Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Pre-decimal small auction lot purchases on Hagners, stockcards & protector sleeves. Noted 3d Sturt with pl.1 blocks MUH, KGVI 3½d blue imprint pai…
Sold $460
1966-1973 range of complete MUH sheets of 100 incl 1966 4c Christmas, 1967 Bible, 1969 Flight (2 sheets), 1970 5c Grasslands, 5c & 30c Cook (latter…
Sold $440
1966-1984 in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Appears complete MUH incl 1971 Xmas in pane of 25. Total FV $170+
Sold $110
1966-1985 & 1987-1994 collection in Seven Seas Hingeless albums in 2 vols. Complete simplified with odd extra perf variety, Framas & Navigators set…
Sold $300
1966-2001 good to fine used on photocopied Seven Seas pages in 2 vols. Many useful incl Int Post & M/S's with majority fine used. 95% complete incl…
Sold $70
1966-2009 Fine to good used incl CTO range on 85 Hagner/Prinz pages in "as new" cond. Noted $10 Kakadu block of 4 with central cds & some later Ter…
Sold $55
1988 Bicentennial Benham Silk Cover collection in quality Lighthouse album with slipcase. Incls all First Fleet issues plus Living Together sets & …
Sold $75
Cinderellas 1920's-1950's range noting Parramatta 150th Anniv x 100 with scenes/people (some dupl), "Victory Stamp" in blocks of 4 & 8 showing old …
Sold $220
Cinderellas 1966-1993 range of MUH issues & on covers/cards. Incls 1966 WAPEX Perth block of 9, 1980 1st Nat Philatelic Convention, $1.20 Dubbo Tra…
Sold $42
First Day Covers 1956-59 Range of Guthrie hand addressed covers incl 1956 3½d Govt pair, 1957 4d SA Govt pair, Christmas pair, 2/- AAT, 1958 War M…
Sold $130
First Day Covers 1959-63 range of WCS pre-decimal all with typed address & neat GPO Perth cds's. Vals to 5/- Cattle. Some corner wear but mostly cl…
Sold $26
First Day Covers 1970-1986 unaddressed official covers incl 1970/72 low val commems, 1971 Christmas block of 7, 1972 Primary Ind & 1974 Paintings. …
Sold $26
First Day Covers 1970-2000 in 8 APW albums missing only 1970 5¢ small Cook otherwise complete. Huge cost & even bigger retail. Opening at less tha…
Sold $500
First Day Covers 1970's-1980's are the majority unaddressed but incls some later to 2012. Incls booklet panes of 10, Framas, AAT base covers & odd …
Sold $60
First Day Covers 1980-2010 range with high degree of completeness & presented on Hagners in 8 vols. Total FV of issues is $1200+ (100s)
Sold $300
First Day Covers 2000-2014 range in 4 SG New Pioneer cover albums & a Lighthouse. High degree of completeness including 2000 Gold Medallists (retai…
Sold $420
First Day Covers 2007-2016 incl M/S's & Int Post. Exc cond with a high retail for these hard to find later covers. FV $240+ (80)
Sold $120
Hutt River Province 1979-1994 range of issues with the rarely seen later issues in sheets & sheetlets. All MUH & fine with some used on piece with …
Sold $100
Maxicards 1990-2002 complete incl AAT plus Int Post, Vals to $20 & Framas. Superb cond in 7 Cumberland albums. 216 issues with an approx. new issue…
Sold $260
Maxicards 1992-2007 appearing complete consisting of 282 issues incl Framas, AAT & Int Post. All still in original AP wrapping. Massive original co…
Sold $260
Maxicards 2008-2015 selection in quality album with 30+ issues represented incl Int Post vals. Exc cond.
