leaved stockbook. No Marx M/S or other 1950's-1960's M/S's but incls 1950 Debria M/S MV… $250 Archived | |||
Germany-East 1949-1990 collection in 5 quality German illust albums, 4 with slipcases. Volume 1 to 1958 is mixed MLH & used missing only Academy of… $220 Sold $180 | |||
Germany-West 1949-1988 in 3 quality Lindner Hingeless albums. Lots of gaps pre-1960 then approx. 90% complete to 1988 with many issues present both… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Germany-West 1949-1997 in large Lighthouse black-leaved stockbook from 1949 Parl used incl Stamp Cent MLH, 1950 Bach MLH, 1951 defins used, Wuppert… $350 Archived | |||
Germany-West 1952-1967 used selection on "Safe" leaves in binder plus 1949-1974 MUH/MLH/used on Lighthouse & KA-BE hingeless leaves in Senator bind… $90 Sold $90 | |||
Germany-West 1966-1975 Safe album with approx. 80% MUH complete plus used on leaves from 1991-2001 & some Berlin & DDR all in boxed ring binder & S… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Germany-West 1985-1990 near complete collection both CTO/fine used & MUH including M/S's all in KABE hingeless album. Fine & fresh throughout. (100s) $70 Archived | |||
Ghana (186 + 6 M/S's) & Gold Coast (90) 1889-1953 MLH on Hagners with some MUH. Main value in KGV to 2/6d, Silver Jubilee, KGVI 1938 to 10/- with s… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Gibraltar 1898-1970 mainly MLH on Hagners noting Silver Jubilee, KGVI to 2/- incl some better perf varieties, RSW & 1953 to £1 plus 1960/62 to £1… $150 Sold $120 | |||
Gilbert & Ellice 1911-1969 range noting 1911 Palms, 1935 Silver Jubilee, KGVI 1939/51 x 2 incl some F/U, RSW, 1956 to 10/- plus extras with vals to… $50 Sold $60 | |||
Great Britain 1843-1984 covers & fronts starting with 1843 QV PSE struck with black M/C over 1d pink embossed before jumping to 1948 2½d RSW pair … $30 Sold $30 | |||
Great Britain 1887-1988 MUH/MLH collection in peg fitting album. Defins incl QV with 7 vals to 6d, KEVII in 14 shades with vals to 7d, KGV Downey h… $650 Sold $650 | |||
Great Britain 1895-1947 selection of mail items to Germany with majority pre-1916 & comprising pre-stamped postcards, wrapper & covers. Mixed range… $40 Archived | |||
Great Britain 1937-1947 stampless military mail covers mainly WWII with odd WWI. Variety of censor marks & FPO cds's. Some corner damage from photo… $25 Archived | |||
Great Britain 1953-1990 commems in 2 boxed Safe Dual albums to 1980 plus loose pages to 1990 (no stamps). Some sets missing to 1966 then largely co… $50 Sold $40 | |||
Great Britain 1972-1996 FDC's with 1972-1984 in albums. Neatly addressed & fine cond. (278) $180 Archived | |||
Great Britain 1984-2003 Collectors Yearpacks complete. Total FV £330+ (A$590) & STC £1180. Opening at only 65% of FV. (20 packs) $380 Archived | |||
Great Britain 1984-2004 Yearbooks complete in exc cond. Total FV £350+ (A$620+) Opening at a conservative 65% of FV. (21 vols) $400 Sold $400 | |||
Great Britain 1999 "Men of Letters" Benham series with vals from £1.50 to £5 & "Millennium Countdown" set of 12 Benham Silk FDC's plus 3 diff Ben… $120 Sold $120 | |||
Great Britain Range of QV 1d red "stars" (52) & plate numbers (28) plus other QV incl 1d red imperf (6), 1841 2d blue imperf (2) & 1858/76 2d perfd… $75 Sold $85 | |||
Great Britain QV & KEVII used range starting with 1d red imperfs (17, poor to good) & 2d blue (4 margins, Cat. £90) with later in very mixed cond … $180 Sold $180 | |||
Great Britain QV-KGVI on Hagners noting 1840 1d black (2 broad margins), 1870 ½d rose-red in plates 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 (straight edge) & 19… $250 Sold $250 | |||
Great Britain QEII pre-decimal collection on Hagners in padded binder noting 1955 castles with both DLR & Waterlow sets MLH, Mult wmk & no wmk sets… $200 Sold $180 | |||
Great Britain Extensive duplicated lot in various stockbooks & albums with MUH/MLH QEII in stockbook incl no wmk castles to £1 MUH, commems with s… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Great Britain-Guernsey 1941-1986 simplified complete incl 1969, 1971, 1977 & 1982 PD's. Regionals & some commem sets are used but defins to £5 are… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1958-1986 incl defins & PD's to £2 MUH 1973 issues are used, later nearly all MUH incl 1983 £5, complete incl few extra… $60 Sold $45 | |||
Great Britain-Jersey 1941-1984 complete MUH plus some later MUH/used incl all PD sets. Fine. (406 MUH,33 used) $80 Sold $55 | |||
Great Britain-Jersey 1969-1983 Stanley Gibbons Hingeless illustrated album with slipcase incl all MUH issues to 1983 missing about 10 items. Empty … $50 Sold $40 | |||
Great Britain-Channel Islands & IOM plus Ireland. 1960's & 1970's glassine bags of duplicated commem sets & defins (some short sets) largely MUH/ML… $25 Archived | |||
Hong Kong Mixed MUH, MLH & used on Hagners with smattering of pre-1935 common, before Silver Jubilee set, KGVI most to $2 MLH, 1941 MLH with entrie… $160 Sold $220 | |||
Hungary 1949-1989 in Schaubek 3 albums with a good range of used. Some MUH/MLH incl M/S's but cond varies & rather untidily presented reflected in … $160 Archived | |||
Iceland 1925-1956 range on Hagner incl 1925 Views MLH (tanned gum from stockbook storage), 1930 Millenary to 40a & Airmail all with Official ovpts,… $190 Sold $180 | |||
India & States MLH & used on Hagners with a few QV to 12a, KEVII ditto, KGV to 1R, 1929 Airs (8a used), 1931, 1935 Silver Jubilee sets MLH & 1937 t… $80 Sold $190 | |||
Indochina 1892-1946 in Lighthouse black-leaved stockbook. Main value in post-1930 with 1933 Airs set of 22 MLH, 1936 Annam (Cat. £35) & Cambodia (… $60 Sold $110 | |||
Indonesia 1948-1973 MUH/MLH/used collection missing only four 1948/50 vals before mainly MUH/MLH to the end incl M/S's & "back of the book". Clean … $300 Sold $250 | |||
Iraq Used range on printed pages noting ovpts on Ottoman Empire to 10R, Official ovpts to 1R & on Iraq pictorials to 10R incl both 2R colours on Ki… $50 Sold $110 | |||
Ireland 1922-1992 in Lighthouse stockbook. Incls a few 1922 ovpts to 9d then c95% complete mixed MLH/used incl 1929 Emancipation MLH, 1932 Congress… $60 Sold $85 | |||
Israel 1948-1973 Mostly without tabs to 1960 with mixed MLH & used (odd MUH) then mainly MUH with tabs folded under. Missing 1948 1000m, 1949 Tabll… $100 Sold $180 | |||
Israel 1950-1971 duplicated in 16pp black-leaved stockbook. Mixed tab/no tab pre-1960 incl 1000pr Menarch MLH (no tab), later with tabs throughout.… $60 Sold $60 | |||
Israel 1950's-1980 duplicated MUH in large "as new" black-leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Most have short or full tabs up to 1962 before all full tabs… $100 Sold $130 | |||
Israel 1966-1994 but starts at 1968 & arranged backwards to 1966, then 1970/78 & odd later to 1994 in 64pp black-leaved quality Lighthouse stockboo… $80 Sold $130 | |||
Israel 1974-1976 MUH duplicated up to 20 of each but mostly 13-15. Starts at Jewish Art (11/6/74) through to Jewish New Year (17/8/76) in quality 1… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Israel 1976-1982 sets mostly x 13-15 of each MUH in "as new" large Prinz black-leaved stockbook. Some earlier & noted later up to 1994 with x 5 of … $80 Sold $100 | |||
Israel 1979-1980 similarly housed to above lot but uneven quantities & some overlap with 1974/76 & earlier. All clean & fresh. (100s) $40 Sold $40 | |||
Italy 1989-1992 Yearbooks with slipcases. Beautifully presented incl the 1990 World Cup sheetlets & 1992 Columbus set of 6 M/S's plus high val defi… $180 Archived | |||
Jamaica 1860-1994 MUH/MLH/used with main value in QEII MUH with 100+ commem sets MUH. No Bob Marley set otherwise appears complete & nearly all MUH… $75 Sold $120 | |||
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