Sold $95
Medallion Covers 2007-2011 selection in Cumberland album incl 2007 "Blast Off", 2008 Olympics, WYD/Pope, AFL Hawks, Megafauna 2009 Earth Hour, Dolp…
Sold $200
Miniature Sheets An imperforate range incl 2005 Rotary, 2007 Architecture, 2013 AAT Antarctic Expedition, 2013 $10 Kangaroo & Map, 2014 Fireworks &…
Sold $90
Miniature Sheets Selection of MUH & F/U noting AAT 1995 Whales ovptd Capex & Singapore (Retail $80+) & 1999 A99 perfined navigators pair all MUH pl…
Sold $75
Miniature Sheets - Exhibition Overprints 1970-2013 incl 1970 Cook ANPEX, 1976 NSW Philas House Appeal, 1996 Indonesia '96 on Joint Issue, USSR Join…
Sold $160
PNC's 1994-2011 range incl the scarce 2000 Anzacs, 2001 Army, the 2000 $5 Olympic Sports pair, 2002 QEII Accession & 2007 Ashes. These 6 along reta…
Sold $500
PNC's 2000-2008 range incl the scarce 2000 VC - Valour, Legends -Anzacs, the 2000 $5 Olympic Sports pair, 2002 QEII Accession & 2008 Army. All in f…
Postage Dues 1902-1960 collection arranged in cat. order with annotations. "Blank at base" monocolours to 5/- mixed MLH (incl 8d) & used, "Base com…
Postage Dues Blocks & varieties with all used vals having cds cancels with vals to 1/- surface printed & 5/- recess. MLH vals to 1/-. ACSC Cat. $17…
Sold $350
Postal Stationery selection noting Airletters, letter cards, registered letters & aerogrammes unused with 12 from 1954-1966 period & 1967-1986 with…
Sold $46
Presentation Packs 1969-1977 complete in quality APW albums with info inserts. Incls scarce 1970 Expo & Royal Visit in Japanese (retail at $195), 1…
Sold $270
Underpaid Mail 1970's-1980's commercial mail with a variety of Tax markings on small & larger covers in open box. Useful for research. (100s)
Sold $40
Varieties A selection of decimal varieties & printing flaws incl 1966 4c QEII plate 24 block of 20 x 2 & blocks of 4 for 24, 27 & 28 plus 7c QEII P…
Sold $42
Varieties Decimal range with 1971 7¢ A/Asia marginal block of 3 with left pair missing pink, right stamp partially missing pink & a separate singl…
WWII Censored & military covers in individually protected glassines many with price stickers of $10 or $15 ea. Excellent variety of strikes with nu…
Sold $300
Yearbooks 1981-2017 complete & all unopened with stamps still in original packaging. Cost $2540 from Aust Post with a FV of $2130+ (37)
Sold $1250
Yearbook Sheetlets 2000-2016 MUH & CTO sheetlets only available in the Annual AP Yearbooks incl 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 & 2016 Olympic Gold Medallis…
Sold $360
NSW 1855 5d green imperf with 3 margins unused with dealers mark on reverse (Cat. £1200 mint) plus other vals incl 5d & 8d "diadems" ovptd "OS" ML…
Sold $110
NSW Accum of mainly used on Hagners & in envs starting with 5 neat 2d imperf Laureates in diff shades with margins from "jumbo" (ultramarine) to cl…
Sold $340
NSW Range of used incl imperf 2d, 6d in 2 shades & 1/- diadems, perfd ditto incl 5d & 8d, 1861/69 5/- "coin" & 1859/62 "registered" rough perf plus…
Sold $130
Queensland 1860 2d & 6d clean cut perf 14-16 lightly used (Cat. £180) plus range on leaves with 45 stamps incl postal fiscals. Also duplicated low…
Sold $140
Queensland Queen Victoria "Impressed Duty" selection of 55 different to £500 (no 9d, 2/6d, 6/- or £12-£15 range). All MLH with large part origin…
Queensland Specialist used with dupl on Vario sheets identified by SG numbers on stickers. Condition of earlies varies as usual but first two pages…
Sold $280
Tasmania 1924-1945 Revenues on documents. Mainly receipts & receipt pieces in favour of Storey's Creek Tin Mine (14). Also 6 receipts from Vic, 3 f…
Sold $50
Tasmania Range on stockpages, Hagners & glassines noting imperf 1d (5), 2d (4), 4d (5) & 6d (2) plus other Chalons to 1/- in mixed cond. QV heads w…
Sold $380
Tasmania Revenues group incl 2/6d perf. 11½ with BN"56", impressed 1/6d & 2/6d pieces overwritten in m/s, 1944 Mutual Fire & General Insurance pol…
Sold $120
Victoria 1870's-1890's accum of used with vals to 5/- noting 2/6d orange Stamp Duty with "Motor Transfer" ovpt. Heavily dupl 1d in glassine, 4 cove…
Sold $80
Victoria Nearly all common heavily duplicated low vals used however standing out like a beacon is the 1901/10 £1 carmine rose perf. 14 & £2 deep …
Sold $460
States Bundleware in old tobacco tin with NSW 450, Vic 250, Qld 50 plus NZ with QV 1d red x 100 & GB 1d KEVII x 50. Could be anything here amongst …
Sold $150
States Range on illustrated & plan album leaves with used in very mixed cond. Odd mint noted incl S.A. 1891/93 5d on 6d (Cat. £19) but majority co…
Sold $55

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